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Сочинение по англу на тему воды

5-9 класс

все что захотите о воде

классггг 01 дек. 2016 г., 15:11:38 (7 лет назад)
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01 дек. 2016 г., 16:13:38 (7 лет назад)

An essay on the topic "the Importance of water"

How seldom we think about the usual for us things. But sometimes, their importance cannot be overstated. For example, everyone knows that water is a vital us. Let's try to understand why.

If not exceptional location of the Land, through which two-thirds of its surface is covered with water, we would have never appeared in this world. According to scientists, people cannot live without water, without causing serious damage to health. And this is not surprising, because our body is two-thirds water. What to say about all the numerous animals t plants, whose life also depends entirely on water sources.

Water is everywhere around us - in reservoirs and under the earth, leaves of grass, the trees, the rain drops... It fills one with all life on Earth. Without water is impossible to grow crops and keep livestock. Therefore, our ancient ancestors settled near sources of water, digging wells, honored, rain and even sacrificed to the gods during times of drought. Today without water is impossible to imagine the life of people, any production - from bread baking before the building of auto - requires water resources.

Now potable water is available to us at any moment, just flows from the faucet in the house. We can make coffee, wash up, clean up, wash, whenever you want. Maybe because this is not fully realize its value. And why not consider a personal problem that water constantly dumped waste factories. We are not used to save water, can open the tap and pour more than we need. And somewhere in Africa, people daily are several kilometers to the well to water your family....

And because I believe that we need to remember what the ordinary matter as water is a priceless treasure, to which we owe our existence. So it save it from a selfish reasons! This, of course, a joke where, as they say, there is always a grain of truth.


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