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напишіть переказ тексту "The Sword in the Stone"

5-9 класс

8904bk 18 марта 2017 г., 11:58:02 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 марта 2017 г., 13:53:25 (7 лет назад)

The kingdom of England has, for years, remained divided. Wart, a measly servant knave, dreams of becoming a knight but is barely certain he may act as squire to castle lord Sir Ector's son Kay; then, the sorcerer Merlin and his grumpy, talking owl Archimedes invite themselves to the castle and move into its dilapidated north tower. Merlin, who can magically access the future, intends to prepare Wart for a grand future, so he gives the squirt dangerous lessons, transforming themselves into animals to learn the mental skills befitting a knight and a ruler. Since the once-renown magical sword in the stone that could confer the kingdom of all England unto one person (thus unifying it) has never been able to be withdrawn for years, a tournament in London is formed to designate a ruler instead. Kay is going to compete, but the rude, lout stands no chance.

+ 0 -
18 марта 2017 г., 15:20:06 (7 лет назад)

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Номер 6(а) СРОЧНО нужно!!!!!!!! просто я не успеваю и если напишите неверно я пожалуюсь на ответ!!!!

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This is a traditional Welsh story a)open the brackets to make it the complete b)Give the story a title c)Expand the story in writing to make it more

interesting This story is (set) in Wales in the Middle Ages. There was a prince whose name (be) Llewellyn. He (live) in the valley. He(have) a baby son. He also (have) a dog called Gelert. One day the prince (go) hunting. He (leave) the dog(look) after the baby . Some wolves (come) out of a wood. They (run) to the cottage. THe dog (see) the wolves and (hide) the baby. Then he(run) outside and (fight) the wolves. He (kill) two but was wounded. He was tired and (lie) down to sleep. The prince (return). He(see) the all in blood. He (notice) that his son's bed was empty. He (take) his sword and (kill) the dog while it(sleep). Then he (hear) the baby (cry) and(find) him. Through the window he(see) the two dead wolves. Then he (understand). He(carry) the dog to the top of a hill and buried it. He (collect) a lot of stones to mark the grave. You can still (see) it tooday

Можете придумать титул и раскрыть скобки заранее благодарна:)

Перевидите текст плиз! Do you know where the Hawaiian islands are& Do you know what country they belong to? The are in the central part of the

Pacific Ocean and belong to the United States of America. Hawaii became the 50th state of the USA in 1959 Captain cook found these islands just a few years after he discovered Australia.

He put these islands on the map and gave them a name.

The famous Rocky Mauntains in the USA begin near Denver in Colorado and go up into Canada. South of the Rocky Mountains there are many beautiful canyons. Do you know what a canyon is? It is a deep narrow valley. One of the biggest canyons in the world is the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Когда напишите переведите. Задание: Use the verb from the brackets in its proper

tense and voice.

1)The wedding ceremony (to take place) in two weeks.

2)My uncle got the job as an electrician after he (to win) the contest.

3)The relationshipship among classmates (to base) upon mutual respect and trust.

4)Getting a job (to become) one of the most difficult problems in many countries


5)Each people (to have) its own customs and traditions.

6)While mother (to cook) the dinner, father (to vacuum) the carpet in the sitting-room

Друзья плиз помогите это THE COMPLEX OBJECT НУЖНО СРОЧНО НАПИШИТЕ СЕГОДНЯ. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice 1/ We export this computer to

seventy different countries 2/ We opened the factory at nine o clock 3/ They send two million books to America every year 4/ We have invited all the students 5/ They posted all the letters yesterday Use the verbs in the correct form. 1/ Mice (be) also domestic animals. 2/ Your hair (need)cutting 3/ Your clothes (hang) on the chair 4/ Your advice (have) helped me greatly 5/ When the news (be)ower we ll go to bed. Перепишите предложения в пассивном залоге 1 / Мы экспортируем этого компьютера до семидесяти разных стран 2 / Мы открыли завод в девяти часам 3 / Они посылают двух миллионов книг в Америке каждый год 4 / Мы пригласили всех студентов 5 / Они размещены все буквы вчера Используйте глаголы в правильной форме. 1 / Мыши (быть) и домашних животных. 2 / Ваши волосы (потребность) резки 3 / Ваша одежда (зависает) на стуле 4 / Ваш совет (есть) мне очень помог 5 / Когда новости (быть) Ауэр мы пойдем в постель.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

Put the events in the correct order. Расставьте события в правильном порядке.
Model:Rob MacWizard (want) to visit Misha Inin in Russia.—
Rob MacWizard wanted to visit Misha Inin in Russia.

1. Agent Cute (visit) the boss in his office in London.
2. Agent Cute (watch) the boys from a tree.
3. Agent Cute (start) his mission in Russia.
4. The Queen of England (return) the Stone of Destiny to Scotland.
5. Robin (stay) with Misha in Obninsk.
6. Rob's mother and father (worry) about Rob.
7. Misha and Robin (try) to fly back to Russia.
8. Agent Cute (look) for Misha and Robin in London.
9. Boss (phone) Agent Cute in the hospital.
10. Misha and Robin (help) Alice get to Tunbridge Wells.
11. Misha and Robin (celebrate) Halloween.
12. Agent Cute (celebrate) Bonfire Night.

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