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10-11 класс

Susan: Oh! We'll have a lot of test. Sometimes they are very difficult.
Dan: I'll take part in different activities. There are lots of interesting activities at school.
Linda: Most of the school subjects are great! We do a lot of interesting projects!
Jane: We'll have discos this year! I'll play in the school band again.
Robert: I have no friends here. I'm a new pupil at this school.
Jenny: This year is going to be hard. We'll have a lot of tests in different subjects.
Chris: The holidays are over. And i have to get up early again.

Daviddiller00 06 янв. 2014 г., 10:01:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 янв. 2014 г., 12:11:22 (10 лет назад)

Susan said they would have a lot of tests. She said that sometimes they were very difficult.
Dan said that he would take part in different activities. He said that there were lots of interesting activities at school.
Linda said that most of the school subjects were great. She said that they did a lot of interesting projects.
Jane said that they would have discos that year. She said that she would play in the school band again.
Robert said that he had no friends there. He said he was a new pupil at that school.
Jenny said that that year was going to be hard. She said that they would have a lot of tests in different subjects.
Chris said that the holidays were over and that he had to get up early again.

+ 0 -
18 сент. 2019 г., 7:49:24 (4 года назад)

Im having a test on monday . worry that I'll get a bad mark.


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английский косвенная речь

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Образование Наука школа рефераты

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quite like tests because the classroom is always so quiet and it helps to concentrate and do your best!"

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