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нужны загадки на английском про спорт

5-9 класс

Beglec86 15 февр. 2015 г., 6:40:57 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 февр. 2015 г., 9:10:05 (9 лет назад)

My first is in Kendo, but not in Olympics.
My second is in hurdles and hunting.
My third is in bowman and bowling.
My fourth is in cycling and golf.
My fifth is in flying, but not in swimming.
My sixth is in running, but not in dancing.

My whole is a sport. What am I?

Kung Fu

There's one "sport" in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the
 leader until the contest ends. What is it?

. Boxing
The sport which has arisen in England, is now popular in Evrazie, Avstralie and Africa? (Football)
What name sports in which synchronously jump from a tower in water? (Synchronous jumps from a tower)
What throw in a ring, in basketball? (A basketball ball)


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста 1 Say the sentences using reported speech. 1. Kate says to her brother, "Don't

touch my things."
2. The mother says to her son, "Don't watch this film."
3. Peggy says to her sister, "Please tell me the truth."
4. The customer says to the shop assistant, "Please show me the fitting room."
5. Mary says to her brother, "Don't make so much noise, please."

8. Write your own sentences using the verbs:

a) finish(es) — finished — finished b) forget(s) — forgot — forgotten
Example: write — wrote — written
1) I write to my friends every month.
2) She wrote this letter two weeks ago.
3) Mason has just written a letter to his Russian pen friend. Can you post
(отправить) it today?

Think of what you should say if:

1. You don't understand what your teacher has just said
2. You don't know how to spell a word
3. You to get a copy of something
4. You want to find out how to say something on English
5. You are late for your English class
6. You want the teacher to write word up on the blackboard
7. You don't know how to pronounce a word
8. You want to know the English word for "землетрясение"
9. You want to know if it's your turn to read the text
10. You've left your book at home and want to say you're sorry
11. You want to know how to say something in a better English
12. You don't know how to say something in English and want you teacher to help you
Помогите решить!

Помогте создать текст на Ангийском языке там должно бить

I'd like tell you about......
What about you ?
Write me bask son

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Нужно сочинение на английском про любимый журнал.

Там должно быть сказано название, про что он, и описана статья.
Буду очень благодарна за помощь!!!

Нужно объяснить на английском 10 слов ( с переводом на русский)

Space walks, short break, crew, admire, look alegant, have privacy, in orbit, promising career, cramped, terrace house. Краткие объяснения на английском с переводом на русский, надеюсь поможете.

Помогите, пожалуйста, ответить на вопросы ( на английском) 1)Why and when did England become interested in America? 2)When did the

MAYFLOWER sail to America?

3)What did they call the partof America where they set up their first colony?

4)What kind of life did they lead?

5)Why did people in America fight for their independence from England?

6)Как ты можешь охарактеризовать колонистов? ( 1 простое предложение на английском)

7)Какие большие города в US Вы знаете?

8)How manu cents are there in a dollar?

9)What are other American coins?

10)How many cents are there in a nickel, a dime and quarter?

11)Каково название американского города, где Леви Стросс начал делать специальную одежду? Какая это была одежда?

12)Какие цвета на Американском флаге?

13)Почему 50 звёзд на флаге?

14)Почему 13 полос?

15)Каков национальный символ в Америке и правда ли что он стал им в 1782 году?

16)Что американцы празднуют 4 июля?

17)Что озночают буквы D и C в название столицы Америки?

18)Почему люди говорят Вашингтон D.C. когда говорят о столице Америки?

19)Where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows?

20)Что за символ оливковой веточка и что за символ стрелы?

на все вопросы нужно ответить на английском. Буду рада хотя бы 15 правильным полным ответам)))

Всем огромное спасибо!

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