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как читается по англискому слова вы правы

5-9 класс

Vikusik1995 30 марта 2017 г., 11:23:58 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 марта 2017 г., 12:35:39 (7 лет назад)

You are right/ю а райт

+ 0 -
30 марта 2017 г., 14:03:37 (7 лет назад)

you are right-ю а райдж


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Помогите составить 10 вопросов к этому тексту Christina Ricci is not a typical film star.She doesn t like Hollywood-the parties or the people.She is

happier to live on the East Coast of the USA.,,I love the people and the snow there,, she says.Christina always chooses interesting parts and often works in small,independent films. Christina does not look like a typical glamorous celebrity .However,she isgood-looking,with a roundface and big eyes.She often plays the parts of strange or bad characters. In real life ,Christina is very different from her film image.She livesin New York with her boyfriend,Matthew,and her two cats.She enjoys living a normal life.She likes watching TV,cooking and going out with friends. Work is also a very important part of Christina s life.She has to travel a lot and works very hard when she is making a film.She also has to give a lot of interviews and go on television because she is a famous actress.Christina is a young person with a very bright future in front of her

Put the verbs in brackets into gerund form. Do you agree with these statement?

Why/ why not?

1/ ( Get ready) for the exams in April is too late.

2 ( Learn) long English texts by heart is useless.

3 ( Revise) basic grammar material will not help you speak better.

4 ( Look up) all unfamiliar words in the dictionary when you read books in English will help enlarge your vocabulary.

Write what you and your family members did at your last family party.

It was... so we went to
Our family
First...,Nex...,at that moment...,After that...,Finally

The world

capital of filmed entertainment has been a little city with orange forest and great
weather over the past 100 years.

One day in
1908 a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to make a film.

In 1911 the
first studio appeared in Hollywood.

Silent and and black-and-white films were
forced out by sound films.

составти текст Помогите пожалуйста с английским очень надо! Write about any place of interest you visited.use: To be foundet(by/in) to be like t

o be different from to like pictures to spend a weeekend/a holiday lots of places to visit famous/interesting/favourite/well-known Помогите чем сможете!

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и как читается по русски

The world we live in can be a dangerous one.Some people need to have a bodygurd to protect them and their families. Politicians in almost all countries

are guarded by bodyguards. The President of the United States never goes anywhere without Secret service agents. Important business people or stars may also have bodyguards to protect them. A bodyguard is a dangerousjob. Good bodyguards are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients. Some bodyguards wear bullet-proof vests.Bodyguards also teach their clients how to avoid dangerous situations. The bodyguards usually stay with their clients wherever they go. They canprotect their clients homes and offices. Пожалусто напишите по Русски как читается по англиски заранее спасибо :)

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