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Preparing a concert

10-11 класс

find out what talents your classmates have.
how long they have practised their skilles.
who wants to take part in the concert.
make up the programme.
draw the poster.

BIGbosMEN 17 сент. 2013 г., 1:51:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 сент. 2013 г., 3:55:53 (10 лет назад)

Подготовка концертузнать, какие таланты ваши одноклассники.как долго они практиковали свои skilles.кто хочет принять участие в концерте.составляют программу.обратить плакат.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите перевести текст

сделайте правильный текст
в помощь слова в таблице + something + somebody + anything + anybody + nothing + nobody

Помогите перевести в косвенную речь (английский язык)

1. "The last thing I want is to leave you here, Mary," said Paul.
2. "My dog has been chasing my neighbour’s cat and I don’t know what to do," said Cathy.
3. "Robert, don’t wait for me because I won’t be back until eight," said Liz.
4. "Jane, I can talk for long because I’m cooking the dinner," said Michael.
5. "Where are you going, Sue?" asked Joe.
6. "Who usually sits next to you in English?" Martha’s mother asked.
7. "You must promise me you’ll come home before ten," his father said.
8. "Could you give me some advice?" she said.
9. "I was very happy when I heard I had passed the exam," said Sasha.
Report the following:
1.Oh dear, I’m terribly sorry.
2.Can I give you a lift home?
3.I can’t do it now. I’m too busy.
4.I didn’t break it, it’s not my fault.
5.You should take part in the competition, I’m sure you’ll win.

Помогите пожалуйста!Выразите удивление: ,,Неужели?"

пример: Nick is in London. - Is he?
Nick often visits London. - Does he?
1. My brother has got ten toys. - ........
2. Olga likes snakes.- ........
3. Nina plays football.- ........
4. - Jane and Ted's brother is ten.
- ............................................................
5. - Sam's mother works in the zoo.
- ..........................................................
6. - Ted and Nick's teachers are from London.
- ...........................................................

Complete the story. Use the correct form of the past simple or past continuous.

A few years ago, when I ___was____(be) a student,
I _________ (arrange) to meet a friend who _______(visit) London for a weekend.

Напишите три основные формы следующих глаголов.

To buy, to build, to bring, to make, to see, to know, to run, to go, to get, to sell, to find, to write, to meet, to begin, to speak, to read, to think, to come, to fell, to give, to teach.

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста. очень срочно надо)) ) выпишите, затранскрибируйте и переведите: 1) все глаголы 3 лица ед.ч., находящиеся во времени

Present Simple;

2) все остальные глаголы;

3) прилагательные и образуйте от них недостающие степени ставнения;

4) все обстоялельства времени.

this is my last year at school, and i am very busy, in fact. i am an early riser. on week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. it is seven o'clock. in spring or early autumn i usually run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh air in. the sunshine and fresh air set me into cheerful working mood. sometimes i do my morning exercises, but sometimes i just take a walk and go to school on foot. in winter it's different, of course. i am not so quick to leave my bed. but all the same, it's time to get up and start getting ready for my working day.

i do my bed and go to the bathroom. i take a shower, brush my teeth. then i go to the kitchen and have breakfast. while i am having breakfast, i switch on the radio and listen to the news. breakfast, asdoctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. so, for breakfast i usually have eggs and sausage or cheese sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee. sometimes i like to have some porridge.

after breakfast i leave for school. it takes me fifteen minutes to get to school by bus, and a bit longer if i go on foot. on my way to school i often meet my classmates and we go together.

my classes begin at 8.30. six or seven lessons a day is my ordinary timetable. so i stay at school i till 2 or 2.30. we study many subjects: history, geography, mathematics, chemistry and physics. but my favourie subjects are the english and russian languages and natural sciences as maths and chemistry are most difficult for me. when classes are over i go home.

i walk home with my friends and we have a nice chat about school and a lot of fun. after midday meal and some short rest i do some cleaning or shopping just to help my mother and then i go to the reading-room to prepare my homework. i stay there for three or four hours. i am found of english and writing reports and compositions. i do well in these subjects and it gives me a lot of pleasure to get ready for there lessons.

there is practically no time left. but nonetheless i attend a swimming pool twice a week and, on saturdays, the english club. here i have additional practice in the english language. we sing songs, recite verses and poems, se video films or meet some foreign guests who speak english. sometimes we do some performances, too. i take part in drama performances and sing. after the concert we dance.

late in the evening, i say (goodnight) to my parents and go to bed. as a rule, it is about midnight. that is my usual week-day when i am, really, as busy as a bee.

Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола. 1. (Have you ever seen / did you ever see) rock concert? 2. (I saw / have seen) the Rolling Stones last year.

3. I love rock'n'roll. I (like / have liked) it all my life. 4. The Stones concert (has been / was) excellent. 5.I (have bought / bought) all their records after the concert. 6. How long (have you known / do you know) Peter? 7. I (know / have known) him since we were at school together. 8. When (did you get / have you got) married to him? 9. We (have been / are) together for over ten years, and we (have got / got) married eight years ago. ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО!!!!!ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!

Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb (past simple and past continuous).

1. Claudia (learn) ............ ............ to be a chef when she (win) ............ a
national recipe contest.
2. Jake (enjoy) ............ ............ the old car show so much, he (do, not, remember)
............ ............ ............ that he had an appointment.
3. The band members (play) ............ ............ a concert when Adrienne’s clarinet
(squeak) ............ . She (feel) ............ embarrassed.
4. The Apollo 13 astronauts (prepare) ............ ............ to land on the moon when
they (discover) ............ a problem with the spaceship.
5. Caroline (try) ............ ............ to find a job in Portland when she (hear)
............ about a great opportunity in Orlando.
6. You (sail) ............ ............ near Barbados when your ship (strike) ............ a
sand bar; you (do, not, like) ........... ........... ........... waiting for help to come.

либо Past Simple либо Past Continuous

1. The Apollo 13 astronauts (prepare) ............ ............ to land on the moon when
they (discover) ............ a problem with the spaceship.
2. The band members (play) ............ ............ a concert when Adrienne’s clarinet
(squeak) ............ . She (feel) ............ embarrassed.

раскроете скобки 1. what you (to learn) for today? - I (to be) sorry, I (not to prepare) my lesson. 2.I (to be) ill yesterday and (not to know) what to do

3.I (to prepare)my lesson tomorrow. 4.what you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? 5.we (to have)a good time last summer. 6.she (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 7.what she (to do)every day? 8.he heard that students(to have)holidays for three months next summer's 9.they (not to drink)tea now. I think they (to watch)TV. 10.you (to give) me this book tomorrow?

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