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Закончите предложение: i can't buy this hat. it's very..... 9 букв.

5-9 класс

Olyaavsenina 06 авг. 2016 г., 17:46:11 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 авг. 2016 г., 19:15:38 (7 лет назад)

i can't buy this hat. it's very expensive

+ 0 -
06 авг. 2016 г., 20:49:48 (7 лет назад)

Этим словом является слово "дорого" - expensive


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Прошу, помогите!!! Пожалуйста!!!Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (past simple, past progressive or past perfect).1) Andrew (ask)

if John (see) any skyscrapers.2) While the tailor (measure) him, Mr Brown (try) to be calm.3) They (shoot) in the forest when John (arrive).4) We (be) sure they (finish) their work by ten.5) She (work) as a nurse in 1998.6) Who (watch) television when Dad (come) in?7) What (happen) next?8) Nobody (know) what happen.9) I (not, know) when Mrs Padley (be) born.10) When Nick and I (meet), he (write) a very interesting project.

Finish the sentences.

At school i usually wear ...
I never wear ...
My father usually wears ... ... ... at work.
He doesn't wear ... ... ... at home.
My mum likes to wear ... ... ... at home.
She doesn't like to wear ... ... ... at home.

Помогите пожалуйста умоляю срочно надо!

Читайте также

Закончите предложения:модальный глагол "can" выражает ... A)necessity;b)ability;c)prohibition;d)advice;e)wish.

2.Употребите данное предложение в будущем
времени i can swim across the river:a)i would swim;b)i shall be able to swim;c)i will swim;e)i shall swim.
3.дополните предложения :my mother .... drive but she hasn"t got a car:a)should;b)must;c)can;d)may;e)has to.
4.закончите предложения:"...." of hiking alone doesn't frighten me:a)danger;b)dangerous;c)dangers;d)dangeority;e)dangerouless.
5.вставьте необходимые предлоги:They eat a lot ... rice ... China:a)of/in;b)from/in;c)by/on;d)of/on;e)-/in.
6.ВСТАВЬТЕ АРТИКЛИ :What is .... correct way to sit at ... table?a)a/a;b)the/the;c)-/the;d)a/the;e)the/a.
7вставьте предлоги:He is interested .... sport and goes .... the stadium every day:a)in/on;b)with/to;c)in/to;d)on/to;e)in/in

Convert into indirect speech. 1.Tom asked:"Did you enjoy the salad?" 2.David said:"Can you come to our place tomorrow at 9?"

3.He said:"John,have you been in mane caves?Are you a caver?"

4.Joe said:"I think i'll go to the library to study"

5."Where did you buy this hat?"she wanted to know.

6.The teacher told us:"Don't let any strangers in"

7.She asked me:"May i get a cup of coffee?"

8."If you spill the milk,there won't be any for the cat,"-sait my mother to me

9.Sallu wanted to know:"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

10."I've just telephoned the doctor,"-said Maurice

решите по примеру - i can not buy this pair of shoes . They are not my size. if the shoes were my size , i would buy them 1) I c

an not wear this coat . it is out of fashion.


2) I do not wear this shirt . It does not match my trousers .


3) He does not put on that cap , It does not suit him.


4) I can not put on this cardigan . It is too tight .


5) I have to take a raincoat . It is going to rain .


6) He is short . he can not afford to wear shoulder-padded suits .



Сard 10 SHOPPING. 7.What can you buy at the bakers,grocers,greengrocers,fishmongers,dairy confectionary,sweet shop? 8.What is department

store?What goods can you buy there?

9.What is Selfridge"s?

10.Where is this store situated?

11.What other departament stores do you know?

12.Do you prefer departament stores or small shops?Why?

Передайте следующие предложения косвенной речи.Помогите пожалуйста!

1. «Why do you help him?» said Alec to us. «He is lazy. He can do everything himself.» 2. «I don't want to go to the zoo. I was there last week with my cousin and saw all the animals,» said Lena. 3. «Look at my stamps, father,» said Nick. «When will you buy some new ones for me?» 4. «I can't do this exercise: it is too difficult,» said Tanya. «Why didn't you ask your teacher to explain it?» said her brother. 5. «Can you see the lights over there in the distance?» said the lighthouse keeper. «Yes, I can,» said his assistant. «A ship is giving signals.» 6. «Did you run a race yesterday?» said Peter. «Yes, we did,» said Ann. «Tamara was the first to come to the finish.» 7. «Where is my bag, mother?» asked Tom. «I have put it on the chair near the door,» said his mother. «Don't forget to put your record-book into it.» 8. «Why can't we play here, mother?» asked the children. «Father is sleeping,» said their mother. «He has worked very much today. Keep quiet.»

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