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задание 5. прошу вас помогите пожалуйста, очень нужно.

5-9 класс

Aziatranscom3 05 сент. 2013 г., 20:21:16 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 сент. 2013 г., 23:01:39 (10 лет назад)

1) some
2) no
3) anybody
4) no one
5) something


Другие вопросы из категории

5. Choose the verb that you can use with all these phrases: ______ in a hotel/in a bed and breakfast/at a campsite/at home 1) buy

2) stay

3) spend

4) hire

5) travel

6. Choose 3 true sentences about Paul McCartney.

1) McCartney has released a big catalogue of songs as a solo artist.

2) He has taken lots of Grammy Awards.

3) He was born in 1955.

4) McCartney has got 12 grandchildren.

5) He is a good multi-instrumentalist.

6) He has never sung in any music band.

Переведите пожалуйста! только не с переводчика...

The worst thing that could have happened to me had just happened. I had lost my best friend. For the next three months, my parents and I did everything we could do to find Annie. We went from door to door in the neighbourhood asking about her. My friends helped me make posters describing Annie and telling about a reward. We even put an ad in the newspaper, but there were no calls.

Then, one day, the phone rang. "Hello, my name is Mrs Peterson. I just saw a poster advertising a lost dog, and I think we have it!" My heart pounded, and I could barely get the words out as asked where I could come to get Annie. Mrs Peterson bed only four blocks away, and I raced over there on my bike. I ran up the stairs and rang the bell. "Hi, I'm Maria Lopez. I talked to you about my dog. "Come in, Maria." Mrs Peterson said, inviting me into a small, dark living room.

And the looking-glass always (23. answer) that the Queen (24. be). The Queen (25. not, expect) any woman or girl (26. become) as beautiful as the day,

and (27. be) more beautiful than herself. The looking-glass always (28. tell) the truth. So as soon as the Queen (29. hear) she (30. be) the most beautiful lady in the king­dom she (31. feel) quite pleased.

But when seven more years (32. go) by the Queen (33. get) a dif­ferent answer to her usual question. The mirror (34. say) Snow White (35. become) the prettiest girl in the country. That unex­pected answer (36. make) the Queen pale. She (37. want) her ser­vant (38. take) Snow White away into the forest and (39. kill) her. Помогите, пожалуйста, нужно раскрыть скобки.

Читайте также

Всем привет, помогите пожалуйста!!! В общем нужно написать текст на английском на тему: "Почему нужно или не нужно смотреть телевизор" (Нужно/не нужно на

выбор) и нужно привести аргументы Все это уместить в 15-20 предложений. Помогите пожалуйста очень нужно!!! Заранее спасибо!!

прошу вас помогите мне с прямой

прошу вас помогите мне с прямой речью...умоляю
1. When will I know the results of the examination? - Maria asked the examiner....
2. i will see you in the morning, Helen - Peter told Helen....
3. You cant park here. - The police officer told Jack....
4. I kile this hotel very mutch.- Diana told me....
5. The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.-Paul told the dry-cleaners....
6. I left my umbrella here two days ago.- Susan told them....
7. I think its going to rain tonight.- William said...
8. What time does the film start,Peter?- I asked....
9.Why did you apply for this job? asked the sales manager.- The sales manager asked me....
10. im taking the 5:30 train tomorrow evening- Janet said....

Помогите пожалуйста ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО это реально нужно я ничего не успеваю! Помогите! Кто может хотя бы частично :3

Put the verb into the correct form and write which conditional it is.
1)what.....you.....(do),if you.....(be) rich?
2)I had not seen you not street yesterday! If only I .....(see) you, I.....(say) hello!
3)this is too expensive! Of this house.....(be) cheaper, we.....(buy) it.
4)if I.....(see) John, I.....(tell) him to e-mail you.
5)Unfortonately, I am very busy.if I.....(have)more time, I ......(help) you with your homework.
6)if I .....(be) Prime Minister, I.....(reduce) taxes
7)if I .....(be) you, I....(go) to bed now. You look awful!
8)I realy don't know what I.....(do) if I .....(win) the lottery
9)I wish I .....(be) better at maths! КТО НАБЛЮДАЕТ, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Мне срочно нужно!!! Ну пожалуйста...у меня больше нет вариантов... Надежда только на вас НУ РЕШИИИИИТЕ ПОЖААААЛУЙСТААААААААААААА

Помогите пожалуйста ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО это реально нужно я ничего не успеваю! Помогите! Кто может хотя бы частично :3

Put the verb into the correct form and write which conditional it is.
1)what.....you.....(do),if you.....(be) rich?
2)I had not seen you not street yesterday! If only I .....(see) you, I.....(say) hello!
3)this is too expensive! Of this house.....(be) cheaper, we.....(buy) it.
4)if I.....(see) John, I.....(tell) him to e-mail you.
5)Unfortonately, I am very busy.if I.....(have)more time, I ......(help) you with your homework.
6)if I .....(be) Prime Minister, I.....(reduce) taxes
7)if I .....(be) you, I....(go) to bed now. You look awful!
8)I realy don't know what I.....(do) if I .....(win) the lottery
9)I wish I .....(be) better at maths! КТО НАБЛЮДАЕТ, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Мне срочно нужно!!! Ну пожалуйста...у меня больше нет вариантов... Надежда только на вас НУ РЕШИИИИИТЕ ПОЖААААЛУЙСТААААААААААААА

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