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Read the conversation and complete the sentences.

5-9 класс

Zedines 01 янв. 2014 г., 18:23:25 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 янв. 2014 г., 19:52:41 (10 лет назад)

1. Don't finish
2. Will not give 
3. Don't give
4. Will be
5. Will be
6. Don't come 
7. Come 
8. Will you help


Читайте также

Open the brackets and complete the sentences using past simple, past continuous or past perfect. 1. Our teacher explained to us that Americans

(wrote/had written) their Constitution 200 years before and it (worked/was working) still. 2. I was not sure that in the USA the judges (worked/had worked) in the Supreme Court as long as they (lived/were living). 3. When my brother (came/was coming), I just (finished/had finished) reading the documents. 4. William (signed/had signed) all the papers by 6 o'clock, 5. The Conference (began/had begun) before James (arrived/had arrived).

Read the story and complete the sentences with words from the text or your own words

1 Axel and the professor heard....
2 The men hid.....
3 Then, they saw.....
4 Axel found a....
Из текста
The Plot: 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'by Jules Verne is an adventure story about a professor, Otto Lidenbrock, and his nephew Axel. After they find a mysterious message from explorer Arne Saknussemm in an old book, they go on a dangerous journey to look for the centre of the earth. During their adventure, their raft is broken against rocks and they discover an amazing place...

While Hans repairs the raft, Axel and the Professor look around.

Professor: Let's explore this area over here! Professor: What's that noise? Axel: Quick! Hide!

The men hide behind some bushes.

Axel: Look! A man. And huge elephants. Professor: But, they used to live thousands of years ago. When we get home, people will be amazed by what we saw. Axel: But, will they believe us? Professor: We must get back to Hans and the raft!

Axel: Wait! What's this? 1

Professor: It's a very old knife. It must be Arne Saknussemm's!

The Professor finds initials on a cave wall.

Professor: Saknussemm was here! The compass must be broken. Professor: We found it! This must be the last part of Arne Saknussemm's journey!

Professor: Quick - let's find Hans and come back!
Помогите , добрые люди

Read the text and complete it using the right forms of the verbs !!!!! ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ!!!! -The traveller СРОЧНО!!!!

1) -A man once went to Greece. When he (come ) home he (begin ) (tell) tales about his trip. He (speak) about the things he (done). One day he (tell) his friends he (take) part in jumping-match. " I (win) it. Just (go) to Greece and ask them. Everyone (tell) you it is true.".But one of his friends who (listen) to him said,"if you can jump as well as that, we need not go to Greece. Let is (imagine) this is Greece for a minute . And now-jump!"

1 Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need negative. 1. My friends ............................................ in a big flat.* a. live b.

lives c. doesn’t live d. are living 2. The earth ............................... round the sun.* a. is going b. isn’t going c. go d. goes 3. Unfortunately Lisa ......................... French well.* a. speak b. is speaking c. don’t speak d. doesn’t speak 4. Where ............................. last night?* a. do you go b. did you go c. do you went d. did you went 5. We went to John’s house but he ........................... at home.* a. didn’t be b. don’t be c. were not d. was not 2 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a verb from this list. 1. – Peter can’t move his arm. It’s in plaster. He.............. his arm.* a. broken b. broke c. has broken d. had broken 2. Tina, would you like something to eat? – No, thank you. I............... lunch.* a. have b. had had c. have had d. haven’t had 3. - Can you remember any of Shakespeare’s plays? – Yes. I ................ Hamlet.* a. have read b. haven’t read c. read d. didn’t read 4. – Linda, is Sarah here? – Yes. She is in her office. I................. her this morning.* a. haven’t seen b. have seen c. had seen d. seen 5. I like my colleagues. We ............... together for 10 years.* a. have worked b. had worked c. have been working d. have being worked 6. Where have you been, Sam? I .................... you all morning.* a. had been looking b. have been looking c. look d. looking for 3 Choose one of the answers. 1. Sally didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because she ................ the film.* a. had already seen b. have already seen c. has already watched d. had been watching 2. – Ken, could you be quieter? ....................my homework. * a.I try b. was trying c. am trying d. be trying to do 3. We had to go home after this awful accident. Charley ................... her favorite antique vase.* a. has broken b. had broken c. fell d. have fallen 4. My grandfather gave up smoking 5 years ago. He................. 30 years. * a. smoked b. had smoked c. had smoking d. had been smoking for 4 Complete the sentences. Choose one of the following words and put it into the correct form. 1. Johnny, .....................at this red car! It’s so beautiful* a. view b. see c. watch d. look 2. When I lived in the country I.................... the sunset every night. * a. viewed b. seen c. watched d. looked 3. What are you............... about? * a. talking b. speaking c. telling d. saying 4. Tony, ...................... the dishes after dinner yet?* a. have you done b. had you made c. did you work d. did you get 5 Choose the most suitable word. 1. – Patric, I have a little problem. – If you want me to hear you out, I am all ..............* a. listen b. hear c. hearing d. ears 2. – Do you like cats? – No! I can’t.................. them! * a. see b. suffer c. stand d. tolerate 3. They do things as a..................... I suppose they should think about the consequence. * a. matter of course b. direction c. path d. route 4. Her sister is................. on the trigger. She acts and responds really fast. * a. quick b. ease c. fast d. istantly

Reread the conversation and find all the sentences with the complex object

вот текст
Mark: What happened here yesterday? Your brother John and your parents aren't talking to each other.
Emily: John wanted to go to the disco again.
Rob: What's wrong with that?
Emily: It's a long story. John is going to be fifteen this year and our parents used to let him go to the disco with his friends. Everything was OK until a month ago: John always came back on time and everybody was happy. A month ago John went to the disco as usual and promised to be home at ten o'clock. When he didn't come at ten, our parents expected him to phone and tell them what was going on, but he didn't phone. That night he came home at midnight and our parents were very upset. After that night they warned John not to do it again and our parents let him go back to the disco. But then he was late again and once again he didn't phone. A couple of days later John's teacher asked our parents to come to the school. He told Mom and Dad that John had been getting a lot of bad marks in the last few months. Our parents wanted John to explain everything and asked him a lot of questions, but he refused to answer them. Since then our parents haven't let him go out, and every Friday when his friends go to the disco and have fun, he has to stay at home and watch TV.
Rob: That's really not fair!
Misha: They make a fifteen-year-old stay at home! They don't have much respect for him!
Mark: I don't agree with you. John's parents trusted him and he let them down. It's his own fault.

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