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Barbecue in the countryside

10-11 класс

Kxax 09 марта 2017 г., 18:02:37 (7 лет назад)
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09 марта 2017 г., 19:17:16 (7 лет назад)

Барбекю в сельской местности.
Барбеки(шашлыки) за городом.


Другие вопросы из категории

Заполните пропуски правильной грамматической формой глагола to eat. СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!

1.I often ... soup for dinner. 2.Yesterday they ... vegetables for breakfast. 3.What ... you ... now? 4.Wat .... you ... for dinner yesterday? 5.What ... you ... for breakfast tomorrow? 6.He ,,, not .. now, he ... in some minutes. 7. ..... you already ... that watermelon? 8.She always ... sandwiches for breakfast. 9.I ... just ... an apple. 10.What ... she ... in the evening yesterday? 11. As a rule, we ... some fruit in the evening. 12. At the moment, she ... some ice-cream. 13. She ... vegetables every day. 14.We seldom ... cakes. 15. My sister usually ... porridge in the morning. 16.He ... never ... a pineapple . 17. ... you ever ... a pineapple? 18.She ... already ... the soup when we came. 19.We ... the soup in the hour. 20.When ... you ... porridge with milk?

2.Write the guestions.Use: What... like? or like

A:(1)______you______Spain? Did you like Spain?
B:(2)Yes, we liked it very much.
B:It's small so It's easy to find places.
A:(3)______the food?
B:Yes, I did,but I like Italian food.
B:There are a lot of meat,potatoes,and vegetables.
A:(5)______the gountryside_____?
B:It's wonderful.
A:Where did you stay? (6) ______your hotel_____?
B:It was small but nice.

Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1 My dad is often getting up late on Saturday mornings. .
2 Are you speaking any other languages apart from English?
3 I already buy all my Christmas presents and it’s only October! .
4 It’s the fi rst time I’m ever having a party at home.
5 Actually, I think Darren does works quite hard sometimes.
6 Carlo is never eating Chinese food before.
7 Sean already books a table for tonight.
8 Needs Melanie any help painting her new flat?

Читайте также

18 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the parts of the sentences below. There are many health benefits to living outside of the city, or even in the

suburbs: clean air and an abundance of foliage are enough (1) ... . But services such as municipal water and sewage disposal are often a rarity in very rural areas. In city areas, it is fairly easy to access transportation with city bus systems and taxis. The opposite is the case in rural areas: (2) ... . With greater distances between houses, even getting groceries can be a difficulty. So if a person loses his / her driver's license or vehicle for some reason, it's a real hardship in a rural area. It has been said that village life encourages a greater sense of community and gives some perspective on what is important. When a family faces a hardship, (3) ... .If there is a death in the family, members of the community are right there with condolences. If someone falls ill, the community pulls together to raise money for the family. The reactions to these kinds of situations are much different in urban areas. Many city-dwellers don't know their neighbours beyond a "hello" as they pass each other in the hall. Some don't even say that much. Perhaps they feel they don't need their neighbours, (4) ... . People in rural areas organise more events together than urbanites do. From church dinners to local fairs, to the community's summer barbecue, most people have their fingers in the pie, in one way or another. It is these types of events that (5) ... .In urban areas, special events are often competing against each other, since there are often many happening at the same time. Many people who attend these urban events haven't got any particular sense of pride for them, (6) ... . While one could argue that city life is more exciting and at times more convenient, it's not necessarily better than country life. a) as they are just spectators of the event, not coordinators. b) without your own transportation, it is difficult to get around. c) the way people in the rural areas have come to depend on theirs. d) to convince many city-dwellers that country living is for them. e) help to bring a community together, because those who attend can claim ownership of the event. f) often those in a rural community are quick to help wherever they can.

Fill in gaps using the phrases below used to make; caught; used to live; spent; would get up

16. When I was young we __ in a big house in the countryside.

17. On summer mornings we __ while everyone else was asleep.

18. I __ breakfast for myself and creep out of the house to go fishing.

19. I __ hours fishing in a small river near our house.

20. Once I __ an enormous trout.

Fill in gaps

11. I don’t really feel __ that job. I won’t apply for it.

12. We’re very satisfied __ your son’s progress this term.

13. Who is responsible __ this mess?

14. I’m not very keen __ the blue one. Is there another colour?

15. I’m really bad ___ expressing myself clearly.

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски, употребляя little, a little, few, a few many, much. 1. There is... smoke (дым) in the room. 2. Give me... sheets (лист

ки) of paper. 3. I see... clouds in the sky. 4. There is... gas in the balloon (шар). 5. There are... cinema houses in the town. 6. I have... trouble (затруднение) with my spelling 7. There were only... students at the lecture. 8. You eat... bread, don’t you? 9. I have... money in the bank.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Attend*registration*school assembly*team*competition*kindergarten
1.My friend didn't take part in the ____________ on Monday.
2.Have you had____________this morning?
3.Samir is the member of our football __________.
4.The ____________ between them was very ineteresting.
5.A lot of students ___________ the English club of our school.
6.There is a ____________near our school.
Заранее спасибо

Complete a conditional sentence so that it means the same as in the situation.

Example: I think you have to hurry. You can miss the train.
You'll miss the train unless you hurry.
1. I'll probably get a pay rise next week. I want to buy a new TV.
If i.......................................................................................
2. I want to go the party but I feel really sick.
If I .......................................................................................
3.It's very unlikely that he'll fail his exam. He wants to take it again.
4.I'm sure that it'll rain tomorrow. i don't want to walk to work in the rain.
5. He wants to send her an email but he doesn't know her email address.
6. She must apologise to me or I won't forgive her.
I won't.................................................................................

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