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Исправьте ошибки. 1) Cross-country skiing at the 2002 Winter Olympics 2) In the sprint race involved, Julia Chepalova, Evi Sachenbacher, Anita

1-4 класс

Moen, Lubov Egorova, Elena Burukhin Nina Gavrylyuk. 3) First came sportsmenka from Russia. 4) She won the gold medal 5) The second came Evi Sachenbacher. 6) Third came Annie Maughan. 7) Her name is Julia Chepalova. 8) She's from Russia. 9) Sports began to engage in four years under his father Anatoly Chepalova, which works to this day. 10) The first gold medal in the sprint at 30 km free style came to Julia in Nagano in 1998

Veronichka97 21 дек. 2013 г., 21:18:25 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 дек. 2013 г., 23:09:11 (10 лет назад)

не sportsmenka,а sportwoman


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Look at the picture above. What are the children wearing?

1) Rita is wearing________________________
2) Mary is______________________________
3) Ben__________________________________
4) PHil_________________________________
5) Helen_______________________________
6) Sam________________________________

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. What is there the table?
There is a lot of________________________________on the table.
There are________________________________________________.

Read translate and compare.Match the questions to the answers. 1.What kind of books do you usually read? 2. What book are you reading at the moment? 3. Do

you speak French? 4. Are they speaking Spanish or Italian at the moment? A. Wait a minute! I think they are speaking Spanish. B. Yes I do.A little. C. I am reading a story about Sherlock Holmes.D.I usually read detective stories and books on history

Read the text and complete it with the verbs in the Past Simple.Julia Sherman spent (spend) her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside.

They ... (take) a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia's dad ... (buy) the tickets. They ... (arrive) at the airport on time. Julia ... (see) a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia ... (eat) tasty sandwiches and ... (drink) some juice. Julia ... (read) a book and ... (watch) an interesting video.
In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. From the window she ... (can) see the Red Sea and ... (smell) the beautiful flowers. She ... (want) to go sightseeing. She ... (take) a lot of photos of the Sahara Desert, the big camels, and the exotic flowers. For two weeks she ... (have) a lot of sunbathing, ... (swim) and ... (watch) the beautiful fish in the sea all day long. She ... (be) very happy at the seaside.
Буду признательна если поможете с переводом... ^_^

ianguage in use look at the sentence in the boх . - (the fire quickly gets biger and more dangerous) put the words into the

sentences.use-er or more.

1)the piople of Bangladesh are...............every year because the floods are...........(afraid, nigh)

2)water is...... than food.(important)

3)we have to be..........with our clean water.(careful)

4)the winters are getting .............at the summer are getting.............(short,hot)

5)the ice is melting quickly because the weather is .................. (warm)

6)every year the number of piople in the world gets....and the problems get...(big,difficult) 7)farms and factories are making some rives.......every year (dirty)


Paul is in the park. He often(go) after thr lessons there. Now he (go) on exciting rides there.Pete is at the school stadium. He (ride) askateboard.

He (be) very good at it.
Steve and Mike are at the zoo. They (take) photos of the animals there. Steve and Mike (be) interested in photography. Jane is at Sarah`s birthday party. She and her friends (enjoy) a birthday cake.
Sue is at home. She(chat) with Linda on the phone. They (exchange) their school news rvery day.
Bill is at Ted`s home. They (do) homework together. Bill often(help) Ted with maths.
Linda(ride) a horse at the club. She(visit) the club every Wednesday.
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