Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 663 вопросов и 6 445 976 ответов!

Проверьте правильность перевода, пожалуйста.

10-11 класс

1. Меня и других участников конференции встретили в аэропорту и отвезли в отель.2. Нам сказали, что нас ждут уже полтора часа, так как рейс был отложен.3. Студентов-первокурсников попросили покинуть аудиторию, так как они разговаривали и мешали лектору.4. Я знал, что моя сестра занимается физикой с 8 класса и думал, что будет поступать в технический университет.5. Когда Николай вернулся из командировки, его попросили перезвонить научному руководителю.6. Том сказал нам вчера, что его дедушка - физик и уже несколько лет занимается проблемами электродинамики.7. Простите, мы не думали, что вы ждёте нас.8. Меня спросили, какие эксперименты уже проведены по этой теме.9. Во время экскурсии нам показали новое лабораторное оборудование, которое только что было установлено.10. Им сообщили, что их проект рассматривается уже 2 дня и решение будет принято завтра.11. Его попросили не шуметь, так как другие студенты все ещё выполняли расчёты.12. Ученый был уверен, что решение проблемы будет найдено и он сможет продолжить работу.13. Все были уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст экзамены, так как он упорно готовился весь месяц.14. Мы знали, что вы интересуетесь этой темой, и были уверены, что вы примите приглашение выступить с докладом на конференции.
1. Me and the other conference participants met at the airport and taken to the hotel .2 . We were told that we have been waiting half an hour , as the flight was delayed.3 . First-year students were asked to leave the room as they talked and prevented the lecturer .4 . I knew that my sister is engaged physics since 8th class and thought she would enter to a technical university.5 . When Nicholas returned from a business trip , he was asked to call supervisor .6. Tom told us yesterday that his grandfather is a physicist and he has been engaging in the problems of electrodynamics for several years.7. Sorry , we did not think that you are waiting for us.8. Asked me what experiments have been conducted on this topic.9. During the tour, we were shown the new laboratory equipment that has just been established.10 . They were informed that their project has been under consideration for 2 days and a decision will be taken tomorrow.11. Asked him to be quiet because other students still perform calculations .12. The scientist was confident that the problem will be found and it can continue.13. Everyone was convinced that Boris well pass the exam , as he prepared hard all month .14. We know that you are interested in this topic , and were sure that you accept the invitation to speak at the conference.

Fvvb 28 сент. 2014 г., 14:11:02 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 сент. 2014 г., 15:45:44 (9 лет назад)

1. I and the other conference participants WERE met at the airport and taken to the hotel .2 . We were told that we haD been waitED FOR  half an hour , as the flight was delayed.3 . First-year students were asked to leave the room as they WERE talkING and HINDERING the lecturer .4 . I knew that my sister HAD BEEN STUDING physics since 8th class and thought she would enter a technical university. 5 . When Nicholas returned from a business trip , he was asked to call THE supervisor .6. Tom told us yesterday that his grandfather WAS a physicist and he haD been STUDYing the problems of electrodynamics for several years.7. Sorry , we did not think that you WEre waiting for us.8. I WASAFsked what experiments haD ALREADY been DONE on this topic.9. During the tour, we were shown the new laboratory equipment that has just been SET.10 . They were informed that their project HAD BEEN under DISCUSStion for 2 days and a decision wOULD be MADE tomorrow.11. HE WAS asked to be quiet because THE other students WERE still performING calculations .12. The scientist was confident that the problem SOLUTION wOULD be found SOON and HE cOULD continue HIS WORK.13. Everyone was SURE that Boris wOULD pass the exam WELL, as he HAD BEEN  preparING hard FOR THE  month .14. We knEw that you WEre interested in this topic , and WE were sure that you WOULD accept the invitation to MAKE A REPORT at the conference.


Другие вопросы из категории

5. Выберите соответствующий вариант перевода

29. There are many wide streets in our city
a) Много широких улиц есть в нашем городе.
b) В нашем городе есть много широких улиц.
30. Was there a conference last week?
a) Была ли конференция на прошлой неделе?
b) Была ли на прошлой неделе конференция?
31. Раньше через эту реку было несколько мостов.
a) There had been several bridges across this river before.
b) Several bridges were before across this river.
32. Есть ли в Вашем регионе какие-нибудь достопримечательности?
a) Have you any sights in your region?
b) Are there any sights in your region?

помогите перевести плиз
помогите с английским))))

Читайте также

проверьте на правильность перевода, пожалуйста:

1. Моя бабушка была учителем. – My grandmother was a teacher.
2. После ужина они иногда гуляют. – After supper they sometimes go for a walk.
3. Я уверен, что вы решите эту проблему. – I am sure you will solve this problem.
4. Что ты делал вчера в это время? Я смотрел телевизор. – What were you doing yesterday at this time? I was watching TV.
5. Он никогда не был в Германии. – He has never been to German.

Нужно проверить правильно ли выполнен тест. 1. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Present Indefinite Passive.

He is reading a book.

I am a student.

I was asked at the lesson.

+The books are given to the students every lesson.

The house was built last year.

+The text is translated by the student.

2. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Past Indefinite Passive.

Many books for children will be published next year.

+Many new houses were built in Moscow.

She was reading a book.

+The book was on the table in the morning.

Was the work done in time?

3. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Future Indefinite Passive.

+I shall be offered an interesting work.

Many schools are built in our country.

+Our laboratory will be provided with all necessary equipment.

Rome was not built in a day.

These devices were made in the USA.

4. Укажите предложение, содержащее правильный перевод предложения "Меня спрашивают преподаватели на уроке".

I am asked by the teachers at the lesson.

I ask the teacher at the lesson.

+I asked the teachers at the lesson.

I shall ask the teachers at the lesson.

5. Укажите глагол, который следует вставить. The work ______ done yesterday.




shall be



will be

6. The work ______ done tomorrow.




shall be



+will be

7. The work ______ done every day.




shall be



will be

8. Укажите возможные краткие ответы на вопрос: "Was the work done by the students yesterday?".

No, it isn't

+No, it wasn't

Yes, it is

+Yes, it was

9. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Passive Voice.

+He will be sent to the South in April.

I was told an interesting story.

It rained yesterday.

+Many books for children will be published in our country in the nearest future.

She dances well.

The letter is interesting.

+The newspapers were looked through yesterday morning.

+The pupil will ask me about his test tomorrow.

+The pupil will be asked at the next lesson.

The weather is cold today.

+This book was written by L. Tolstoy.

10. Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих предложений. Три новые пьесы были поставлены в этом театре в прошлом году.

Are being staged

Are staged

Had staged

+Were staged

11. Когда я приехал, в школе ставили новую пьесу.

Had been staged

Was being staged

Was staged

+Was staging

Will be staged

12. Ежегодно в нашей школе ставится новый спектакль.

Are being staged

+Had staged

Is staged

Were staged

13. Эта пьеса будет поставлена к Новому году.

Is being staged

+Will be staged

Will have been staged

14. Сейчас ставится одна из пьес Шекспира.

+Is being staged

Is staged

Is staging


15. Эту пьесу поставили, когда я приехал сюда.

Had been staged

+Has been staged


Was staged

16. Эта пьеса будет поставлена в следующем месяце.

Will be staged

Will have been staged

Will have staged

+Will staged

17. Эту пьесу поставили в этом году.

+Has been staged

Has staged

Is staged

Was staged

Проверьте, прошу вас)) пожалуйста.

Мне нужно проверить этот текст. И на наличие ошибок и по смыслу вообще. Пожалуйста.
I'd like to show you this sample of school clothers. For teenagers of my age. You can see a dress. It's divided into white blouse and dark blue skirt above the knee. Also, there is a dark blue jacket with long sleeves. Supplement this dress blac high-heeled shoes with elegant strap. All look very simple, but at the same time beautiful. I think that these clothers are suitable for school uniform prorerly, because they are nice, elegant and wonderful, but I'm not sure that the shoes are comfortable so they can be replaced.
Пожалуйста, не говорите, что нужно исправить, а скиньте уже правильные текст, со всем исправленным и ещё одна просьба, если нужно будет какое-то слово заменить, пожалуйста, не заменяйте его на какое-то заумное) чем проще тем лучше))

Помогите людишки, только правильно пожалуйста постарайтесь! Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. My parents are not at home

and I must look after my little sister. 2. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill.

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Вставьте нужный модальный глагол: can, may, could, should, need.

1. You … think about the future and not about the past.

Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

подскажите правильный вариант пожалуйста Present PerfectилиPast Simple

We………a holiday last year.

A) didn't have B) haven't had C) hadn't have

………raining yet?

A) Did it stop B) Is it stopped C) Has it stopped

Don't worry about your letter. I ………it the day before yesterday.

A) sended B) have sent C) sent

When I was a child I………for school.

A) have always been B) was always late C) had always been

Mom………her car keys, so we have to open the door by force.

A) has lost B) lost C) losed

Who is she? I………her before.

A) haven't seen B) didn't see C) never saw

подскажите правильный вариантПассивного залога, обращая внимание на видо-временную форму сказуемого пожалуйста!!

The day before yesterday we………to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

A) are invited B) were invited C) invite

Look! The bridge……….

A) is being repaired B) is been repaired C) has being repaired

The letter and the parcel………tomorrow.

A) will be post B) will have been posted C) will be posted

In Greece the Olympic Games………once in four years.

A) were held B) are being C) are held

The problem………for three years, but they haven't got any results.

A) has been studied B) has being studied C) was studied

This book………by the end of September.

A) will been republished B) will have been republished C) will be republished

I………in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

A) was borne B) was born C) am born

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