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Английский косвенная речь

10-11 класс

4post 11 июня 2016 г., 11:14:56 (8 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 июня 2016 г., 12:19:58 (8 лет назад)

1.He asked me if i could give him my pen
2.She asked if he had already come home after lessons
3.They asked him which school he went to.
4.Liz asked me if i was seeing the manager the next day
5.My mother asked me where i had put her book
6.She asked me how long had i been translating this article
7.Jane asked me if i had gone to London the year before
8.Nick asked his brother if he was busy at the moment.
9.Kates mother asked what marks she had got at school
10.She asked me whe i would go to the USA

1.She told us to sit down
2.My friend asked me to hurry up
3.Mother asked him to leave his keys on the table
4.Какое то странное предложение,не понимаю его
5.My doctor told me not to eat several days
6.Nicks father asked him to pass him a cigarette
7.She told me not to smoke in her room


Другие вопросы из категории

Скажие что это не так.1. She will go to school on Sunday.

2. I shall take a shower.
3. We shall help about the house.
4. Tom will be in London next week.
5. Tom was in London last month.

помогите срочно надо!! Rewrite the second sentence to mean the same as the first. use two to five words, including the word in bold

1. she's afraid of lifts, so she won't come in.
WERE If she...................................., she would come in.

2. He's ill all the time because he has a very poor diet.
HAVE If he ........................................ such poor diet, he wouldn't be ill all the time

3. I am so sad we missed Doug's art exhibition.
HAD I wish we ................................................ Doug's art exhibition.

4. If you don't leave now, we won't make it to her birthday party in time
UNLESS We won't make it to her birthdayparty in time ............................................... now.

5. He didn't stop at the traffic light and he had an accident.
STOPPED If he ............................................. traffic light, he wouldn't have had an accident.

это спотлайт, только я не знаю какой класс, если бы вы подсказали, я бы гдз нашла, спасибо заранее:))

Переведите пожалуйста на английский используя слова quite, at all. 1) Я совсем не хочу ехать за город. 2) Я совсем не умею плавать. 3) Мой отец с

овсем старый (человек). Сколько ему лет? 75.4) Вашей дочери совсем нельзя быть (оставаться) на солнце. 5) Этот перевод совсем не трудный. 6) Я совершенно здоров. 7) Простите, я совсем вас не знаю.

Читайте также

английский косвенная речь

"Being a mixed-race kid was difficult."
"I looked absolutely dreadful... and was known as 'the bad girl' in school." "I was really jealous of the leaders and tough older girls... and became really angry when I was 13 because you're insecure about how you look and where you fit in."
"Since I started writing songs at 13, I have worked like dog." "When my older friends left school I was forced to face up to the other kids my gang had rejected."
"People can do anything that's physically possible if they have talent and determination."
"It's not that I want to be a role model, because I'm not perfect." "I feel like I can make someone feel more acceptable and will always connect with teenage outsiders."
переведите пожалуйста в косвенная речь (то что в кавычках)
Образование Наука школа рефераты

Добрый день , помогите пожалуйста те, кто знает грамматику английского)

нужно предложения с прямого языка перевести в непрямой . ( прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке) .
вот предложения в прямой речи :
1. I'm thinking of going to live in Spanish .
2. My father is in hospital.
3. Nore and Max are getting marred next month.
4. I haven't seen Bill for a while.
5. I have been playing tennis a lot recently.
6. Margant has had a baby .
7, I don't know what tired is doing.
8.I work 18 hours a day.
9.I'll tell Jim I saw you.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на перевод специальных вопросов в косвенной речи.

Они спросили меня,
как им добраться до площади Свердлова.
когда я последний раз видел Петрова.
как (насколько хорошо) я говорю по-английски.
как часто я хожу в театр.
сколько времени нужно, чтобы перевести эту статью.
сколько иностранных языков я знаю.

Помогите перевести в косвенную речь (английский язык)

1. "The last thing I want is to leave you here, Mary," said Paul.
2. "My dog has been chasing my neighbour’s cat and I don’t know what to do," said Cathy.
3. "Robert, don’t wait for me because I won’t be back until eight," said Liz.
4. "Jane, I can talk for long because I’m cooking the dinner," said Michael.
5. "Where are you going, Sue?" asked Joe.
6. "Who usually sits next to you in English?" Martha’s mother asked.
7. "You must promise me you’ll come home before ten," his father said.
8. "Could you give me some advice?" she said.
9. "I was very happy when I heard I had passed the exam," said Sasha.
Report the following:
1.Oh dear, I’m terribly sorry.
2.Can I give you a lift home?
3.I can’t do it now. I’m too busy.
4.I didn’t break it, it’s not my fault.
5.You should take part in the competition, I’m sure you’ll win.

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