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Ask Mike if he did that yesterday. Use the verbs..

10-11 класс

Yanaefimova 11 авг. 2013 г., 6:58:09 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 авг. 2013 г., 9:12:54 (10 лет назад)

did you play?
did you help about the house
did you watch tv?
did you skate?
did you ski?

Mile was skiing, mike was helping about the house, mile was watching tv. mike was skating

+ 0 -
11 авг. 2013 г., 10:31:41 (10 лет назад)

what verbs? какие глаголы

+ 0 -
11 авг. 2013 г., 12:02:52 (10 лет назад)

play, watch tv, help about the house, skate, ski, skip

+ 0 -
11 авг. 2013 г., 13:14:03 (10 лет назад)

so what do i have to do

+ 0 -
11 авг. 2013 г., 15:35:21 (10 лет назад)

Спасибо. Ещё надо ответить на эти вопросы, что Майк делал вчера

+ 0 -
04 окт. 2015 г., 19:32:21 (8 лет назад)

hgjhjvc ;mksdofvidsj dkh vjdgbxcgn x jclkjvklsdjckxi lojkjk cnjxhcvuj hj


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английский косвенная речь

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переведите пожалуйста в косвенная речь (то что в кавычках)
Образование Наука школа рефераты

До 17:00!!! Выразите долженствование с порщью глагола have to, must, be, should.

You..bite your nails.
Marry,you will...take our dog for a walk.
He...to stay at home yesterday because of high temperature.
You..stop smoking.
She...tell them the truth.
We...to finish the reconstruction according to the signed contract.
You...lock the door at night.
They...to meet last Friday to discuss important questions.
Everyone...obey the law.
The bus didnt come on time so we...to wait long at the bus stop.

V. Ответьте на вопросы, исходя из данных ниже просьб.

Ann, write the word ‘business’, please. 1. What is Ann doing? 2. What has she done? 3. What word has she written? 4. What did she do a minute ago? Mr. Blake, call Mr. Belov, please. 1. What is Mr. Blake doing? 2. What has he done? 3. Who has called Mr. Belov? 4. What did Mr. Blake do a minute ago?

Читайте также

Task2.Use ‘the’ or’---‘.1…North, 2…Atlantic Ocean, 3…Russian Federation,4…John, 5…Italy, 6…London, 7…best film, 8…Ivanovs

Task3.Use the verbs in the Present Perfect.1.They (to do) it today. 2.How many time… you (to see) this man? 3…you ever (to play) tennis? 4.I…never (to eat) such fish before? 5.He (not to write ) the test yet.
Task4.Ask 1 special question to each sentence.1.Fred has recently bought a new car. 2.They have already visited this museum. 3.My brother has got 2 computers at home.4.Helen has finished translating the article.
Task5.Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or in Present Perfect.1.How many tasks…you already…?( to do ) 2….you…Nick today?( to see ) 3.Yesterday I…shopping.( to go ) 4.She…her grandparents last weekend.( to visit )

Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple.

1. I (go) to bed at 10 o'clock every day. I (go) to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday.
2. My mother always (take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not, take) a bus. Yesterday she (walk) to her office.
3. Yesterday I (come) home from school at 7. I (be) very tired. I (have) dinner with my family. Then I (have) a rest.
4. Yesterday my father (not, read) newspapers because he (be) very busy.
5. Where he (spend) last summer? He (spend) last summer in the country.
6. What your brother (do) now? What your brother (do) every day?
7. My brother (go) to work every day. He (leave) home at 8. He (not, take) a bus.
8. You (come) home at 6 o'clock yesterday? No, I ...
9. I (not, have) English lessons yesterday.
10. Your sister (go) to school every day? Yes, she.
11. When you (leave) home for school every day?
12. You (watch) TV yesterday? Yes, I...
13. Kate (cook) dinner now.
14. What your brother (do) yesterday?
15. We (see) a very good film last Sunday.
16. What mother (do) now? She (cook) dinner.
17. Where your father (work) last year?
18. Look! My friends (play) football.
19. Yesterday he (not, go) to work.

Помогите пожалуйста срочно! Очень нужна помощь, выручайте!!! Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box in the correct form -

Present Simple of Present Continuous. Use each verb twice.

do, get, live, sell, think, work

a) Normally, I am in the office in the afternoon, but this month I ____ a course

b) In the winter, the reps ____ more than in the summer.

c) Our most inportant market is the Far East. We ____ bussiness with several companies there.

d) Our new product line ____ very well this year.

e) Our boss ____ very long hours.

f) He ____ of changing his job because he`s not very happy.

g) `What`s your address?` `I ____ in a hotel untif we find a nice flat.`.

h) In June, the weather ____ hot there, so take some cool clother.

i) He ____ his job is really interesting.

j) It ____ hotter. We need to get some air conditioning for the office.

k) At present, we ____ on new products and services for the future.

l) During the week, he ____ in his city flat and at the weekend he goes to the country.

Write what you would do if... Use the phrases from the box below or your own ideas.

I would ask them what the matter was.
I would try to explain to them that he / she is not bad at all // I would invite the friend home to meet my parents.
I would ring him / her up early in the morning to wake him / her up on time.
I would give him / her the copebook // I would refuse to give the copybook.
I would fight with him / her // I would never speak to him / her again // I would not be his / her friend any longer // I would try to convince him / her not to do it again.
I would explain to him that he was wrong.
I would feel depressed and angry // I would come without invitation because I am a friend.
I would do my best to help him.
1. If your best friend were ill? If my best friend were ill, I would...
2. If two of your good friends did not want to see each other?
3. If your parents did not like your best friend?
4. If your friend asked you to give him / her your homework to copy?
5. If your friend did not invite you to his / her birthday party?
6. If your friend told you lies?
7. If your friend were always late for his classes?
8. If your friend were rude to the classmates?
9. If your friend were in trouble?

It was ten o'clock at night. Eddie was tired and hungry. He (,spend) the last five hours talking to the company's senior managers. He {realise) that he

would have to resign from his job, and also that (face)the possibility of going to prison. Six months ago, everything (be) fine. He (have) a wonderful job and he (make) a lot of money. Then he (meet) some people who (advise) him badly. They (give) him a list of companies arid (tell) him to buy their shares. He (have to) use the company's money to do this. At first the shares (rise), so he (buy) some more. Everything (seem) so easy.Then the stock market (crash) and he (lose) everything. Eddie telephoned his wife before leaving the office. He (apologise) for not phoning earlier, explaining that he (have) a difficult meeting. "You (sound) upset. Anything wrong (happen)!" she asked. "I (tell) you about it if you (want) and when I (get) back," he (reply).

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