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помогите придумать правила в лагере ( по английски)

5-9 класс

Alex022012 22 янв. 2015 г., 12:51:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 янв. 2015 г., 13:43:37 (9 лет назад)

Rules in Camp. 1.Dont swimming in the wrong places. 2.Listen counselors. 3.Dont run very fast, you can knock off the child.

+ 0 -
22 янв. 2015 г., 14:46:57 (9 лет назад)

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Помогите с переводом слов :


Пожалуйста помогите умоляю НАДО ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ЗАДАНИЯ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ДО ЗАВТРА НАДОНомер1.Which is right? Complete the sentence 1.He never( plays

,doesn't play ,is playing) basketball. 2. Did you
have (a ,the , -)good summer 3.(where ,when) were you (a ,the, -)last summer? I was (in ,on ,at) the seaside. 4. I like (it ,when, it when) the sun shines. 5. Nobody (like ,likes ,doesn't like) (it ,when ,it when) the wind blows. 6. Tom went (quick ,quickly) out of the classroom 7. Did it (happen ,happened) (with ,to )her when she was in the street? 8.when (did ,was ,does) it rain? Yesterday. 9.(Is ,Does, Did) it raining now? 10. (Is ,Does, Did) it sometimes rain in December? Номер 2.Correct the mistakes. Do not change the underlined words. 1.Did you have the good summer? Yes, I did. 2. He doesn't like when the wind blows 3. Crocodiles have big tooth, don't they 4. They are usually we fur coats in winter. 5. She is wear a beautiful red dress now. 6. She usually wear a fur hat in winter. 7. When it is hot people wear the shorts and the T-shirts. 8. She isn't work in a hospital, she is a pilot. 9. It isn't rain, let's play volleyball. 10. Did it rained yesterday? Номер 3.which is right? Complete the sentences. 1. David (came ,was coming) in when the children (wrote ,were writing) a test 2. Mike (telephoned ,was telephoning) me when I (took ,was taking) a shower. 3. Mike (spoke ,was speaking) to me when his little sister (took ,was taking) his book out of his schoolbag. 4. We (met ,were meeting) them when we (stood ,were standing) at the bus stop. 5. Yesterday she (came ,was coming) home late. She (had ,was having) lunch, (helped ,was helping her mother about the house and then she (went ,was going) to the park. 6. He (slept, was sleeping) when his mother (came ,was coming) back. 7.On Monday while he (cooked ,was cooking)lunch the postman (brought ,was bringing) him a letter from his friend. 8. When the teacher (came ,was coming )into the classroom, the children (sat ,were sitting) at their desks. 9. One day while she (read ,was reading) a book, a big black fly (sat, was sitting) down on her book. 10. We (read,were reading) a text, then we (answered, were answering) the teacher's questions. After that we (did ,were doing) grammar exercises.

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Народ может быть кто-нибудь, что-нибудь да знает. Помогите пожалуйста кто чем сможет по английскому языку. Может у кого-то такой же учебник как и у меня.

Учебник по английскому языку написали: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Jilia Vaulina, Страница учебника 54 контрольная работа №5 (Progress Check 5). Напишите хоть и не весь хотя бы что знаете.
Fill in the sentences with the words below.(Заполните предложений с ниже слов.)
варианты: up(вверх), out (из), over (над), fun (веселье), round (круглый), in(в)
1. Children usually have ... dressing ... . (Дети, как правило,...одевание... .)
2. Come... here and join... the game. (приехать...здесь и присоединиться...игра.)
3. Can i pop...to borrow some sugar? It's run... (Могу ли я поп...,брать сахар? Этим управляет...)

прошу помогите я плохо знаю английский помогите пожалуйста слова прочитать напи шите рускими буквами по английски прошу помогите нужно срочно до 08,09,14

вот слова( health - headache - ear - eye - toothache - legmouth - earache - hair - arm - finger - backache - throat - insomnia - lip - sorethroat - hand - head ) перевод я знаю а не знаю как читать плиз помогите напишите русскими буквами по английскому Например( Hello- хелоу)

Помогите по английскому: dear ladies and gentlemen.let`s star our trip around london. first............ second....... third........ now,let`s have a loo

k at...... i hope you enjoyed your visit to london..... Ответе: по английски и переведите свой ответ! пожалуйста помогите. Даю много пунктов.


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