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нужно составить пересказ текста на английском) 10-15 предложений не больше.

10-11 класс

College / Колледж Life is what we make of it. Each decision we make chooses the path we head down, twisting and turning with the good and the bad. College is one of the biggest decisions to make in life, what to become, where to go. I know what life has become because I choose to at least start college. What I don’t know is how my life would have turned out had I not taken the time to explore. When my senior year of high school came around so did the pressure. «What college are you going to?» «What are you going to major in?» «You need to make something of yourself!» For someone who had no clue as to what she wanted to major in or where she wanted to go, no one would ever have guessed. I made sure everyone believed that I had a plan. I was going to go to Ferris State University and major in pre-medicine. Considering I was an honors student in high school, my plan was feasible. After all, most of the women of my family are RN’s or medical assistants. I wanted to be more than that, I wanted a better job. My family is difficult to reason with. What they wanted always overrode what I wanted. I chose to be a physician. In turn I made them happy by staying in the medical field and it made me happy because it was going for something greater. Any job outside of the medical field would not have been acceptable to them. I convinced everyone, including myself, that this was exactly what I wanted. It is amazing how a person can convince themselves of anything if they are told it enough times. In the fall, I registered for some general education classes and moved in to my new home, the dorm room. Like any other freshman I went to orientation, met my roommate and classes got off to a good start, including my Algebra and Chemistry classes. I naturally seemed to do well in those subjects; however, my English and Humanities classes needed some work. Campus life was so different from being at home with the family. There was no pressure, no rules, no one breathing down my neck expecting me to always be the best. It was an unusual feeling to have the freedom to just be me, to let go and have fun the way that I wanted to. I was finally an adult, ready to make my own decisions whether they are bad or good. And that is just what I was going to do. My roommate was a year ahead of me and according to her, I had not experienced life. She meant that because I had never really partied before and my alcohol consumption was nil, I needed to become familiar with that aspect of life. Apparently everyone is supposed to party when they are in college. I drank more alcohol in that one night than how many a normal person is supposed to consume in a day and a half. Shots, fuzzy navels, whiskey, and more just didn’t sit well in a stomach used to nothing stronger then a Shirley Temple. She had me praying to the porcelain gods by early morning. According to what everyone was telling me the next day, I was so drunk not only did I act ridiculous in public, but I was also making the cops and firemen raise eyebrows when I almost fell into the college’s annual bonfire. That was the first time that I ended up missing a couple day’s worth of classes. Heaving, headaches, and dizziness are just not symptoms I cared to inflict on myself regularly. It was an experience I swore would never happen again. My English and Humanities classes were not going well, and missing the class due to a hangover did not seem to make matters any better. I was falling too far behind. It didn’t matter how long I stared at the computer screen, willing the words to come, I was not able to produce a paper for my English class. It seemed that I had forgotten everything I learned in high school about how to write a well written paper in MLA format. Also, I could not seem to memorize all of the symbolisms of various famous paintings throughout history for my Humanities class. After the fifth week of torturing myself and losing sleep, I finally realized that no one was telling me that I had to continue attending those classes, after all the professors never seemed to care if I showed up or not. As an adult, I decided that it wasn’t necessary to continue going to class. I quit going and had the best night’s sleep I had in over 5 weeks. The only down side was the failing grade I ended up with, but even that didn’t really faze me. Unfortunately I still had to pay for the classes I failed. Becoming an adult is an important transition in life. It is something that every person should go through. Some people go through their trials young, sixteen to twenty. Some people wait until their thirties to finally grow up and some people never do. I think that because I sowed my wild oats that first year out of high school, that my life is much richer than what it would have been if I waited to explore the world. I eventually would figure out that this is not where I wanted to be in life. However, I do not see myself going to college for fear not being able to achieve a degree. I would have low self esteem. I would not even try to further my education. I would remain stuck at meaningless jobs, making minimum wage. I would not have the confidence to start something new and possible turn my life around. My children would not look up to me. My choices in life, since high school, have been my choices. Some have been good, some have been bad. There are some that I am not proud of. Even with the bad decisions made, I wouldn’t want things to be any different. I have a husband to be proud of, one who I am completely loyal to, a beautiful daughter and a new start in school with a profession I want to be. «What ifs» are just those, a tool of self-reflection.

Виталий 26 сент. 2018 г., 17:15:41 (5 лет назад)
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Are spousal support payments becoming too much for you to handle? You may be able to have these orders legally modified with the help of an attorney! You may have gone through the process of divorce some time ago. Circumstances change as time goes on, which means that the divorce agreement that worked for you initially may not be working for you now. Legally, there is something you can do about this. It is called an alimony or spousal support modification and it is a court-ordered change to how much will have to be paid and how much will be received by a spouse each month. One of the main reasons that people request a modification is because their financial circumstances have changed. For example, the spouse that pays the alimony may have lost their job or seen a significant decrease in salary. The process of modification will differ slightly from state to state, so it is best to consult with an attorney in your surrounding area about this process. Either individual can petition for a chance in alimony payments. For example, even an individual who is receiving spousal support can petition to have this amount increased for many of the same reasons why the other individual may want the payment to decrease. Many times, former spouses will not agree when it comes to a modification of alimony. The main deciding principle when it comes to modification of court orders such as this is a noted and provable change in circumstances. Both parties will have their needs evaluated by the court. This means that a decision will not be made that would knowingly make an individual unable to support themselves. Some divorce situations include what is known as a cost of living adjustment clause. This is a specific provision that will detail how much alimony should increase or decrease based upon the cost of living. Many times, an individual’s change in circumstances will compel them to want to change more than just a spousal support order. A significant change in income, for example, may necessitate a petition for modification of child support payments as well. Another major factor affecting alimony is remarriage. If the individual receiving the child support payments gets remarried, then that individual will then forego their right to continue receiving alimony from their former spouse. Circumstances differ from case to case. For a complete and thorough evaluation of your case and to see if you qualify for a change in alimony, get in touch with your local divorce attorney as soon as is possible.

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10-15 предложений не больше.
Это был вечер, которым менеджеры Оперы давали последнее праздничное представление, чтобы отметить их уход на пенсию. Внезапно в раздевалку Сорелли, одной из прим-балерин, вторглась полдюжины молодых особ из балета, кто подошел со сцены. Они ворвались среди большого беспорядка, некоторые неестественно смеялись, другие, кричали в ужасе. Сорелли, которая хотела побыть одна на мгновение, чтобы произнести речь, которую она собиралась сделать уходящим в отставку менеджерам, оглянулась сердито на безумную толпу. Это была маленькая Jammes - девочка со вздернутым носом, глазами незабудки, красными как роза щеками и белой шеей - которая объяснила дрожащим голосом:

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коротко и ясно)
предложений 10- 15)
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Это был вечер, которым менеджеры Оперы давали последнее праздничное представление, чтобы отметить их уход на пенсию. Внезапно в раздевалку Сорелли, одной из прим-балерин, вторглась полдюжины молодых особ из балета, кто подошел со сцены. Они ворвались среди большого беспорядка, некоторые неестественно смеялись, другие, кричали в ужасе. Сорелли, которая хотела побыть одна на мгновение, чтобы произнести речь, которую она собиралась сделать уходящим в отставку менеджерам, оглянулась сердито на безумную толпу. Это была маленькая Jammes - девочка со вздернутым носом, глазами незабудки, красными как роза щеками и белой шеей - которая объяснила дрожащим голосом:
"Это - призрак! " И она закрыла дверь. Раздевалка Сорелли была украшена изящно. Зеркало, диван, туалетный столик и шкаф обеспечили необходимую мебель. На стене висела гравюра ее матери, которая знала славу старой Оперы. Но она казалось дворцом для сорванцов балета, кто в их раздевалках проводил время, напевая, ссорясь, чмокая костюмеров и парикмахеров и покупая друг другу напитки, пока звонок на сцене не звонил.
Сорелли была очень суеверна. Она задрожала, когда услышала, что маленькая Jammes говорила о призраке, назвала ее "глупой маленькой дурочкой" и затем, когда она была первой, чтобы верить в призраков вообще и в призрака Оперы в частности, сразу спросила о деталях: "Вы видели его?"
"Так явно, как я вижу Вас теперь! " сказала маленькая Jammes, которая опустилась со стоном на стул.
Затем маленькая Giry — девочка глазами, черными как сливы, черные как сажа волосы, темный цвет лица и бедная небольшая кожа, протянутая по бедным небольшим костям — добавила: "Если это - призрак, он очень уродлив! " "О, да! " кричал хор девочек балета. Призрак появился им в форме джентльмена в одежде платья, который внезапно стоял перед ними в проходе без их знания, откуда он появился. Он, казалось, пришел прямо через стену.
"Мусор! " сказанный один из них. "Вы видите призрака всюду!"
И это было верно. В течение нескольких месяцев ничего не обсуждалось в Опере, кроме этого хорошо - одетого призрака, который крался по зданию, как тень, кто не говорил ни с кем, с кем никто не смел заговорить и кто исчез, как только он был замечен. Как настоящий призрак, он не сделал шума в ходьбе. Люди начали смеяться и делать шутку из этого призрака, одетого как человек моды или гробовщик; но призрачная легенда скоро достигла огромных размеров среди балерин. Все девочки притворялись, что встречали это сверхъестественное существо. И те, кто смеялся громче всех, не были самыми непринужденными. Когда он не показывал себя, он выдавал свое присутствие, вызывая несчастные случаи, за которые все считали его ответственным. Всякий раз, когда кто-то упал, или играл розыгрыш на них или потерял что-то, это была сразу вина призрака.
В конце концов, кто видел его? Вы встречаете столько хорошо одетых мужчин в Опере, которые не являются призраками. Но его костюм был особенным. Он покрывал скелет, девочки балета сказали.
Главный театральный художник встретил призрака на небольшой лестнице, которая ведет к подвалам. Он видел его в течение секунды - и призрак сбежал - и утверждал что:
"Он чрезвычайно худой, и его фрак висит на скелетной оправе. Его глаза так глубоки, что Вы можете едва видеть неподвижные зрачки. Вы просто видите две большие черные дыры, как в черепе мертвеца. Его кожа, которая протянута через его кости как барабан, не белая, но противно желтая. Его нос так мал, что Вы не видите его сбоку; и отсутствие того носа - ужасная вещь, чтобы на нее смотреть. Все волосы, которые он имеет, являются тремя или четырьмя длинными темными локонами на его лбу и позади его ушей."

Нужно кратко пересказать текст на английском:

Before selling the goods, you must do a lot of marketing research first.
The information needed can be obtained from trade representations, from trade
associations and trade journals or from specialized consultant companies (who will do a
professional market research job for you for a fee). 9
The information you are interested in is if there is any demand for your goods,
what the market potential is, what sort of competition you will meet, i.e. how the price
of your goods compares with other competitive products including those produced
locally, local conditions and preference, local trading customs and habits, what seasonal
factors should be taken into account and the like.
But in general marketing covers not only market research, but also planning the
selection (assortment) of goods, and consequently the production itself, price policy,
advertising and promotion of sales, controlling the sales and post-sales servicing.
So marketing is a system of running all the business activities of a company in
respect of coordinating supply and demand for the goods produced. Originally
marketing was meant to help avoid over-production in advanced capitalist countries.
Marketing may also enable to coordinate production and goods circulation for
the purpose of using all the resources for the benefit of people and for covering in the
best possible way all their needs.
Advertising is an important means of promoting the goods that are being
produced already as well as new lines in business. There are specialized firms dealing
with advertising. Different kinds of mass media – TV, radio, newspapers, cinema,
journals, magazines, posters, - are used for advertising goods. Special leaflets, booklets
and other printed matter about the goods may be published for the same purpose.
Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps promote our goods as well. Special
advertising conferences may be held. The choice of media for advertising depends on
the kind of goods and on the local conditions and people’s habits: sometimes TV and
radio ads are best, in other cases it may be trade journals or leaflets distributed among
potential buyers


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