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переведите в косвенную речь

10-11 класс

Usually i get to school on foot.
I would like to travel to Britain/

Olejejk2001m 15 янв. 2015 г., 7:24:15 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 янв. 2015 г., 8:02:46 (9 лет назад)

He said, that usually he got to school on foot.
А это предложение, скорее всего, останется прежним. He said, that he would like to travel to Britain.

+ 0 -
15 янв. 2015 г., 10:21:40 (9 лет назад)

He told me that usually he get to school on foot.
he tell that he  likes to travel to britain


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1.The Bolshoi Theatre........in Moscow.
2.The capitai of Russia.......St Petersburg.
3.The Kremlin.......in Red Square.
4.Pushkin and Pasternak........Russian writers.
5.The Neva and the Lena......museums.
6.The Tretyaakov Gallery and the Russian Museum .......theatres.

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английский косвенная речь

"Being a mixed-race kid was difficult."
"I looked absolutely dreadful... and was known as 'the bad girl' in school." "I was really jealous of the leaders and tough older girls... and became really angry when I was 13 because you're insecure about how you look and where you fit in."
"Since I started writing songs at 13, I have worked like dog." "When my older friends left school I was forced to face up to the other kids my gang had rejected."
"People can do anything that's physically possible if they have talent and determination."
"It's not that I want to be a role model, because I'm not perfect." "I feel like I can make someone feel more acceptable and will always connect with teenage outsiders."
переведите пожалуйста в косвенная речь (то что в кавычках)
Образование Наука школа рефераты

20. Прочитайте и переведите в

20. Прочитайте и переведите в косвенную речь сле¬дующие тексты.

Mrs. Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. In the
summer her roses were always the best in the street. One summer
afternoon the bell rang, and when she went to the front door, she saw a
small boy outside. He was about seven years old, and was holding a big
bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. "I am selling roses," he said. "Do
you want any? They are quite cheap. Five pence for a big bunch. They
are fresh. I picked them this afternoon." "My boy," Mrs. Williams
answered. "I pick roses whenever I want, and don't pay anything for
them, because I have lots in my garden." "Oh, no, you haven't," said the
small boy. "There aren't any roses in your garden - because they are
here in my hand!"

Переведите в косвенную речь пожалуйста очень нужно when we got married my wife kept asking me to find a new business. i never knew how popular the store

would become i am not a success i really think one has to work hard every day to be successful now i will try to stay at home more -i said to my wife

Переведите в косвенную речь.

1. Peter says "We will start in 2 weeks".
2. My sister says " Lock the door".
3. She says to me "Please, don't smoke".
4. Tom's mother says " Go to bed".
5. The mother says "Children are in the hursuy doctor".

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