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Сократить для пересказа In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age. Parents

5-9 класс

can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a pre-school play group to prepare them for the start of compulsory education.

Oksanamiskaya 05 апр. 2015 г., 6:48:13 (9 лет назад)
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05 апр. 2015 г., 7:55:53 (9 лет назад)

In the UK, education is compulsory for all children aged 5 to 16 years. Parents may choose to send their children to day care or preschool play groups.AH public schools in the UK are free and schools provide their students with books and equipment for their research. Ninety per cent of schools in England, Scotland and Wales, co-education. This means that boys and girls are taught together in klasse.V age 5, children go to kindergarten, which is the first stage of primary education. From 7 to 11 students are enrolled in primary school, which is the second stage of primary education. In elementary school, children are taught the so-called 3R's of reading, writing and arithmetic. Also, there is music, physical education and art classes.At age 11, most students go to high school with a secondary school. About six percent of students go to a school that accept students who are eleven plus exam .. This is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds are enrolled in the sixth grade at school or sixth form college. The sixth class prepares students for the exam called the level (Advanced Level) in 18 years. Another 16-year-old decided to go to the college of further education to study for a more practical (vocational) diplomas again in the world of work, such as hairdressing or mehanika.Okolo seven percent of students attend private schools, where parents have to play for their children. Expresive most private schools are called public schools. Most of them are single-sex boarding schools and students can live there druring period of time.


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Переведите пожалуйста 1) In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age.

2)Britian has got every interesing system of education.Educationis class divided.There are some state shools and private shools.State shools are drivet in to primary shools and secondary shools.
3)Ail state shools in Britian are free.90% of state shools are co-educational.That me anstat boys abd girls are taught to ge ther in then same class.

Для следующих предложениях задавать вопросы, начинающиеся со слов в скобках.

1)His family moved into Almaty from Semey two years ago. (Who?)
2) She started her business not so long ago. (What?)
3) At the start of her business no one helped her. (Did?)
4) If nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way. (Shall?)
5) After four year primary school he want secondary school. (Where?)
6) Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study (What?)
7) Education is compulsory for all children in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Is?)
8) A school year lasts 9 months. (How long)

In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the

age of five when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.
In infant schools children don't have real classes. They get acquainted with the class-room, desks, play and learn through playing. They learn numbers and how to add them.
When the children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics. Then they go to secondary school.
At secondary school pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and Physical training.
There are some types of secondary school in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern school and comprehensive schools. . One can attend modern school but of a modern school don't learn foreign languages.
If they go to grammar school they will have a good secondary education. This type of school is most popular in
England. At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign
languages and PT lessons. English, Maths and Science are called 'core' subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core
subjects at the age of 7, 11 and 14.
There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not together study at these schools. The son and
daughters of aristocracy go to these schools. Their parents pay much money for the education in private schools. The
teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil. There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not study together at these schools. The teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil.
English pupils have school uniform. It is an old tradition in the country. A boy's uniform consist of a special suit, a school cap , a tie end a blazer. A girl's uniform consist of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse . As usual uniform is dark.
As you have just read British education has many different faces but one purpose. Its purpose is to develop pupils' abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.

Ответьте на вопросы)) 1.What does the UK consist of ? 2.What separates Great Britain from Europe ? 3.What is the most important river in Great Britain?

Why? 4.What seaports in Great Britain do you know? 5.What is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for? 6.What in monarchy? 7.What are the Houses of the UK Parliament? 8.Who is elected every five years? 9.Who are the members of the House of Lords?? ЗАРАНЕЕ БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО)))

To the following sentences put questions beginning with the words in brackets: 1.His family moved into Almaty from Semey two years


2.She started her business not so long ago.(What?)

3.At the start of her business no one helped her. (Did?)

4.If nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way. ( Shall?)

5.After four year primary school he went to secondary. (Where?)

6.Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. (What?)

7.Education is compulsary for all children in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Is?)

8.A school year lasts 9 months.(How long?)

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