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Как переводится "I see a fat fish. It can swim well!" И "I can swim well too!"

10-11 класс

Lera19970206 24 мая 2013 г., 0:51:43 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 мая 2013 г., 3:41:26 (10 лет назад)

daslovniy perevod budet takim: ya viju jurnuyu ribu2ona mojet xoroewo plavat3ya toje mogu xorowo plavat


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стр43 рабочая тетрадь ном, 3
Pr.S.- Present Simple, P.S.- Past Simple, F.S.- Future Simple, Pr.C.- Present Continuous, P.C.- Past Continuous, F.C.- Future Continuous, Pr.P.- Present

Perfect, P.P.- Past Perfect, F.P.- Future Perfect, Pr. P.C.- Present Perfect Continuous, P.P.C.- Past Perfect Continuous, F.P.C.- Future Perfect Continuous, F.S.P.- Future Simple in the Past, F.C.P.- Future Continuous in the Past, F.P.P.-Future Perfect in the Past, F.P.C.P.- Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

2) I (to wait- Pr.P.C.) for permission to go abroad for three months, but I (not to receive- Pr.P.) the visa yet.
3) We (to drink-P.C.) tea when the telephone (to ring).
4) Light ( to travel- Pr.S.) more quickly than sound.
5) I (to finish- F.P.) the book by Friday. If you like, I (to give-F.S.) it to you on Saturday.
6) He said he (to arrive –F.S. in the Past) in the evening.
7) We already (to cover-P.P.) about ten miles when Peter, who (to look-P.P.C.) out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, exclaimed, “Here is the station.”
8) The young and the old (to suffer- F.C.) from the economic recession. (экономический спад)
9) Housewives and their children (to watch- F.P.C.) this show for three years by next autumn.
10) We thought we (to lie- F.P.C.in the Past) on the beach for half a day when our friends returned from dive.
Мы думали, что будем лежать на пляже полдня, когда наши друзья вернутся после погружения.
11) Researchers conveyed that the Earth (not to survive-F.P.in the Past) after the sun went out.
12) It was reported that Plex Company (to share- F.C.in the Past) information and its plans with subscribers in the coming months.


1. When Maria's fatger got a new job in the States, the family haed to leave their..... and move abroad.
A. harbour B. gateway C. homeland
2. Don't throw the batteries away, they're ......
A. disposable B. rechargeable C. achievable
3/ Helen was ......hungryas she hadn't eaten all day.
A. timidly B. ravenously C. earnestly
4. Animal rights organisation work to prevent ...... towards animal.
A. cruetly B. abolish C. reject
6. I won't ....... impoliteness in my class! I will be informing the headteacher about your behaviour.
A. offend B. defend C. tolerate
7. Suzanne was holding her....ticket, hoping that this time she had the rightnumbers which would make her rich beyond her wildest dreams.
A. loterry B. winnings C. scam
8. As Cindy was walking through the park, a stranger..... her handbag and ran eway.
A. mugged B. grabbed C. burgled
9. Don't be timid; you need to .... for your right to express yuorself freely.
A. stand up B. keep up C. face up

Write what each word is followed by: F. I. (full inf.), B.I. (bare inf.) or -ing form.

1. enjoy - .....

2. promise - ......

3. be made - ...

4. object to - ......

5. it's no use - .....

6. can't stand - .....

7. can't help - .....

8. had better - ...

9. resist - .....

10. agree - .....

11. can - ...

12. would like - ....

13. would - .......

14. refuse- ....

15. spend time- ......

16. avoid - ......

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Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме: 1.He speaks Chines very well. 2.His father was a doctor. 3. These books were published in

Moskow. 4. He wrote them a letter from Sochi. 5.The weather will be fine tomorrow. 6. All books must be returned to the library before the 1st of July. 7. I tought to have done it. 8. He has been working hard for the last two months. 9. He has a motor car. 10. This box weight more than that one. 11. He can swim well 12. He is working in the library. 13. They were glad to see him. 14. These boys like reading travel stories.

I am very big, heavy and fat. I live in hot countries in Asia and Africa but you can meet me in the Zoo. I have big ears.I can swim well. I like to eat

grass, vegetable and leaves.Guess, who I?

The author of a question:Annjusha99

Задание 10.11. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. 1..... I go to the college by bus. 2. I do my morning exercises... 3. We shall have invited you... 4.

Who has seen him...? 5. He was working here... 6. We have... done our work. 7. What are you doing...? 8. He was going home... 9. Will you have read the book.... ? 10. We translated this text.... 12. Did you... see them?
1) before the college 2) by Tuesday 3) often 4) during October 5) every day 6) just 7) last week 8) now 9) recently 10) usually 11) when we met 12) when he comes home 13) already

Задание 10.12. Приведены способы образования ут­вердительных и отрицательных форм кратких от­ветов типа «Я тоже». Переведите предложения. 1. Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I. 2. She can swim well. — So, can I. 3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he. 4. You like to read. — So do I. 5. They haven't had breakfast. — Neither have I. 6. He is lucky. — So am I. 6. I don't work at the office. — Neither does he.

Перевести только с не переводчика Brother Fox comes up to the well.He sees Brother Rabbit in it and says-Brother Rabbit,why are you in the well? I like

it in here ,in the well.I want to have fish for dinner,says Brother Rabbit.*I want to have fish for dinner too.*says Brother Fox.*Then jump down into the well,too if you wan to have fish for dinner,*says Brother Rabbit.*How can I can jump into the well,Brother Rabbit ?**You jump into the bucket,Brother Fox,says Brother Rabbit..Brother Fox jumps into the bucket,and the busket with Brother Fox in it goes down.The other bucket with Brother Rabbit in it comes up.Brother Rabbit jumps out of bucket.*You,silly Brother Fox,goodbye,*says Brother Rabbit and runs away.Now B.R and B .F.,are not friends.

Проверьте правильность перевода, пожалуйста.

1. Меня и других участников конференции встретили в аэропорту и отвезли в отель.2. Нам сказали, что нас ждут уже полтора часа, так как рейс был отложен.3. Студентов-первокурсников попросили покинуть аудиторию, так как они разговаривали и мешали лектору.4. Я знал, что моя сестра занимается физикой с 8 класса и думал, что будет поступать в технический университет.5. Когда Николай вернулся из командировки, его попросили перезвонить научному руководителю.6. Том сказал нам вчера, что его дедушка - физик и уже несколько лет занимается проблемами электродинамики.7. Простите, мы не думали, что вы ждёте нас.8. Меня спросили, какие эксперименты уже проведены по этой теме.9. Во время экскурсии нам показали новое лабораторное оборудование, которое только что было установлено.10. Им сообщили, что их проект рассматривается уже 2 дня и решение будет принято завтра.11. Его попросили не шуметь, так как другие студенты все ещё выполняли расчёты.12. Ученый был уверен, что решение проблемы будет найдено и он сможет продолжить работу.13. Все были уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст экзамены, так как он упорно готовился весь месяц.14. Мы знали, что вы интересуетесь этой темой, и были уверены, что вы примите приглашение выступить с докладом на конференции.
1. Me and the other conference participants met at the airport and taken to the hotel .2 . We were told that we have been waiting half an hour , as the flight was delayed.3 . First-year students were asked to leave the room as they talked and prevented the lecturer .4 . I knew that my sister is engaged physics since 8th class and thought she would enter to a technical university.5 . When Nicholas returned from a business trip , he was asked to call supervisor .6. Tom told us yesterday that his grandfather is a physicist and he has been engaging in the problems of electrodynamics for several years.7. Sorry , we did not think that you are waiting for us.8. Asked me what experiments have been conducted on this topic.9. During the tour, we were shown the new laboratory equipment that has just been established.10 . They were informed that their project has been under consideration for 2 days and a decision will be taken tomorrow.11. Asked him to be quiet because other students still perform calculations .12. The scientist was confident that the problem will be found and it can continue.13. Everyone was convinced that Boris well pass the exam , as he prepared hard all month .14. We know that you are interested in this topic , and were sure that you accept the invitation to speak at the conference.

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