Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 984 ответов!

составьте 5 утвердительных предложений к ним вопрос с ответом.на английском

5-9 класс

первому лучшее

Dok89346 10 июля 2014 г., 1:20:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 2:35:00 (9 лет назад)

I want to play tennis today.Do you want to do it with me?Yes, i think it will be rather interesting.
Yesterday i was in the Central Park.Have you ever been to the Central Park?Yes, i've been there 2 weeks ago.
Tommorow i will do shopping with my friends.Do you want to do it with us?No,thanks,tommorow I wiil have anouther plans.
I'm doing my homework.And you?Yes,i'm too.
Today i want to go to visit my granny.And what will you do?Today i want to help my mother.

+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 4:42:56 (9 лет назад)

Я сегодня ходил на фонтан! а ты ? нет I today went to the fountain! and you ? no

+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 7:37:32 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 9:12:12 (9 лет назад)

то есть вопрос и ответ?

+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 9:54:19 (9 лет назад)

на любую тему и любой сложности?

+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 11:51:26 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
10 июля 2014 г., 14:19:55 (9 лет назад)

5 штук


Другие вопросы из категории

Нужно составить диалог на английском по теме: В одном из европейских городов вы отстали от группы во время экскурсии. Вам нужно добраться до отеля, где

вы остановились. Спросите у прохожего, каким транспортом туда добраться, сколько это займёт времени и где ближайшая остановка.

помогите перевести текст очень прошу *

great news for every sweet tooth chocolate is good for you.if you eat chocolate three times a month you can live a year longer than those who dont eat too mush and choose real chocolate that which has a lot of cocoa 70%.they also call it dark chocolate .it tastes a little bitter.but this kind of chocolate is your friend!
Chocolate has a lot of minerals which are good for you.
chocolate is good for your heart.
you feel happy when you eat chocolate because it tastes good and because it has the right chemicals.
chocolate helps you to think and concentrate.pilots always take some chocolate when they fly a plane.so if you have a test,eat some chocolate to prepare for it.

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MAYFLOWER sail to America?

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4)What kind of life did they lead?

5)Why did people in America fight for their independence from England?

6)Как ты можешь охарактеризовать колонистов? ( 1 простое предложение на английском)

7)Какие большие города в US Вы знаете?

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9)What are other American coins?

10)How many cents are there in a nickel, a dime and quarter?

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15)Каков национальный символ в Америке и правда ли что он стал им в 1782 году?

16)Что американцы празднуют 4 июля?

17)Что озночают буквы D и C в название столицы Америки?

18)Почему люди говорят Вашингтон D.C. когда говорят о столице Америки?

19)Where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows?

20)Что за символ оливковой веточка и что за символ стрелы?

на все вопросы нужно ответить на английском. Буду рада хотя бы 15 правильным полным ответам)))

Всем огромное спасибо!

Ребят, ниже будут 3 текста и к ним вопросы, помогите ответить на них.С некоторыми вопросами затрудняюсь. Спасибо:* Tracey

Ponsford: All my classmates say that I’m trendy. Yes, I am! I enjoy wearing trendy clothes. I like to look cool and attractive. It’s very important to know what is in fashion at the present moment. I like shopping and spend hours picking clothes that suit me. My classmates say that I am interested in fashion too much, but it’s not that bad, is it? Sometimes I can appear in something really gorgeous. When you are up with the latest fashions you feel you are an individual. If I could I would wear different pieces of clothing every day. I wish I had lots of money to do that.

Phil Slager: I don’t care what I wear. More than that I don’t care what other people wear. My mum buys clothes for me at a market. Sometimes we have to shop in charity shops. Why not? Not all people can afford to be up to date with the latest fashions. I prefer casual things – jeans, T-shirts, sweaters or sportswear. My elder brother’s mates have spiky hair, tattoos and piercing. I wish my brother wouldn’t do that but he doesn’t listen. He says that they express their individuality. I don’t know if they are right or not but I would never have all those things.

Katya Guseva: Everyone in my class is really trendy. They spend a lot of time talking about clothes or accessories they want to spend their money on. Some friends of mine think that I’m boring and wear unfashionable things. Frankly speaking fashion is not very important for me. Fashion comes and goes. Looking clean and decent is more important than looking trendy, isn’t it? I prefer clothes which I feel comfortable in. I’m sure that you must feel good in what you wear and that is all. If I had a lot of money I would buy clothes which would never go out of fashion, or I’d rather buy some DVDs or a good book.

1) What clothes does Tracey wear?
2) Why is fashion important for Tracey?
3) What does Tracey like about clothes?
4) What does Tracey dream about?
5) What clothes does Phil prefer wearing?
6) What is it that Phil doesn’t like about his brother and his friends?
7) What is more important for Katya than being up to date with the latest fashions?
8) What clothes does Katya prefer? Why?

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