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люди,плиз...Help me! Вы моя последняя надежда.

10-11 класс

Lyubasyutuba 19 авг. 2014 г., 21:07:28 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 авг. 2014 г., 23:05:03 (9 лет назад)

2. will

3. am going to

4. will

5. shall

6. will probably stay

7. will do

8. is going to climb

9.  will become

10.  will cut


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предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

1) Someone left the bomb in the city centre last night.

2) The press discusses the private lives of politicians.

3) The police have arrested the criminal and charged him with assault.

4) The Parliament invited the representatives of two parties for the

5) The Government approved the plan for the construction of a new

6) I have just posted letters.

Ребят нужно рассказ о морскомРебят нужно рассказ о морском путешествии.(Выезд из Одессы Украина у черное море. Со словами journey, voyage, ship,

wind, change, through, tired, miss, catch. Рассказ нужен на уровень 5 класса. Кто напишет спасибо.

образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от прилагательных


Читайте также

Can you help me?can you cook cakes?...the oven.Yes,I can...the girl.

Can you help me?can you milk me?....the cow.Yes,I can...the girl.
Can you help me?can you gather apples?...the tree.Yes,I can...the girl. Нужно вставить слова в нужной форме.
to ask
to answer

Поставьте слова в отрицательную форму: 1.He works at the same factory. 2.My brother tells us nice stories. 3.I speak English well. 4.My sister helps me

(to) do my homework. 5. Those foreign students speak Russian. 6.The librarin helps us (to) choose books for home reading. 7. We listen to his lectures on Sundays.8. He reviews tge words every day. 9. Mary schows me her new pictures.

Реально срочно плиз!!

XII. Fill in the missing words:
A. 1. Something has gone ... with the cassette-recorder. Can you put it...? 2. She is not up yet; she is still.... 3.
The classes are over. I am ... to go home. 4. I am ready to have a hot ..., ... my teeth and go to bed. 5. If you want to have a ..., let's go for a walk. 6. I have ... my hands and now I am going to ... them on the towel. 7.
Before putting on my clothes and shoes I always ... them. 8. While the mother serves breakfast Susan and Peter
... the flat and ... the beds. 9.I am going to present my brother with a sweater which I have ... myself. 10. In the
evening we usually have some music or ... to the radio or ... the TV programme. Sometimes we ... to see our
friends or our friends ... to see us. Once a week we go to the cinema or to the theatre. 11 . Do you usually sit up
late or do you ... to bed early? 12. Peter is a good sleeper, he......late and often has no time for breakfast. 13. If
the water feels cold on winter mornings you must rub yourself with the ... . 14. There is a ... this evening at the
club. 15. Something has gone wrong with the .... Will you have a ... at it? 16. Please, turn on (off) the ...! 17.
Have you cleaned the ...? 18. I'm ... for time, will you help me?

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