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Say what you liked

5-9 класс

Syi11 24 апр. 2015 г., 7:45:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2015 г., 10:19:00 (9 лет назад)

I liked watch TV. I liked read books. 

+ 0 -
24 апр. 2015 г., 12:02:27 (9 лет назад)

I liked to play tennis.


Другие вопросы из категории

3. Choose the right item.

1. If I _____my finger, it wouldn’t have hurt for weeks.
a) cut b)didn’t cut c) don’t cut d)hadn’t cut
2. The police officer made the driver _____ the car.
a) stopped b) to stop c) stop d) stopping
3. If my train _____late/ I will take a taxi.
a) were b) will be c) is d) was
4. Are you jealous _____ my success
a) of b) to c) with d) at
5. That _____ good news!
a) are not b)were c) – d) is
6. When my mother was in hospital, I_____ with my aunt.
a) was staying b) stayed c) had stayed d) had been staying
7. Hand your paper ____ at the end of the exam.
a) over b) in c) out ) down
8. Would you mind _____ right now?
a) to leave b) leave c) to leaving d) leaving
9. Don’t play with my watch, hand it _____ to me.
a) down b) over c) out d) in
10. Do you care _____horror films?
a) of b) for c) about d) with

помогите составить предложения из слов 1) you/stay/where/are/to/going 2)do/what/there/you/would


заранее большое спасибо

Читайте также

помогите написать сочинение 15 предложений. Say what you liked best of помогите написать сочинение 15 предложений.

Say what you liked best of all on the first day at school this year. Compare it with your first day at school five years ago.
get up early
make new friends
wear a school uniform
be happy to meet old friends
get good marks
talk with my friends during the breaks
take pictures (make a video) of my friends
give flowers to the teachers
have many (a few) lessons
get a new timetable
carry a new school bag
have lunch with new friends
have fun during the break

ответьте пожалуйста буквально 6-8 предложений:Talk about your last summer holidays.Say:where you spent your summer holidays;what you liked doing during

your summer holidays. Talk about your first day at school.Say:what you did the first morning;what you did after the lessons. talk about your favourite school club.Say:what clubs you have got at your school;wgat club(s) you joined and what you do in your club.

ответьте пожалуйста буквально 6-8 предложений:Talk about your last summer holidays.Say:where you spent your summer holidays;what you liked doing during

your summer holidays. Talk about your first day at school.Say:what you did the first morning;what you did after the lessons. talk about your favourite school club.Say:what clubs you have got at your school;wgat club(s) you joined and what you do in your club.

Помогите, пожалуйста! Дать ответ. 1.talk about your last weekend. Say -where you spent the weekend -what you did at the weekend

2. talk about a collection at home. Say

-what you collect and how many things you have got

-why you began to collect these things

3. talk about your favorite holiday. Say

- what holidayyou like best and why

-how you usually spend this holiday.

Дать ответы на вопросы на английском языке: 1. Are you a good eater? 2. What food do you like? 3. What do you usually eat when you are hungry? 4. Do you

drink milk when you are thirsty? 5. What do you drink when you are thirsty? 6. Does your mother usually give you what you like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper? 7. When you want some salt you say: "pass me the salt, please," don't you? 8. What do you say when you want some bread? 9. What do you say if you would like another cup of tea and your mum gives it to you? Плиз!!!

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