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10 предложений в Present Simple

5-9 класс

Shfox 04 апр. 2015 г., 18:07:32 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 апр. 2015 г., 21:04:02 (9 лет назад)

I love my mother. Alina does her homework. Teacher teaches pupils. I want to get a good mark I do my homework. Sonya likes pasta. She goes to the gym every Monday. I want to drink. I like pizza. I don't want to be a bad student


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2-3 предложения с переводом

complete the sentences.Use a or an. I have got ----good idea.His father works in ___office.We are in a hurry.Let s take___taxi. ____hour has sixty

minutes.Her mother works at --- university.Is he__healthy person.

составить из английских слов предложения

1. He did out yesterday not go friends his with.
2. My brother part is the match in going to football take.
3. Does she the at weekend go to country the?
4. What are you do to going week next?

Перевести текст

Australia is located south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. It is a vast continent, made up of mainland Australia and of island of Tasmania to the south. The Australian continent is washed in the north by the Timor and Arafura Seas and the Torres Strait, in the east by the Tasman and Coral Seas, the South Pacific Ocean, in the south by the Bass Strait and the Indian Ocean. Australia is the flattest of the continents. Its most important chain is the Great Dividing Range running down most of the east coast. Other mountains include the Kimberley and Hamersley Ranges in Western Australia, the Flinders Range in South Australia. The centre of the continent is covered by the deserts: the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, and the Simpson Desert. There are few rivers in Australia. Its best known river is the Murray. The longest is the Darling.

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Помогите придумать 10 предложений в Present Simple и Present Continuous используя слова

(слова можно использовать не все но желательно что бы они были во всех предложениях)

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