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сочинение на тему violent sports очень срочно! спасибо заранее)

10-11 класс

Yulika01 11 дек. 2014 г., 18:07:22 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 дек. 2014 г., 18:58:42 (9 лет назад)

Sport is war. It's about sublimating the aggression and the hatred that humans have always employed in order to survive in hostile environments in ways that fit into modern civilised societies. We tolerate things in sport that would send citizens in the street to prison – physical and verbal abuse, preventing someone else from doing what they’re entitled to do, spitting, even. And these are completely normal. On average, an NFL player has a life expectancy some twenty years lower than that of others: this is one of America’s favourite sports. Cricket players regularly take 90mph deliveries in the face – that’s a small, hard sphere of leather and cork in the face. Travelling faster than most cars on the highway. Soccer players break legs, ankles, shatter kneecaps. 

So it is a misplaced concern that speaks of "violent sports" - all sport is violent, all sport is about engaging all your resources to defeat your opponents. Think about the very vocabulary of sport - beat, thrash, crush, defeat, win, humiliate - the vocabulary of war.


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choosing the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.

It (to know) that in the past sweet dishes (to cool) with snow and ice. They (to enjoy) by the rich and powerful such as Alexander the Great, the Egyptian Pharaohs, and the Emperor Nero.

The first real ice-cream (to make) with fresh cream and milk. It (to produce) in the 1630s by Gerald Tissain, the French chef of the British King, Charles I , During the 18th century ice-cream (to eat) regularly at ' fashionable ice-cream cafes in London, Paris and other great cities. It was still a great luxury. For example, George Washington spent $200 on ice-cream for just two months in 1790.

10 предложений с герунди

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помогите написать сочинение на тему моя профессия.

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2 причина выбора профессии (финансовый. техникум кооперативный)
3 представление.

если можно с переводом. заранее спасибо. очень срочно.

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Очень срочно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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