Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Помогите, добрые люди!

1-4 класс

1. This work is easy; it may _____ by a child.
A. to have done B. do C. to be done D. be done
2. No words can describe the fascination of the place. It must _____ .
A. be seen B. see C. have seen D. to see
3. We'd like to buy a new house, but new houses are _____ than older ones.
A. the most expensive B. expensive C. much more expensive D. expensiver
4. Tim is not at all talkative; he always keeps his thoughts to himself. He is ______ guy I’ve ever met.
A. the most reserved B. more reserved C.reserved D. the reservest
5. Could you get ________ drinks when you go to the shops, please?
A. a B. - C. any D. some

Tsybulskaya 09 июля 2014 г., 16:02:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 июля 2014 г., 17:30:44 (9 лет назад)

 \left \{ {{y=2} \atop {x=2}} \right. незнаю

+ 0 -
09 июля 2014 г., 19:18:02 (9 лет назад)

1) d
2 )a
3) c
4) a
5) c


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите с этим заданием
Поставьте слова в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Dear Ann,
Out Explovers'Club has begun its work. Young explorers from different countries have come to the club. i have already made friends with some kids. i am attaching their photos.
You can see David in the first photo. He ...(speak) on his mobile phote. he often ..(phone) home to learn about his puppy's latest adventures.
there are two girls in the second photo. Sue and indira ...(smile). they are nice and friendly. in the evening, they ...(cook) different dishes from their countries. yesterday, i tasted an indian one. it was spicy,but delicious!
Look at Marko! he ...(play) football.he ...(play) very well. he is really good at football.
Emily, from Great Britain, ...(want) to become a journalist,in the photo, she ...(write) an article about out Explorers' Club.
Now just look at the photos! Jessica ...(read) an English magazine for explorers and Andrew ...(feed) a squirrel in the park.
Sorry, but i have to finish my e-mail. our English lesson will begin in 5 minutes.
best wishes,

Читайте также

Dear Tiny, Ilike spring holidays. I do not go to school in the morning . I ___________________________ In the elening l

____________________________________________________________________ I go to bed at 10 pm. Write back, please. Your Dino.

задание: Дайно тоже решил напсать письмо Тайни о том, как он проводит свои весенние каникулы.Помоги ему закончить письмо. и мне помогите добрые люди срочно надо очень очень Господь отблагодорит того кто поможет и я тоже )

Nick usually spent his holidays in the village.But last summer he spent his holidays in a different way.Fill in the gars with Past Simple verbs.

Last summer we travelled a lot.
We went to the sea.
Every summer we (0) stayed (stay) in the villade. What did we do? We(1)______________ (climb) trees and (2)_________ (jump) down from them.We (3) __________(play) a lot of games. We (4) _______ (visit) the farm.We (5) _________ (chase) the ducks and then we (6) ________(fish) in the river. But last summer we (7) flew (fly) by plane to Africa. We (8) _______ (go) doating there. We (9) _____________ (swim) in the sea. We (11) _____________ (ride) an elephant. (duy) a dow and arrows

Помогите плиз люди! Тут надо поставить предложения в утвердительную или в отрицательную форму или просто приписать хвостик: his brother doesnt teacher

knaw this person,(тут надо хвостик)дальше:they cant stay at the hotel,(вот тут надо что то подставить), the will jein P.E. classis,(тут хвостик),it was nice to go to the the ohre,(тут хвостик). Помогите ели что.( ^_^ )/~~拜拜

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