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Придумайте предложения со словосочетаниями(на английском): it sound like, the front door, a local taxi service, a bouquet of flowers, to change one's

5-9 класс


Hemming 04 мая 2015 г., 16:05:23 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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04 мая 2015 г., 17:08:59 (9 лет назад)

1)it sounds like a great experience

2)someone was staying outside the front door

3)a local taxi service offer special features to the old citizens and disabled people

4)i was sent a nice bouqet of flowers

5)i changed my clothes as they were very filthy


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Привет! Помогите пожалуйста! На завтра нужно сочинение на английском. Про пингвина. Можно и другое,интересное животное))) . 10-13 предложений,легкий, ин

тересный но понятный( не слишком трудные слова). Плииз!!))))) Для открытого урока! Заранее благодарна!!))))):))));)))

помогите плизззз вот задания Complete the sentences with have, has , was and were.

1. _____ you ever been to the Kremlin ?- Of course we ___ We____ there last Sunday.2.My little sisiter ___ not been to the zoo yet.____your little brother been there? - Yes, he ___ . at the zoo last weekend. But I___not been there for ages . Let's all go togerther . It's worth vising in May. 3.They ___ alreadiy been to the musems . They ____ there last month.

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to spend time
to read science fiction
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Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Надо составить 5 предложений к тексту на английском. ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИЗЗЗ

There is a beautiful legend behind St Valentine's Day. Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He wasn't very popular because he was trying to get more and more people for his army. The men didn't want to go to the army and Claudius thought that it was because they didn't want to leave their wives and children."If they don't get married they'll join the army," he thought and passed a law which banned marriage. Valentine was a Christian priest who didn't like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor's soldiers caught him and put him in prison. Valentine was going to die. Many young people felt sorry for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it "Love from your Valentine". This was on 14 February 269 AD. Since then 14 february has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and presents to each other. They don't sign cards with their names, but write "Guess Who" of "Your Valentine". At first this was a European tradition, but then it become popular in other countries. It come to Russia too, but a lot of people say, "If you love somebody, you should show it very day; not only not day a year.

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