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выберите правильное слово My ball...big

1-4 класс

Luybaushakova 01 мая 2015 г., 13:56:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 мая 2015 г., 16:00:07 (9 лет назад)

My ball is very big.........


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Помогите придумать рассказ что любит делать мой друг: My Friend ________________

likes_____________________________________________________________________________ likes______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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Выбери правильное слово и обведи его букву:Example:My brother likes to.......(b)photos of his friends a)put b)take c)do.

1)The sister ....... their beds in the morning. a)make b)do c)clean.
2)Did you...... the flowers yesterday? a)clean b) water c)make.
3)I'll ... my homework on Sunday. a)go b)make c)do.
4)Jane,will you help me to ...... the washing up? a)make b)do c)clean.
5)Mag's father....... the stars in the evening. a)sees b)looks c)watches.
6)Helen and Betsy like to ....... shopping. a)walk b)go c)make.

Выберите правильный вариант артикля. He is .. . Businessman.

A) a. B)- C) the. D) an
Выберите правильную форму глагола to be: my name .... Roberto.
A) is B) am. C) are D) be
Выбирите правильную форму глагола. They....goy a new house.
A) has B) have C) had D) having
Выберите правильный вариант предлога. I get up ... 10 a.m.
A) in B) at C) on D) to

Выберите правильное слово...

We wash/washen the dishes every day.
Dan walk /walks his dog in the evening.
My cousin feed/feeds her fish.
My sisters get/gets up at eight o clock.

1. Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True); неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated).Т е к с т д л я а у д и р о в а

н и я Mary and her family lived on a farm. They had a lot of animals there: sheep, cows, chickens and horses. Every morning before school, Mary went to see her white horse, Snow. She gave her some bread to eat for breakfast, then she said goodbye and went to school. But last Tuesday, she didn't close Snow's door carefully when she went to see her. During her Maths lesson, Mary looked out of the window. There was Snow! 'Look!' said the teacher. 'There is a horse in the playground!' The children laughed. After the class, Mary rode home on Snow.А1. Mary and her family lived on a farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA2. There were a lot of animals on their farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA3. Mary's horse was black.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA4. Mary gave her white bread for breakfast.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA5. The horse's name was Cloud.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated2. Прослушай текст ещё раз и выбери правильный ответА6. What was Mary's favourite animal?1) A sheep. 2) A horse. 3) A cow.A7. What colour was her favourite animal? 1) White. 2) Brown. 3) Grey.A8. What was its name?1) Sunny. 2) Cloud. 3) Snow.A9. Why did it run away one day? Because...1) Mary opened 2) Mary didn't 3) there was fire.the door. close the door.A10. How did Mary get home?1) By car. 2) By bus. 3) On horse.

Помогите пожалуйста! Выберите правильное слово: Where does she ...? -In the park. a)skates b)skate c)skated

Вставь пропущенные слова: some, any, no.
1)-Would you like ___ apple juice? -Yes, please. I'd love ___.
2)-Have you got ___ apples? -No, sorry. I haven't got ___ apples. But I have got ___ oranges. -I'm afraid, i don't want ___ oranges. I would like apples.
3)-Mad, is there ___ bread at home? -No, there is ___ bread at home. -I hope you'll go and buy some.

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