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пожалуйста вставьте слова: at home , made, skate, holidays, skied , snowballs, enjoyed, fine. 1) I spent my winter---------- in the country . The weather

5-9 класс

was-----------------I ---------------------in the forest . My friend and I went to the river to------------------.Sometimes we played ------------ and ---------------snowmen. When it was cold I stayed ------------------- , read books, watched TV. I---------------my winter holidays.

13Anastasia97 09 авг. 2014 г., 18:38:25 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 авг. 2014 г., 21:36:23 (9 лет назад)

holidays, fine, skied , skate, snowballs, made, at home, enjoyed


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Please help my^ Talk about the summer holidays in the country/at the seaside _______________


places what people can do

in the country spend a lot of time outdoors

feed the farm animals

ride horses

go into the forest

swim in the river

pick berries

make jam

walk in the fields

gather mushroom

grow different plants

grow vegetables and fruit

make a fire

play the guitar

visit famous places of interest

at the seaside

spend the summer holidays by the sea

see exotic animals

trees and flowers

do a lot of sundathing

swim in the sea all day long

smell the beautiful flowers

go singhtseeing

find seashells

Пожалуйста, будьте добры, проверьте, правильно ли я составил сочинение по английскому языку.How I spent my summer holidays

- the holidays. My favourite season is summer. I love them
very much awaited. However, I spent them badly. This summer was
not remembered. All summer I stayed home. A couple of trips I went to the
village. But there I didn’t
like. There was no creature comforts. In the city I watched TV, read books. Sometimes, I played computer games
and walked. In the street I played football. Sometimes, my friends and I went to
the cinema. In the summer I read books which the teacher asked to read for
the summer. I read almost everything. Some of books were very large, but
some of them I liked. At the end of the summer, I really wanted to
go somewhere, but it didn't happen. Hopefully next summer I spend more

помогите привильно вставить слова

1. It's more ……expensive…… to live in
the city than in the country. — В городе жить намного дороже, чем в деревне.

2. It …….everyone that the city did not
win the prize in the «Best Cities of Russia” competition. — Все были разочарованы тем, что город не выиграл приз.

3. I feel very ………..at not getting the job. — Мне очень жаль, что
меня не взяли на эту работу.

4. She felt deep ………..at not getting the job in the Travel Agency “Ugramegatur” . — Она была раздосадована
тем, что не получила работу в турфирме “ЮграМегаТур».

5. The Khanty never lived in …... — Ханты никогда не жили в роскоши.

6. Can we afford the ….. of a second
car? — Мы можем позволить себе иметь вторую машину?

7. The manager of the hotel “Terey” is
….. to help. — Менеджер отеля “Тарей» охотно поможет.

8. I would …….give you a little piece
of good advice. — Я охотно дам вам маленький добрый совет.

9. The manager of the Entertainment
Center “Langal” expressed the ……….to work with us. — Менеджер развлекательного центра «Лангал» выразила готовность работать с нами.

10. She is ……..to participate in it. — Она не хочет принимать
в этом участие.

11. They very …….listened to that
proposition. — Они очень неохотно выслушали это предложение.

12. The court …… that the taxpayer was
not entitled to a refund. — Суд решил, что у этого налогоплательщика нет права
на обратную выплату.

13. We ……. on leaving early in the
morning. — Мы решили уехать рано утром.

14. Demand …… the price. — Спрос определяет цену.

15. It's just ………you to do that. — Это очень похоже на
вас; это как раз то, чего от вас можно ожидать.

16. There is nothing …. home — Hет места лучше, чем дом.

17. He …..
going to the Sushi Bar “Ya za Sushi”. — Он не любит ходить
в суши-бар “Я за суши».

18. She ….. about the concert in the
Concert and Theater Complex «Ugra-Classic”. — Она забыла о концерте в концерно-театральном комплексе «Югра-Классик»

19. He ….his old friends. — Он перестал
общаться со своими старыми друзьями.

20. ….. it! —
Не обращайте внимания! Пустяки! Не стоит благодарности!

21. She has become very …..in recent years. — Она стала
очень забывчива в последние годы.

22. Sometimes people are …. of good manners. — Порой люди пренебрегают хорошими манерами.

23. I am not ….. with your work. — Я не
доволен твоей работой.

24. The volunteers of the
“Zoo-Life-Saving” Society felt ……. that a fair compromise had been reached. —
Волантеры общества “Зооспас» были довольны тем, что нашли компромиссное решение.

помогите!!!Answer the questions. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?what do you like to do in the country\?what do you like to do at the

seaside?what do you like to do in the city?what do you like to do to at camp?и последний do you like your summer holidays?Why?спасибо всем,кто предложит свой вариант!!!

Помогите пожалуйста вставить слова в правильной форме в этот текст!!! It`s nice to know that you ____ (be) arlight in the UK. I wonder what you are

doing now? _____ (you/ study)? _____ (you/ relax)? Anyway I hope you _____(enjoy) yourself. Only some weeks ago I ____ (fish, swim, lie in the sun). But it ___ (be) over now and I am back at school. The weather has changed and it _____(rain) heavily. Only yesterday the sun _____(shine) brightly in the cloudless sky. I think that autumn_____ (be) here. What is the weather like in England? Is it cold and foggy or is itwarm and sunny? _____(a wind /blow)? Our textbooks _____ (write) so much about the weather in Britain.

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