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Тема по англискому communication 15 предложений

5-9 класс

Алсунька 16 июня 2013 г., 9:15:15 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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16 июня 2013 г., 11:52:16 (11 лет назад)

In the last decades the ways people use to communicate between them are changing quickly. In only one century we have changed from letters and telegraph to mobile phones and social networks. It’s true that the communication nowadays is faster than before. We know whatever thing that happens in wherever place immediately. Nowadays we have more technology than never before to improve our communication, but it’s true too that this doesn’t mean necessarily that now we communicate better than before. I’m going to explain some examples.
Today it’s difficult to find somebody that doesn’t use mobile phone. This little gadget allows us to speak with everybody when we want and from wherever place. It isn’t only used to speak, but also, to send photos, messages or e-mails, to look for on the Internet or even to watch TV programmes. It helps us in difficult situations but to tell the truth we have paid a price for that. We have lost a piece of our freedom. Now we have the obligation to be located for our boss, family ... all the time. There is a big alarm if you don’t answer or return the call immediately. 
In the same way the Internet has invaded our lives to make communication easier and cheaper. We can chat and swap information with people around the world. It’s a fact that we live in the global village. However it isn’t less true that we spend a lot of time chatting in the networks with people we will never meet and we don’t talk with people that are in the same place while we wait for the doctor, for the bus or we are in a queue. We are too much busy with our mobiles phones. 
Other consequence about the near relation between communication and technology is that we are forced to be learning constantly about the new technologies. And that takes a lot of our free time. Besides, to young people (and not so young too), it is necessary to belong to a network like Facebook or Twitter. These days if you don’t are in some of them, you don’t exist. And moreover now it is in fashion to have a blog that you must update frequently. All that things are fantastic and really interesting but the problem is that they take our time off.
In my opinion, people are so interested in communicating using the new technologies that we are losing our social abilities for the communication face to face. I think we should include the new technologies in our lives but don’t let them replace the satisfaction to connect with the emotions and other feelings that you can see when you talk face to face.

+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 13:51:02 (11 лет назад)

сочинение нужно?

+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 14:40:41 (11 лет назад)

нет именно тема ну расказ


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