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помогите перевести предложения

10-11 класс

I knew Bill hadn't to read a business-letter.
Millions of people are
recorded to have part in elections.

Damirergeshev 12 авг. 2014 г., 1:33:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 авг. 2014 г., 2:36:18 (9 лет назад)

Я знал, что Билл не читать бизнес-письмо. Миллионы людей записан иметь участие в выборах. Модель быть куплены должны быть заранее проверены. Свойства часы, как известно,

+ 0 -
12 авг. 2014 г., 3:32:33 (9 лет назад)

Я знал, что Билл совсем не читал бизнес-письмо.
Миллионы людей
записанные чтобы участвовать в выборах.
Модели должны быть куплены
быть проверены заранее.

часы, как известно, определяется в следующем месяце.
Мы ожидаем, что научно -
технологический прогресс для ускорения интенсификации.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо!

Task 1. Rewrite these sentences in Reported Speech:
1. " I'll need these documents tomorrow", the head of the department said to his personal assistant.
2. " Have you come to any decision about this candidate?" asked the chairman.
3. " Can I use your computer in your absence?" asked my colleague.
4. " You mustn't buy these shares. You'll lose your money', said my friend to me.
5. " My washing machine has broken down again. I'll have it get fixed next week", my mother said to me.
6. " Why did Paula leave the meeting so early this morning?" asked the head manager.
7. " Where was the International Management Forum based last year?" I asked my colleague.
8. " How much time have you spent on taking phone messages today?" asked the manager........
9. " Have you ever fased with the problem of making choise?", she asked me with interest.
10. " We must employ several translators to solve this problem", said the director.

Task 2. Change these direct questions into reported questions.
1. What programmes can help to cut costs? ( Type 2)
2. How much is your company spending on travel expenses? (Type 1)
3. Is it possible to control travel costs? (Type 1)
4. Does your company have a travel manager? (Type 2)
5. What is a "language awareness test"? (Type 1)
6. Who needs more time to deal with personnel problems? (Type 2)

Транскрипция всего предложения помогите пожалуйста

Stepan decided to have his birthday party at a new bowling club,and he invited Vlad and some ot her guys to come.

надо проверить на ошибки.)помогите ребята )

The name of the text is Russia Gas Pipeline Heightens East Europe’s Fears.
The new gas pipeline in Moscow, which will run under the Baltic Sea has divided members of the European Union. Currently, Russian gas has to be piped through Eastern Europe to reach Western Europe. If Russia shuts off the gas, then the rich countries face protests. The new gas pipeline "Nord Stream" will run from Russia to Germany. Europe needs additional natural gas and Russia is the best place to get it. “Russia is one of the issues that divides the E.U. the most,” said Angela E. “Russia and Gazprom go and deal very well with individual countries.” A web of oil and gas interests in the West, as well as corporations and influential figures with ties to Russia, have greased the process of engagement with Russia. Ultimately, considerations of European unity, like the fears of Eastern Europe, are secondary in the raw struggle over resources by national and corporate interests.

Читайте также

2. Помогите пожалуйста перевести предложения, обращая внимание на субъективные и объективные инфинитивные обороты.

3. Помогите перевести предложения, содержащие герундий и герундиальные обороты.

помогите пожалуйста,нужно употребить глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect.Перевести предложения на русский язык.1) I (speak) to him about it severa

l times.2) We (learn) many new words in this course.3) He (make) that same mistake several time.4) I (hear) that story before.5) I am afraid that I (lose) my car keys.6) She (see) this film three times.7) I (tell) John what you said.8) She (return) my book at last.9) She says that she (lose) her new pocket-book.10) I just (mention) it. Please be more attentive.
Употребить глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect.Перевести предложения на русский язык.1) I was sure that I (see) the man before.2) I asked him why he (leave) the party so early.3) It was clear that he (give) us the wrong address.4) The teacher corrected the exercises which I (prepare).5) He knew that he (make) a serious mistake.6) She said she (look) everywhere for the book.7) I felt that I (meet) the man somewhere before.

Определить тип условного предложения. Глагол, данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время. Перевести предложение: 1. If it (to rain) ,

we shall have to stay at home.

2.If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.

3.If you gave me your dictionary for a couple days, I (to translate) this text.

4.If should be very glad if he (to come) to my place.

5.If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party.

Глагол данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время:

1.My friend (to go) to the library Wednesday.

2.He (not to go) to the country yesterday.

3.Don't make noise! Father (to work).

4.You (to write) a dictation tomorrow.

5.He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

Выписать сложное подлежащее/дополнение. Перевести предложение:

1.The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well.

2.He was expected to pass the mathematics exam.

3.Mother is said to know the right thing to do.

4.You are supposed to graduate in four years.

5.The traveller entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.


32.Перевести предложения на англ язык!

1.Мы не должны опаздывать. Они будут беспокоится.

2.Мы сегодня идем в кино. Вы будете сидеть рядом со мной.

3. Нам нужно вернутся в 10 часов. Мама будет ждать нас.

4. Вы будете обедать со мной в понидельник? –Я бы очень хотел , но боюсь , что в

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