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What s do you usually do in the morning

10-11 класс

Liz23 07 июля 2014 г., 8:48:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 июля 2014 г., 11:16:51 (9 лет назад)

если перевести, то Что ты обычно делаешь
утром, И что вообще надо было делать

+ 0 -
07 июля 2014 г., 13:27:05 (9 лет назад)

i have breakfast: bread and meat tea 
i cleane myteehs 
i go to school
the end
утром я завтракаю хлеб мясо и чай
потом я чищу свои зубы 
потом я иду в школу 

+ 0 -
07 июля 2014 г., 15:15:23 (9 лет назад)

answer the questions


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите с сочинением по англ.

What do you like or dislike in people? Which of those qualities does your friend have?

Закончите предложение:

1)We have got many places of interest, …?
haven’t you
haven’t they
haven’t he
haven’t we
haven’t I
2)Ann has already written a composition, … ?
haven’t they
doesn’t it
hasn’t she
didn’t she
won’t she
3)I … do this in time.
is able to
has to
might have
4)… they bought this book?
5)He ... at the University:
shall study
to study
6)They … their English in the morning.
is having
was having

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ТЕКСТ НА АНГЛ.ЯЗЫК. His name is Danny-1. He be used at house.

Он очень красивый, сделан из блестящего белого метала. Голова у робота квадратный, вместо глаз вставлены лампочки.
Рот- дисковод, для дисков любых форматов.
Нос- разъем под флешку.
На туловище находятся динамики.
Двигается на шести колесах.
Включается и выключается с помощью кнопки, которая находится на его голове.
He will work with a use of batteries that are rechargeable.
To my mind robot can help us in the daily life.
Он загружает грязной посудой посудомоечную машину, может передвинуть мебель и поместить грязную одежду в стиральную машину.
Moreover, he can do all kinds of dirty and hard work as cleaning.
Thus, such robot can help people in different purposes.

Читайте также

Помогите , срочно надо !!! 1. Розкажіть про свій день за допомогою таких питань . 1;.Are you a student? Where do you study ? 2. What do you usually do i

n the morning? ' 3. What do you think about morning exercises? Do we need to do them regularly? 4. When do your classes begin? 5. What do you do at the college? 6. What is more interesting for you: to listen to a lecture or to be present at practical classes? 7. What subjects do you like? Why? 8. What do you usually do after classes? 9. How do you prefer to spend your evening? 10. What do you hate doing? 11. What time do you usually go to bed?

Помогите пожалуйста решить!!! 1. He hasn^t got so ___money. a)a few,b)many,c)much,d)a little. 2. ___ do you see in the park

?a)Which,b)Whom,c)Why,d)Whose. 3. ___ book is it? a)Whose,b)Why,c)When,d)How. 4. ___ do you usually have for breakfast?a)Which,b)How often,c)What,d)Where. 5. ___ do you have meals? - As a rule,three times a day. a)How,b)How far,c)How often,d)When. 6. ___ them your dictionary,they left theirs at home. a)Take,b)Lend,c)Translate,d)Buy. 7. Are you going to tell ___ the truth? a)my,b)his,c)they,d)us. 8. I can see___and___brother.a)their,Mary,b)him,Mary^s,c)us,Maries^,d)your,Mary^s. 9. A lot of people ___ in English. a)interested,b)are interesting,c)have interested,d)are interested. 10. I would like to talk ___ the phone___him.a)in,to,b)on,to,c)at,with,d)for,without. 11. He speaks English ___better than French.a)more,b)much,c)many,d)most. 12. You enjoy the film,___? a)do you,b)don^t you,c)aren^t you,d)don^t you. 13. He is going to look ___his father until he is well again.a)for,b)after,c)up,d)through. 14. Mark Twain^s words: "When in doubt___the truth.a)tell,b)say,c)talk,d)speak. 15. He___ mistakes and it___him a lot of harm.a)make,does,b)does,makes,c)made,did,d)makes,did. 16. My father is a journalist. He ___ articles for newspapers.a)writes down,b)translates,c)looks through,d)writes. 17. Please,___slowly. a)tell,b)speak,c)don^t say,d)understand. 18. I couldn^t buy___book___. a)this,anywhere,b)a,nowhere,c)an,somewhere,d)-,anywhere. 19. There ___ snow on the road. a)is any,b)are much,c)will some,d)is some. 20. I hope my plans do not ___ with yours. a)interrupt,b)observe,c)interfere,d)interest. 21. If you don^t know a word ___in a dictionary. a)look it up,b)look for it,c)look after it,d)look through it. 22. I want tea___coffee.a)in spite of,b)instead of,c)except for,d)because. 23. Where do you___? -I am from Russia.a)get from,b)are from,c)come from,d)go from. 24. ___Canaries are___ good place to have a rest for those who enjoy the sun.a)The,a,b)_,the,c)The,an,d)_,_. 25. Her yellow dress catches everyone^s eye___. a)at least,b)slowly,c)immediately,d)at the same time. 26. ___ do it,he is too young.a)Not to let him,b)Let him not to,c)Do not let him to,d)Do not let him. 27. Let^s ___ into two groups and start looking for them.a)divide,b)separate,c)isolate,d)share. 28. This room has such a nice ___over the sea. a)look,b)view,c)sight,d)appearance. 29. I am going to tell ___about it, I promise to keep it a secret.a)anybody,b)somebody,c)everybody,d)nobody. 30. I___ all that newspapers say. a)am not believing,b)not believe,c)don^t believe ,d)doesn^t believe. 31. Let^s go. The ___,the___. a)sooner,better,b)sooner,best,c)soonest,well,d)soonest,good. 32.It is typical ___ woman. They all behave the same in this situation. a)of some,b)from a few,c)for any,d)with many.

дайте відповіді на запитання when does working day begins? how many hours does it last? when do you usually get up? What do you do in the morning? whan

is first thing you do in the morning? when do lessons at the Academy begin? did it take a long time to get to the Academy? How many days a week do you study? what do you do in the evening?

1Скажите, что это не так. 1. We swam in the morning. .......................in the


2.They saw Tom at school.

......................Tom at school.

3. She ate Italian food,

......................Italian food.

4.I went to the theatre.

..............to the theatre.

5. He spoke to the manager.

.......................to the manager.

2. Напишите правильный ответ

1.......( Is\Has) Alice got ........(a/the/-)brother?

2.-What........(do/does)mice like?

-....................(It likes/They like)cheese.

3.What......................(is/do/does) he ..........(do/does) in the morning?

4..............(Are/Do)you afraid of ................(mouse/mice)?

5. He .............(isn't/don't/doesn't)clean his.....................(tooth/teeth)in the afternoon.

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