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Помогите пожалуйста 6 упр сделать(((((

10-11 класс

артем34566775546 29 окт. 2014 г., 22:44:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 окт. 2014 г., 1:17:57 (9 лет назад)

6 a
1 i went to england two years ago.
2 but Mr Faster arrived last week.
3 i packed my luggage yesterday.
4 i finished my exercises half an hour ago
5 i looked through these magazines last Sunday
1 i bought it ten minutes ago
2 i saw this movie two days ago
3 i spoke to the manager about it three days ago
4 i met him five minutes ago
5 i took my dog out yesterday
6 i read this novel last Friday
7 i gave a talk two hours ago
8 i left my address in the morning


Другие вопросы из категории

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. A. As soon as Margaret 1) ... (get) off the train, she 2) ... (pull) her coat

around her. Rain 3) ... (fall) heavily and a cold wind 4) ... (blow) across the platform. She 5) ... (look) around, but no one 6) ... (wait) to meet her. She 7) ... (turn) to leave when she 8) ... (hear) footsteps. A man 9) ... (walk) towards her. He 10) ... (smile) at her, then he 11) ... (say), “You’re finally here”. B. George 1) ... (pick) up his bag then, 2) ... (throw) it over his shoulder. It 3) ... (get) dark and he 4) ... (have) a long way to go. He wished that he had let someone know that he was coming. It 5) ... (start) to rain, and he was feeling cold and tired from the long journey. Suddenly, he 6) ... (hear) a noise, then he 7) ... (see) two bright lights on the road ahead. A car 8) ... (head) towards him. It slowed down and finally 9) ... (stop) beside him. A man 10) ... (sit) at the wheel. He 11) ... (open) the door quickly and 12) ... (say) “Get in, George”.

Вставьте слова в предложения в правильной форме.


1. mark read the list and ___ . he hadn't been chosen for the school rugby team,again
2. kristy and sam ___ the answers to each other during the german vocabulary test.
3. she quickly ___ at her watch and ___ out of the room. she was going to miss her flight
4. the students ___ nervously after the teacher dropped a pile of atlases on his foot
5. on sunday afternoons they all enjoy ___ around the shopping centre
6. during chemistry lessons he ___ out of the window at the clouds and trees
7. she ___ when she remembered her disgusting childhood school dinners

Give a 2-minute talk about your family. Remember to talk about:

the members of your family
who you admire most in your family and why
your family values
what you usually do with your family

(членами являются мама, отчим, я, и кот)
(восхищаюсь тем, как мама вкусно готовит)
( вроде никаких семейных ценностей нету)
( вместе ходим в кино и гулять)

В заранее спасибо!)

Читайте также


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите, пожалуйста, восстановить идиому: "Неоперделенный артикль + синоним прилагательных "beautiful, cute" + кухонная утварь для чая +

предлог, означающий принадлежность + водное животное.
Получается, или a или an + wonderful, pretty + teapot + of + какое-то водное животное. Помогите пожалуйста!

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст и как произносить его на русском языке.

Dear friends,
Welcome to Green School!
Let's read and write in English.

Let's run and jump in the forest!

go to school together!
Mr Greenwood and his pupils

Помогите пожалуйста дописать предложения в рассказе и перевести его.
1) He is an elephant.
2) His _____________ is Thomas.
3) He isn't angry.
4) He is _________________________.
5) He can _______________________________.
6) He can't ________________________________________.
7) We _____ to school together.

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