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Read the sentences and then give your opinion.Use I agree,I do not agree and I think,I do not think. Ben thinks Mathis is boring

1-4 класс

2014Timur 29 мая 2014 г., 7:05:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 мая 2014 г., 9:37:35 (10 лет назад)

Это какоё каласс? И что за задание!


Другие вопросы из категории

Tom (to play) football every Sunday.

2) He (not to play) football every day.
3) I (to wear) a raincoat now.
4) They (to play) in the room now?
5) She (to help) her mother every day?
6) You (to come) to my place next Sunday?

ТРАНСКРИПЦИЯ КО СЛОВАМ Garlic чеснок Leeks лук-порей

Spring onions BrE/ green onions AmE зеленый лук

Onion луковица

Potato картофелина

Cucumber огурец

Courgette BrE/ zucchini AmE цукини

Pumpkin тыква

Beans бобы

Peas горох

Beetroot BrE/ beet AmE свекла

Ginger имбирь

Radish редиска

Carrot морковь

Turnip репа

Cabbage капуста

Corn кукуруза

Chinese leaves BrE/ bok choy AmE листовой салат

Celery сельдерей

Artichoke артишок

Asparagus спаржа

Cauliflower цветная капуста

Spinach шпинат

Red pepper красный перец

Green pepper зеленый перец

Broccoli брокколи

Aubergine BrE/ egg plant AmE баклажан

Mushroom гриб

Tomato помидор

Читайте также

Read the sentences and correct the mistakes. 1) Nick like skating very much.2) My parents bedroom is not very big.3) Dad's armchair is on the fireplace

.4) Are there a playroom and a hall in the house? 5) Ann drinks juice now.

Put the words in the correct order to make up a sentence .
1) table near a bed is Mum's There bedside
2) chairs are in sitting many your How there room?

1. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), or F(false).

Hi Thomas,
Greeting from Tokyo! The sun is shining and we're visiting the Togo Shrine Flea Market. The market takes place on Sundays in the gardens of a shrine. It's the perfect place for buying souvenirs and gifts for friends. You can find furniture, blue and white china, 1950s film posters, Buddha statues, old coins, toys and even ancient helmets and sword! There is also traditional jewellry and costumes with lovely flower patterns here. The Japanese have a rich culture.
Right now, I am eating a sandwich. My sister is taking photographs. We're hating a great time!You must visit Tokyo sometime!
See you soon,

1. Mark is out shopping. ...
2. The market is open all week ...We
3. The market doesn't sell souvenirs ...
4. You can only buy new things at the market ...
5. Mark is in Tokyo with a family member ...
6. Mark's taking photographs ...
7. Mark's enjoying his trip ...

2. Read again and complete the sentences. Use up to five words.
1. Mark is writing from ...
2. The weather is ...
3. The market is open ...
4. You can buy ...
5. Japanese people have ...

Read the text and do the tasks below. (15 points)

A Trip by Plane
An American farmer wanted to make an air trip. There was an airport close to his farm. So one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip.
"You see," he said to one of the pilots, "I have never flown before, but I would like to." The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten-minute trip. "Oh, it's a dollar a minute," the farmer said. "Can't you reduce the price?" The pilot thought for a minute and then said, "I won't take any money if you don't say a word during the whole trip." The farmer agreed.
"By the way," said the pilot, "you may take your wife too." The farmer was happy.
The next day at three o'clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport. Soon they were up in the air. The plane flew at a high speed, it went up and down very quickly, but since the passengers didn't say a word.
"You are brave people," said the pilot. "I thought you would be afraid to fly."
“Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane”
A Write down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
6. The farmer didn't like the price of the trip.
7. It was a trip on the ship.
8. The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less.
9. The price was 10 dollars for each minute.
10. The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.
11. The farmer's wife was quite well after the trip.

Read the rules and discuss them with your classmates.Add your own rules. What rules can a teacher write for his students

1.Make your teacher happy 1.Make your students happy
2. Do your homework sometimes 2.Only give good marks to your students.
3. Don't speak to your friends at the lessons 3.Don't give your students any homework

Read the text and complete it with the verbs in the Past Simple.Julia Sherman spent (spend) her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside.

They ... (take) a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia's dad ... (buy) the tickets. They ... (arrive) at the airport on time. Julia ... (see) a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia ... (eat) tasty sandwiches and ... (drink) some juice. Julia ... (read) a book and ... (watch) an interesting video.
In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. From the window she ... (can) see the Red Sea and ... (smell) the beautiful flowers. She ... (want) to go sightseeing. She ... (take) a lot of photos of the Sahara Desert, the big camels, and the exotic flowers. For two weeks she ... (have) a lot of sunbathing, ... (swim) and ... (watch) the beautiful fish in the sea all day long. She ... (be) very happy at the seaside.
Буду признательна если поможете с переводом... ^_^

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