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Ответить на вопросы в письменой форме: what do you do at the weekends ? Is there a cinema in your town ? Do you go to a sports club ?

5-9 класс

Katrom1999 28 февр. 2014 г., 11:10:29 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 февр. 2014 г., 12:02:55 (10 лет назад)

At the weekends I usually go to the cinema with my dad. After that we have dinner at the restaurant. Sometimes I like to stay home and do nothing. It depends. 
Yes, there are a lot of cinemas in my town. 
Yes, I go to a sport club twice a week. I like swimming.

+ 0 -
28 февр. 2014 г., 12:57:41 (10 лет назад)

I go to the cinema with my family .yes it is big and comfortable .Some times I go to sports clubs , that ceep feat . Проверь ошибки

+ 0 -
28 февр. 2014 г., 15:14:40 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
28 февр. 2014 г., 16:43:55 (10 лет назад)

Там с ошибками переводит


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1. What do you think the following people do on a tipical working day?

a) a mother of four small chilren;
b) a member of Parliament.
ПЕРЕВОД: Как вы думаете, что делают эти люди (a, b) в простой рабочий день?
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Помогите, пожалуйста, ответить на вопросы!!! Подойдут любые ответы!!! СПАСИБО ЗАРАНЕЕ!!!

ответить на вопросы 1. Do you get up early? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Is it easy for

you to get up early?


3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm-clock wake you up?


4. Do you do your morning exercises?


5. What do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?


6. What do you usually have for breakfast?


7. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?


8. When do you usually leave your house?


9. Do you work? If yes, where?


10. How long does it take you to get to your Academy (Institute)?


11. Do you go there by bus or by car?


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6)What do you use the Internet for?How much time do you spend on the Internet each week?

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помогите плиз )*** ответить на вопросы 1. What is differennce detween tese expressions 1) a) to file papers to file nails 2)to stamp letters to stamp

grass b) a file for papers a file for nails 2.[18:11:28] Елизавета Красичкова: . What do you think the office worker meant when he said: "First, take these letters. They need stamps. Then file these papers." 3.[18:09:55] Елизавета Красичкова: 3 . Prove that. Give full answers. Use the text: • Amelia didn't know what the file clerk meant; • Amelia wanted to start working; • Amelia was sure she did her best; • the office worker got angry with Amelia. 4 . What do you think about it? Give full answers. • Amelia was an obedient and hard working girl. • The office worker should have shown1 Amelia how to do the work. • Amelia was joking when she asked the man if he had a bigger file. • Amelia thought the man was mad. 5 . Act the story. 6 . Imagine what the office man would tell a new girl about the work in his office. Do you think he should be more careful with the words? 1 the 4.[18:09:55] Елизавета Красичкова: 3 . Prove that. Give full answers. Use the text: • Amelia didn't know what the file clerk meant; • Amelia wanted to start working; • Amelia was sure she did her best; • the office worker got angry with Amelia. 4 . What do you think about it? Give full answers. • Amelia was an obedient and hard working girl. • The office worker should have shown1 Amelia how to do the work. • Amelia was joking when she asked the man if he had a bigger file. • Amelia thought the man was mad. 5 . Act the story. 6 . Imagine what the office man would tell a new girl about the work in his office. Do you think he should be more careful with the words? 1 the 5.[18:09:55] Елизавета Красичкова: 3 . Prove that. Give full answers. Use the text: • Amelia didn't know what the file clerk meant; • Amelia wanted to start working; • Amelia was sure she did her best; • the office worker got angry with Amelia. 4 . What do you think about it? Give full answers. • Amelia was an obedient and hard working girl. • The office worker should have shown1 Amelia how to do the work. • Amelia was joking when she asked the man if he had a bigger file. • Amelia thought the man was mad. 5 . Act the story. 6.[18:09:55] Елизавета Красичкова: 3 . Prove that. Give full answers. Use the text: • Amelia didn't know what the file clerk meant; • Amelia wanted to start working; • Amelia was sure she did her best; • the office worker got angry with Amelia. 4 . What do you think about it? Give full answers. • Amelia was an obedient and hard working girl. • The office worker should have shown1 Amelia how to do the work. • Amelia was joking when she asked the man if he had a bigger file. • Amelia thought the man was mad. 5 . Act the story. 6 . Imagine what the office man would tell a new girl about the work in his office. Do you think he should be more careful with the words? 1 the вот текст Amelia Bedelia was about another quarter. She saw an ad on the window. It read: REQUIRED Clerk. "I wonder who the clerk? - She said. - Just'll go find out." She met a man: "You clerk?" - He asked. "I told them I will, - said Amelia Bedelia - if you tell me what to do." "Well, - said the man. - First, take these letters. Should stick to their brand. Then register and arrange the papers in folders." "I'll do it," - said Amelia Bedelia. A man went to his office. Amelia Bedelia looked at the letter. "They need to stamp all at once or one by one? - She thought - it is better to make one." And Amelia Bedelia took each letter. She was laying on the floor. And Amelia Bedelia was advancing on him. "That's - she said. Probably enough stamps. Now need to register and put the papers." Amelia Bedelia looked at the paper. Then she looked in her purse. There she found a nail file. "It is certainly very small, in order to polish all the papers. But I'll do what I can." And Amelia Bedelia start sanding paper. The man came back. "Stop it - he said. - What are you doing? "Just grind your paper - said Amelia Bedelia. - Do you have a nail file more?" "Oh, no - the man said. Get out." And Amelia Bedelia left.

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