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Прошу, помогите!!! Пожалуйста!!!Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (past simple, past progressive or past perfect).1) Andrew (ask)

5-9 класс

if John (see) any skyscrapers.2) While the tailor (measure) him, Mr Brown (try) to be calm.3) They (shoot) in the forest when John (arrive).4) We (be) sure they (finish) their work by ten.5) She (work) as a nurse in 1998.6) Who (watch) television when Dad (come) in?7) What (happen) next?8) Nobody (know) what happen.9) I (not, know) when Mrs Padley (be) born.10) When Nick and I (meet), he (write) a very interesting project.

Dima650 06 авг. 2016 г., 13:32:19 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 авг. 2016 г., 14:07:01 (7 лет назад)

1) Andrew asked if John had seen any skyscrapers.2) While the tailor was measuring him, Mr Brown tried to be calm.3) They were shooting in the forest when John arrived.4) We were sure they had finished their work by ten.5) She had been working as a nurse in 1998.6) Who had been watching television when Dad came in? 7) What happened next? 8) Nobody knew what had happened. 9) I didn't know when Mrs Padley had been born.10) When Nick and I had been meeting, he wrote a very interesting project.


Другие вопросы из категории

Finish the sentences.

At school i usually wear ...
I never wear ...
My father usually wears ... ... ... at work.
He doesn't wear ... ... ... at home.
My mum likes to wear ... ... ... at home.
She doesn't like to wear ... ... ... at home.

Помогите пожалуйста умоляю срочно надо!
Моя школа очень просторная и светлая. В ней три этажа. На первом этаже тренажерный зал, библиотека, столовая и несколько кабинетов. На втором этаже много

классов и учительская. Наши классные комнаты очень большие и светлые. В наших классных комнатах двенадцать парт, учительский стол, доска и много цветов. Моя школьная жизнь прекрасна. У нас много концертов, спектаклей, спортивных соревнований в нашей школе. Мои одноклассники и я часто принимаем участие в различных школьных мероприятиях. У меня много друзей в моем классе. Наши учителя добрые и умные и мои одноклассники умные и доброжелательные.
Помогите перевести!

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Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (past simple, past progressive or past perfect).

1. Andrew (ask) if John (see) any skyscrapers. 2. While the tailor (measure) him, Mr Brown (try) to be calm. 3. They (shoot) in the forest when John (arrive). 4. We (be) sure they (finish) their work by ten. 5. She (work) as a nurse in 1998. 6. Who (watch) television when Dad (come) in? 7. What (happen) next? 8. Nobody (know) what (happen). 9. I (not, know) when Mrs Padley (be) born. 10. When Nick and I (meet), he (write) a very interesting project.

помогите плиииииииз на завтра... Say the sentences in the Future tense form. 1.I help my mother. 2.we prepare our lesson


3.my sister knows english

4.the have flovers in the garden.

5.we build a new house.

6.ann gets up at 7 o'clock.


Write the verbs in the correct tense form.

1.my brother (to listen, to music) tomorrow.

2.i ( to go) to the shop tomorrow.

3.my sister (to be) ten next month.

4.Jane (to invited) me to her birtday party next week.

5.Nick (to get up) tomorrow at 7 o'clock.

6.we (to write) a test next Monday.


1.Jane .....have breakfast at eight o'clock.

2.we ...... go to thhe museum in the Sunday.

3.my father ....... arrive tomorrow.

4.i ......... swim in summer.

5.they ....... build a playgraund. помогите плииииииииз

Choose the right item to complete the sentences:

At 5 o’clock yesterday Polly was watching / watched TV.

What did you do / were you doing when I phoned you yesterday?

Last time I visited / was visiting Paris was in 2012.

While mother was cooking dinner, the children played / were playing football in the street.

I didn’t listen / wasn’t listening to music at that moment yesterday.

We were reading / read all books from our school library two years ago.

Where Sam was going / went when you met him in the street yesterday?

In 1995 my little brother was starting / started to walk.

They didn’t ride / wasn’t riding his bike the whole morning yesterday.

Did Max send / Was Max sending e-mails to his friends last Monday?

Open the brackets to put the verbs in the correct tense form of the Past Simple or Past Continuous

They (translate) a difficult text yesterday.

At six o’clock yesterday I (clean) the windows.

When I (open) the door, my friends (sit) around the table and (discuss) the party.

When they (read) a newspaper last Sunday, they (find) a very interesting fact.

At half past six yesterday we (have) dinner.

- You (watch) TV yesterday?

Yes, I (watch) it the whole evening yesterday.

Отработка употребления фразового глагола “go”:

Fill in the correct particle and translate the sentences:

Don’t eat this meat, because it has gone … .

This tie goes really well … your blue shirt.

The driver pushed the klaxon of his car and it went … .

Put the milk in the fridge or it’ll go … .

Our show must go … .

Susan would like to buy nice shoes which will go … her new dress.

Granny stood up, switched the lights off and went … to tell interesting stories to her grandchildren.

Don’t touch this car or its alarm system will go … .

Test I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. While the children (to play) football, the rain began to fall. 2. When we (to finish)

dinner, Susan took the dishes away. 3. We shall have supper when he (to come). 4. Tell me if you (to be) able to return by next Monday. 5. If you wash the dishes, you (to have) a chocolate. 6. I (to go) to London tomorrow. 7. The station-master knew what each passenger (to allow) to do. II. Choose the right article. 1. Have you heard the story of the two girls, who wanted to give ... Christmas present to ... friend but didn't know what to send? One of ... girls said, "Let's give her ... clock". "What's ... use of giving her ... clock?" said ... other. "She doesn't want that. She has got... clock. I think we ought to give her... book". "But", said ... first girl, "she has got... book, too, hasn't she?" 2. Ernest Hemingway is ... great American writer. His lather wanted him to be... doctor, but he became ... newspaper reporter. He took part in ... First World War which he described in ... novel "A Farewell to Arms". III. Circle the suitable preposition. 1. G.B.Shaw had lived in England (in, for, about) fifty years. English people had laughed (over, on, at) him and his plays. 2. I like to look (on, at, onto) the books on my shelves and to feel that I have my friends (round, about, among) me. 3. The rain is beating (at, on, onto) the windows. 4. I like to listen (---, to, on) the radio. IV. Circle the suitable pronoun. 1.1 haven't (much, many) time for study and that's why I have (many, much, few) mistakes in my homework. 2. Was there (something, anything) interesting in the paper yesterday? - No, there weren't (any, some, no) interesting articles in it. 3. Is this Mary's pen? - No, it is (my, mine). V. Circle the appropriate word I'd like to (tell, say) you something about Mr. Brown's house. He is an old friend of (my, mine) and I (had gone, went) to visit him about a week ago. I had to go (by, in) car. Mr. Brown was (happy, happily) to see me. (It, there) was a cold day and I was very pleased to see the bright lire (burn, burning) in the fireplace. VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. room/ one/ there/ on / the/ was / a / side/ of/ piano. 2. fire/ we/ the/ down/ armchairs/ in / before/ sat. 3. which/ girls/ painted/ they/ the/ pictures/ to/ hoped/ sell. 4. lay/ the/ she/ window / near. 5. third/ studio/ floor/ old/ the/ was/ of/ on/ brick/ the/ house/ an. VII. Circle the right variant. 1. A: What do you say to a friend on his/her birthday? B: a) It's a pleasure. b) Many happy return of the day. c) The same to you. 2. A: Oh, Mr. Green, this is Miss Brown. B: a) How are you? b) How do you do? c) Very well, thank you. 3. A: Did you hear the news? B: a) It was good. b) They were good 4. It's time for dinner,… a) is it? b) isn't it? c) isn't there?

Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets

1. It still (to rain)-How awful! I(to have) to put on my rubber boots if it (not to stop) raining in a couple of hours
2. What a beautiful dress you (to wear)!- Thank you. I(to make) it myself.
3. They say if you (to see) a clack cat, you (not to have) good luck.
4.What you(to do)?- I'm an engineer.
5.My watch (to stop). I must take it to the watchimaker's.
7.You know , I (to lose) my glasses the other day.

Choose the right article
1....roof is wet after....rain
2.Is...pencil on...desk?-No its on ... teachers table
3.I cant open...door Will you help me?
4.I want you to buy..apples and oranges. Here is ..money.
5. Its..time for..children to go to....bed. Its ...half past 9.

Спасибо большое за помощь))

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