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Раставте артикли : a,an,the ,not artikle.

5-9 класс

1. Olga lives in —-- Russia.It is---- a very big country/
2. He can not speak---- German.If he goes to —-- Gemany , he will need--- translator.
3.Did--- Robin come from--- Edinburgn or from —--- London?
4.Do you speak----- Japanese? Is it —-- dufficult?
5.We want to go to —---Turkey next year. Go inSeptember.It is —-- best time in--- Turkey.
6.He lives in--- France, doesnt he?Yes, this man is--- doctor frrom —-Paris.

Iskakova1988 05 сент. 2014 г., 20:21:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 сент. 2014 г., 21:03:08 (9 лет назад)

1. Olga lives in  Russia. It is a very big country.
2. He can not speak German.If he goes to Gemany , he will need a translator.
3.Did Robin come from Edinburgn or from London?
4.Do you speak Japanese? Is it dufficult?
5.We want to go toTurkey next year. Go in September.It is the best time in Turkey.
6.He lives in France, doesnt he? Yes, this man is a doctor frrom Paris.

+ 0 -
05 сент. 2014 г., 22:28:42 (9 лет назад)

1. Olga lives in  Russia. It is a very big country.
2. He can not speak German. If he goes to Gemany  he will need a translator.
3. Did Robin come from Edinburgn or from London?
4. Do you speak Japanese? Is it dufficult?
5. We want to go toTurkey next year. Go in September. It is the best time in Turkey.
6. He lives in France, doesn't he? Yes, this man is a doctor from Paris.


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Помогите-сочинение 6-8 предложений на тему: list of ideas about how to make birthday celebrations special for you classmates (перевод:как

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Перевод текста!"My qoodness",said Mary Pooppins,"I am havinq a Day Out!"Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man walked toqether in the little wood.Suddenly

they came upon a little open space filled with sunliqht.And there on a qreen table was afternoon-tea!Помогите перевести текст!

Читайте также

Вставьте артикли a, an, the где они необходимы:

1)Lake Baikal is _ deepest in _ world.
2) Urals are old and not very high
3) Thames flows through _ London
4) This is _ book. _ book is interesting
5) The is _ rent is 50 dollars _ week.

Помогите. С английским. Нужно вставить артикль a,an,the.

1.This ...pencil is broken. Give me that ...pencil please. 2. I have...ten programmes on my TV. 3. My friend has..car...car is broken now.4. I got letter from my friend yesterday...letter was very long.5. She has two...daughter and one..son. Her...son is...students.6. My..brother's...friends has no...dog.7. This is..house..house is white 8. They have...party..party is...birthday party.9. I read..good book yesterday...book was interesting and funny. Объясните почему вы вставили именно этот артикль. заранее спасибо большое

Помогите с артиклями,очень нужно!!! Артикли "a/an", "the" or "-". I travel

all over the world on business and my neighbour thinks my life is _____ long holiday. You know what _____ business travel is like: up at _____ dawn to catch _____ plane; _____ breakfast in _____ London, _____ lunch in _____ New York, _____ luggage in _____ Bermuda. When you're in _____ sky, you see only snow in _____ Arctic or _____Greenland. You have glimpses of _____Andesor _____ Pacific. You're always exhausted. Your wife or husband complains you're never there to take _____ children to _____ school or put them to _____ bed. When you get home, your neighbour says, "Another nice _____ holiday, eh?" Give me Home, Sweet Home any day!

TEST № 1 (8)

1. Вставьте, где это необходимо, артикль: a/an, the:
1. My mother’s brother is ____ engineer.
2. I like _____ apples.
3. Please, give me _____ cup of coffee with _____ sugar.
4. ____ Japan and _____ United States are separated by _____ Pacific Ocean.

2. Вставьте: am, is, are
1. It _____ summer.
2. Mike and I _____ friends.
3. There _____ modern furniture in the office.
4. The news _____ not too good.
3. Подчеркните правильную форму множественного числа существительных:
Brush - (brushs, brushes)
Window - (windowes, нетмнож.числа , windows)
Piano - (pianoes, pianos, piano)
Gentleman - (gentlemans, gentlemen, gentleman)
Shelf - (shelves, shelfs, shelfes)

помогите 1. Вставьте артикли a/an, the, --.

How many bridges were there in… London at … beginning of … 11th century? Did you travel to … North?Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car?We had … wonderful time in … Windsor Safary Park?…Mr. West lives in … small town in … west of … England.Who went to … Bolshoi theatre … last Sunday?… Children’s theatre is in … centre of … Moscow.–Where is the … Red Square?
-It is in … the centre of … Moscow.
9. … St Pauls’s Cathedral is … biggest church in … Britain.
10. Let’s go to … South of … England.
2.Напишите разделительные вопросы.
The train doesn’t leave at 10 o’clock, …?They don’t listen to dialogues, …? He gather berries every summer, …?I haven’t been to Buckingham Palace, …?The writer didn’t publish this story, …?Londoners are proud of their parks, …?Children were in the gallery last week, …?

3. Напишите вопросы, начиная их словами данными в скобках.
I have been to London. (Have)Next summer Tom will go abroad. (Who)My friends are going to travel by plane. (How)The statue of Peter Pan is in Kensington Gardens.(Where)We visited the art gallery two days ago.(When)This film is worth seeing. (Why)
4.Переведите на английский язык.
В музее Мадам Тюссо есть восковые фигуры в натуральную величину.В музее кинематографии вы можете узнать об истории и волшебстве театра.В Лондоне есть несколько парков.Я всегда устаю от скучных уроков.Большинство парков в Лондоне бесплатны.Стоит посетить уголок оратора в Гайд парке.

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