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Нужен небольшой рассказ про неудачное путешествие(например багаж забыли и т.д)

10-11 класс

Danka12415 11 марта 2014 г., 7:43:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 марта 2014 г., 9:43:00 (10 лет назад)

Как то так)
Мы всей семьей собрались ехать в путешествие.Все собрали,поехали.Ехали через все реки,озера,моря,пустыни,леса.И остановились попить воды.Но вдруг увидели нету багажа,с чемоданом,вернулись домой!Все дасобрали,и поехали!
По Английски:
We are going to go with the whole family gathered in puteshestvie.Vse, poehali.Ehali through all the rivers, lakes, seas, deserts, drink vody.No lesa.I stopped suddenly saw havent luggage, suitcase, back home! Dasobrali All, and go!


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Помогите перевисти. The British Press The British press consists of several kinds of newspapers. The national papers are the ones sold all over the

country, with a large circulation, giving general news. There are two main types of national papers - the "popular" papers and the "quality" papers. The popular papers are smaller in size (they are tabloid size), with lots of pictures, big headlines and short articles. They are easy to read and often contain little truthful information. They give much space to opinions. They usually have "human interest" stories - stories about ordinary people and events. Examples of this type of newspapers are "The Daily Mail". "The Sun", etc. "Quality" papers appeal to the more serious reader, who wants to read about politics and foreign affairs. These papers such as "The Daily Telegraph", "The Guardian" are bigger in size (they are called "broad-sheets"), with longer articles and a wider coverage of events. They have different pages for home news, foreign affairs, features articles, fashion, business, sport and so on. People in Britain buy more papers on Sunday than on weekdays. The Sunday papers have a higher circulation than the dailies. As with the dailies, there are both popular and quality Sunday newspapers. The quality ones have different sections and a colour magazine (usually full of advertisements).

A. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions (negative/question/affirmative


1) The meeting (to start) at 10 o’clock.

2) We (to discuss) our project on Monday.

3) The employer (to plan) a series of interview with the applicants.

4) What you (to do)? I (to surf) the net.

5) We (to supply) you with all necessary equipment tomorrow.

6) The train (not to arrive) at 6 p.m. It goes behind the schedule.

7) Your working hours (start) at8 a.m. and (to end) at 5 p.m. Please, be punctual, tomorrow (to be) your fist time at work.

8) (to go) anywhere this week? No, fortunately I haven’t got any business trips.

9) You (not to sell) your car, right? It is new!

10) He (to join) us later, don’t worry.

Джим написал о своих друзьях артистах.замени выделенные слова на she,he,they,it,we.

1.TIM is slim and sad
2.I AND TOM are friends
3TRICKY,TIM,AND TOM can sing well
4.ALICE likes sweets
5.TIM has got a hat. THE HAT is funny

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