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How many more phrasal verbs can you make with these verbs and prepositions? Use a dictionary to help you. Write the translation next to them. Verbs:

5-9 класс

come get give go look put take Prepositions: after away back down forward in off up

Phrasal verbs









Your language









ЕГОРДМИТРИЕВИЧ 16 дек. 2014 г., 19:45:36 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 дек. 2014 г., 20:27:27 (9 лет назад)

1.get back-вовзращаться

     get     away-уходить

get up -вставать

get off-уйти/слезть

get down-спускаться

2.come in-войти

come back-вернуться

come down-спуститься

come up-подойти

3.put off-откладывать

put  up-мириться

put away-убирать

put in-вставить


4.give away-отдавать

give in-уступать

give up-сдаваться

5.go away-уйти

go down-спускаться

go off-уйти

6.look after-ухаживать

look in-искать

look up-всматриваться

look forward-ожидать

7.take away-забрать

take off-снять

take up-заниматься




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Last night

I ___ (have) a wonderful dream. This is what I __ (dream). We __(take) a trip
to Hawaii .I ___(be) with my family and
two of my friends .We__-(be)in a ship and we__(travel) to Honolulu .On the ship there __(be) a disco . We __(sit) in
nice seats and __(drink) exotic juices .Last of people __(dance)and the
music___( play) loudly. We ___(have) a lot of fun !When the ship ___(arrive) in
Honolulu a man ___(wait)to take us to our hotel .The hotel where we ___(stay)
was by a beach lined with palm trees .Drums ___(beat_ and people on the beach __(sing) and ( dance) ____ to the
music/The music ___( get) louder until I __(can) hear a ringing in my ears. It
___(be) my alarm clock !It ____(be) 7 o`clock and time to get up for school.

Читайте также

So, what is the secret of success? How can you make your

dreams come true, and become a movie star or start a
successful business? our article looks at two people who
have found the answer.
At fourteen, mEchelle williams was just a teenager living
with her family in a small town in Montana, USA, whose
ambition was to become an actress. Against her parents'
wishes, who wanted her to continue her father's
profession and become a stock broker,Michelle left high school when she was fifteen to pursue an acting career. But finding good acting jobs was not easy . she once told a reporter how, during a difficult period she tried to make a
living selling ice cream but did not do very well I ate more than I sold,' she admitted But she never gave up her dream.
First, she played small parts in television shows for a
few years, but her talent eventually discovered when she
was 18 The makers of a new teenage soap opera, Dawson's greek gave her one of the main roles on the show. After that it was only a question of time before she found fame in the movies.
Today, Michelle, who wanted to be an actress since
she was a child. has succeeded in becoming a respected
Hollywood actress
and some critics are already saying
that she will be a great star of the future. In 2005, she
won a Golden Globe award, and was even nominated
for an Oscar for her outstanding performance in Brokeback Mountain
When 17-year-old Daniel Green started sending samples of
his own clothing designs to fashion shops, only he believed that he could achieve his dream. His teachers thought he
would never go anywhere at all! But by the time he was 22. he
already had contracts with 30 shops. He spent many months
trying hard to convince more than a hundred leading
companies to buy his products, so he could open an enormous
shop himself, and sell all the best fashion brands there Today
his shop, the Brand Centre, makes millions of pounds each
So, what do these two young people have in common? It is
not hard to see what their secret was Hard work, a lot of
dedication, and a positive belief in their own talents.
Whatever your dream is, the secret is to aim high and never
stop People who have got to the top are not simply the ones
who had luck, and they do not believe they can succeed only
because they are naturally good at something They put in the hours when they need to, word hard and work well They also
try to get better all the time instead of just worrying about their
weak points So, follow their example and be proud of your achievements when you do well, always reward yourself with
a treat watch a movie after a hard day's work, or buy youself
a some new clothes when others praise your effort. This will
inspire you to achieve even more!
.выпишите все глаголы))??)

Помогите по английскому нужно из прямой речи перевести в коссвенную) 1. She said, “How many hours a day do you watch TV?” 2. She said, “Don`t write a

letter to Ann.” 3. He asked, “What magazines do you prefer to read?” 4. She said, “Tom is leaving tomorrow night.” 5. “Have you had your hair cut?”, my mother asked me. 6. The chief ordered, “Go to the theatre and book the tickets.” 7. She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.” 8. I said, “Don`t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.” 9. He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.” 10. “Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him. 11. He said, “Bring me some water, please.” 12. She was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop” 13. She asked, “Does this film about police and crime?” 14. “Please don`t tell anybody what happened”, Ann said to me. 15. He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.” 16. She said, “Dairy products are useful for little children.” 17. The teacher said, “What do you do to express yourself?” 18. She said, “Doctors don`t advise us to eat chips and chocolate.” 19. I asked my Dad, “Did you take part in the Great Patriotic War?” 20. The girl said, “All the guys try to look really cool driving up and down in their dad`s car.” 21. She said,” Limit saturated fats.” 22. She said, “Do you often take your blood pressure?” 23. She said, “Eat lots of fruits veggies and grain.” 24. He said, “Call a doctor if you have a strong pain in the heart.” 25. He said, “I am going to buy a new car.”

1. She said, “How many hours a day do you watch TV?” 2. She said, “Don`t write a letter to Ann.” 3. He asked, “What magazines do you prefer to read?” 4.

She said, “Tom is leaving tomorrow night.” 5. “Have you had your hair cut?”, my mother asked me. 6. The chief ordered, “Go to the theatre and book the tickets.” 7. She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.” 8. I said, “Don`t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.” 9. He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.” 10. “Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him. 11. He said, “Bring me some water, please.” 12. She was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop” 13. She asked, “Does this film about police and crime?” 14. “Please don`t tell anybody what happened”, Ann said to me. 15. He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.” 16. She said, “Dairy products are useful for little children.” 17. The teacher said, “What do you do to express yourself?” 18. She said, “Doctors don`t advise us to eat chips and chocolate.” 19. I asked my Dad, “Did you take part in the Great Patriotic War?” 20. The girl said, “All the guys try to look really cool driving up and down in their dad`s car.” 21. She said,” Limit saturated fats.” 22. She said, “Do you often take your blood pressure?” 23. She said, “Eat lots of fruits veggies and grain.” 24. He said, “Call a doctor if you have a strong pain in the heart.” 25. He said, “I am going to buy a new car.”

. Right now I (look) at the board. (I, see) some words on the blackboard. 4. I (need) to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment.

They can't call me because they (know, not) my new telephone number. 5. Right now the children (be) at the beach. They (have) a good time. They (have) a beach ball and they (play) with it. They (like) to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They (try) to get a tan. They (listen) to some music on a transistor radio. They also (hear) the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves. 6. Right now I (think) about sea gulls and waves. I (think) that sea gulls are beautiful birds. 7. Sam is at the library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary (belong, not) to him. It (belong) to his roommate. Sam (look) up words in the dictionary because he (want) to make sure that he doesn't have any misspelled words in his paper. 8. Janice: What (write, you) in your notebook? Diane: I (make) notes about questions I want to ask the teacher. Janice: (Prepare, you, always) so thoroughly for every class? Diane: I (try, always) to. 9. Bob: Jack really makes me angry! Sue: Why? Bob: Well, for one thing, he (interrupt, always) me. I can barely get a whole sentence out of my mouth. Sue: Is that all? Bob: No. He (ask, always) me to do his homework for him. I have enough homework of my own without doing his homework too! 10. Mother: Susie! Get your fingers out of the dessert! What (do, you)? Susie: I (taste) the cake. It (taste) good. Mother: Well, you'll just have to wait until dinnertime. You can have some then. 11. This morning it (rain). I can see Janet from my window. She (stand) at f the comer of 5th and Pine. She (hold) her umbrella over her head. She (wait) for the bus. 12. Right now I (look) at Janet. She (look) angry. I wonder what's the matter. She (have) a frown on her face. She certainly (have, not) any fun right now. 13. I can't afford that thing. It (cost) too much. 14. I (own, not) an umbrella. I (wear) a waterproof hat on rainy days. 15. Why you (walk) so fast today? You (walk, usually) quite slowly. – I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o'clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 16. The plane that you (look) at now just (take) off for Paris. 17. Tom never (do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car. – What he (do) in his car now? – I (think) he (polish) it. 18. That film (come) to the local cinema next week. You (want) to see it? 19. How Peter (get) on at school? – Very well. He (seem) to like the life. 20. This is our itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Paris on the 9th, (spend) the day in Paris, and (set) out that night for Venice. – That (sound) most interesting. You must tell me all about it when you (get) back.

4) a)make sentences with these words and expressions. What seasons can you describe with these sentences.

The wind...

The weather...
The days...
The nights...
The sun...
варианты(is cold, are short, shines, shows, is nise blows, are long,
rains) Заранее спасибо!)

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