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How many verbs can be used in the

10-11 класс

following sentence.

The news he...us about the accident was

Msdetka2014 05 янв. 2015 г., 15:20:28 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 янв. 2015 г., 16:33:41 (9 лет назад)

1 и 5 то есть 2 глагола


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For questions 1-11,read the text below. Use the words given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a world that fits in the gap in the

same line. 1.ROUND 2.SUIT 3,USE 4.FUNCTION 5,REPUTE 6,DESIGN 7.EXTREME 8,ATTRACT 9,CHOOSE 10.NATURE 11.CYCLE Whether you are at home ,at school or in the office ,you are likely to be 1,,,,,,,,,,, by object made of some kind of plastic material. And , of course ,there are many types of plastics ,each one 2..... for a particular use. Thin, flexible plastic is good for making objects such as bags ,whereas thick , hard plastic is a 3..... material for making things like pens, DVD cases and other 4... objects . So, although plastic has a 5... for beign cheap and disposable ,in the hands of a good 6.... ,it can also be used to make objects of great beauty. As well as offering 7... high quality at low price , plastic can take almost any shape ,colour or consistency , and has been used to make very 8..... pieces of furniture . Plastic can also be seen as an environmentally friendly 9.....of material It can be used in place of other materials that are in short supply in their 10.... state ,such as certain types of wood ,and it is also very hard-wearing , When you no longer wanted it,then it would almost centainly be possible to 11... the material...

1)No man can make speeches in the House of Commons unless the Speaker calls on him, and no member

may deliver more than one major speech in a debate. The name of the sovereign must not be introduced and the
House of Lords is always referred to as «another place». Members do not address each other by name, but
always as «the honourable member for so-and-so».
2)There is an expression used in the House of Commons to show the end of the day's business. Somebody
calls out: «Who goes home?» and the session ends up and the members hurry home. This custom remains from
the time when there was a lot of robbers in London. In the dark night the members went in groups through the
narrow streets of the old city


Перевод при помощи переводчика гугл отмечу как спам)


Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources: people, money, energy, materials, space, and time.

Administrative management is an approach that focuses on principles that can be used by management to coordinate the internal activities of organizations.

For years, managers have considered decision making to be a pure art. It has been considered an art because a variety of individual styles can be used in approaching and successfully solving the same type of managerial problems in actual business practice. These styles are often based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and the experience rather than on the systematic analytical approach.

However, the environment in which management must operate is changing. A man has long since landed on the moon, and technological advancement dictates the pace of our life. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances in the systems of management.

Business and its environment are more complex today than ever before, and the trend toward increasing complexity is continuing. So making decisions today is much more complicated than in the past for three reasons. First, the number of alternatives is usually much larger. Second, the consequences of the decisions are more difficult to predict due to increased uncertainty. Finally, the cost of making errors has become larger and larger, mainly due to the size of operations, automation, and a resulting chain - reaction situation in which the impact of an error may be felt on many places due to complex interrelationships.

To illustrate how critical the impact of a single error can be, consider the following example. In the early 80s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars in developing a new camera, SX-70. The justification for the huge investment was the anticipation of large profits from the sale of film for the camera. On July 2, 1985, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged almost 16 points and closed at a low for the year of 790. The major contributor to the fall was the drop in Polaroid, a once highly priced glamour issue that fell ll3/g points, a decline of 32 percent, in a single day! The drop was attributed to an announcement that the sales of SX-70 film were only one third of the company's projections. The plunge reduced the value of Polaroid shares by more than 360 million USD overnight! The impact was so significant that even though Polaroid did not file for the bankruptcy, its earnings declined for several years.

Managers must become more sophisticated - they must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field. No one can imagine a successful physician using the medicine and equipment of the turn of the century. Yet, in management, one can find executives using management tools of that time.
1. Say whether it is true or false.

1. Administrative management is the ratio of the organization's productivity and the organization's structure.

b)Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources.

c)The environment in which administrative management must operate is stable.

d)Today managerial decision making trends towards increasing simplicity.

e)In the early 60s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars.

f)Managers must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field.

2. Finish the sentences:

1. For years, managers have considered decision making .. .

2. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances …. .

3. So making decisions today is much more complicated … .

4. First, the number of alternatives is .

5. Second, the consequences of decisions are more difficult to predict ….
1. Choose the correct answer.

1 He is ...C... man in the world.

A tall B taller C the tallest

2 I am …... than my sister.

A old B older C the oldest

3 This picture is …... of all.

A good B better C the best

4 My car was …... than yours.

A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

5 This is …... film I've ever seen.

A boring B more boring C the most boring

6 Dan is not as ……. as Henry.

A thin B thinner C the thinnest

7 My shopping bag is as ... as yours.

A heavy B heavier C the heaviest

8 I think History is a(n) .. subject.

A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting

9 England is very …... in winter.

A cold B colder C the coldest

10 Trains are ….. than bicycles.

A fast B faster C the fastest

2. Underline the correct word.

1 She looked at me angry/angrily this morning.

2 He got dressed quick/quickly as he was late.

3 The fish had a strong/strongly smell.

4 She spoke to her friend soft/softly.

5 This salad tastes good/well.

6 That chair is quite comfortable/comfortably to sit on.

7 He sounded very unhappy/unhappily on the phone.

8 I feel sad/sadly today.

9 She is a very clever/cleverly student.

10 She crossed the road safe/safely.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или ег эквивалент 1. people cannot have all the things they want 2. the economic resources can be used to p

roduce many different kinds of goods and services 3. economics had to use the term capital - intensive to descrube the alternative methods 4.people should deside how to allocate to different uses

5.4.Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative forms: 1. Someone is waiting for you in that room. 2. He

knows nothing about the arson.-задать 2 вопроса.

3. We know something that can be useful for the investigation of the treason.

4. Everybody approved his conviction.

5. You can find evidence everywhere at the crime scence.

5.3.Read the words, determine what parts of speech they belong to and by means of what suffixes they are formed and translate them into Russian:

darkness, readiness, demonstration, sailor, especially, brightly, weakness, celebration, happiness, examiner, introduction, understandable, agreement, delegation, fatherless, hopeful, nameless, indifferent.

5.6.Read and translate the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (to find)....... very important evidence during the crime scene search.

2. Is everybody here? - No, one of our divisional inspectors (not to come).......................yet.

3. You anything (to hear).............about the government building arson?

4. He never (to prejudice)................his actions.

5. Why are you here? You are to interview witnesses.- But we already (to do)............................it.

6. Will you call after 3 o'clock? He (to arrive)...........by that time.

7. He already (to interrogate).......................the suspect when I saw him.

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