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как перевести ? Amelia Bedeli walked toward town. "Now what wil I do?" she said. She passed by the beauty shop. Asign said: LADY WANTED . "Now let's see

5-9 класс

what's that about," said Amelia Bedelia.She went into the beauty shop."Can I help you? "asked a lady. "No,I came to help you," said Amelia Bedelia. "Can you fix hair?" asked the iady. "oh yes," said Amelia Bedelia. "I can do that." "Then you can start now," said the lady."Mrs Hewesis waitig to hawe her pinned up."

Моїні 09 апр. 2014 г., 11:54:59 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 апр. 2014 г., 12:50:08 (10 лет назад)

Амелия Bedeli подошел к городу. "Теперь, что Виль мне делать?" сказала она. Она прошла по салон красоты. Asign сказал: леди хотела. "Теперь давайте посмотрим, что это о," сказала Амелия Bedelia.She пошел в салон красоты. "Могу ли я вам помочь?" Спросили леди. "Нет, я пришел, чтобы помочь вам", сказал Амелия Беделия. "Можно ли исправить волосы?" спросил iady. "ах, да," сказала Амелия Беделия. "Я могу сделать это." "Затем вы можете начать сейчас," сказала дама. "Миссис Hewesis waitig чтобы HAWE ее заколола".

слова которые не перевелись ты написала либо с ошибкой, либо они не переводятся

+ 0 -
09 апр. 2014 г., 15:36:31 (10 лет назад)

Прости меня я не учу английский


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Перекладіть на англійський .

1)Діана щось розповіла батькові , поки вони йшли до автобусної зупинки .
2)Вона відпочивала у кімнаті , коли хтось постукав в двері.

P.S. перекладіть правельно будь ласка )))))

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Помогите перевести : Amelia Bedelia walked another block or so. She saw a sign in a window. It said: FILE CLERK WANTED. "Now I wonder what a

file clerk is? " she said. "I'll just go in and find out". A man met her: "Are you a file clerk? " he asked. "I will be one", said Amelia Bedelia. "If you will tell me what to do". "All right", said the man. "First, take these letters. They need stamps. Then file these papers". "I'll do that", said Amelia Bedelia. The man went into his office. Amelia Bedelia looked at the letters. "Now should I stamp them all at once or one at a time? " she thought. "I'd better do them one at time". So Amelia Bedelia took each letter. She put it on the floor. And Amelia Bedelia stamped on it. "There", she said. "That should be enough stamps. Now I'd better get these papers filed". Amelia Bedelia looked at the papers. Then she looked in her purse. She found a fingernail file.

Перевести текст Amelia Bedelia walked another block or so. She saw a sign in a window. It said: FILECLERK WANTED.

"Now I wonder what a file clerk is? " she said.
"I'll just go in and find out". A man met her:
"Are you a file clerk? " he asked.
"I will be one", said Amelia Bedelia.
"If you will tell me what to do".
"All right", said the man.
"First, take these letters. They need stamps. Then file these papers".

"I'll do that", said Amelia Bedelia. The man went into his office. Amelia Bedelia looked atthe letters.
"Now should I stamp them all at once or one at a time? " she thought.
"I'd better do them one at time". So Amelia Bedelia took each letter. She put it on the floor.And Amelia Bedelia stamped on it.
"There", she said.
"That should be enough stamps. Now I'd better get these papers filed". Amelia Bedelialooked at the papers. Then she looked in her purse. She found a fingernail file.

перевести текст на русский "My goodness!" she said. "I forgot about my cream puffs. I must go back and fill them". Amelia Bedelia went back to the Roger

s' house. "I'll just make the chocolate cream", said Amelia Bedelia. She put a little of this and a bit of that into a pot. She mixed and she stirred. And soon her chocolate cream was cooked. Mrs Rogers came into the kitchen. "That smells good", she said. "Well", said Amelia Bedelia, "I'll jusk fill the cream puffs. Then I will be on my way". "Oh, no!" said Mrs Rogers. "I'm sorry I got mad. Please come back, Amelia Bedelia. We missed you". "All right", said Amelia Bedelia. "I will be gald to".

Перевод!!! "All right", said Amelia Bedelia. She looked all around. "But I don't see any pins", she thought.

"It's a good thing I carry some with me", Amelia Bedelia opened her purse. She took out some pins. And Amelia Bedelia began to pin up Mrs Hewes' hair.
"What are you doing! " said Mrs Hewes.
"Pinning up your hair", said Amelia Bedelia.
"Did I stick you? "
"Help! " called Mrs Hewes.

The beauty shop lady came.
"Oh, no! " she said.
"What have you done? Go away right this minute".
"All right", said Amelia Bedelia. So Amelia Bedelia went on her way.
"Now why did she get so mad? " said Amelia Bedelia.
"I just did what she told me to do".

ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Переведите пожалуйста текст!!! How many jobs can you think of? Twenty? Thirty? No doubt the list includes doctor, lawyer,

teacher, plumber and so on. The most dedicated career adviser could perhaps name a hundred. But there are over 500,000 jobs in existence to choose from! So if you want to do well, how can you decide the best way to make a living? Paul Hamilton takes a light-hearted look at some very ODD JOBS! King Alfonso XIII of Spain was going deaf so he employed an “Anthem Man”. His only job was to give a signal to the king when the national anthem was being played so that he would know when to stand up and when to sit down! If you cannot find a tuneless monarch to be your employer, the railways offer jobs of all sorts. In Japan, “Passanger Pushers” are employed full time by the railway companies in Tokyo. During the rush hour, when hundreds of people are trying to get on the metro, they do their best to squeeze everyone into the trains so that the doors will close properly. Another technological advance that led to the job creation on the railways was the invention of chewing gum in 1928. When they finished their gum, many passengers just dropped it on the floor of the stattion and management at New York’s Grand Central Station had to do something about it. In the end, they employed a professional gum remover who had a lot of work to do – he collected, on average, over three kilos of the sticky menace per day. I suppose you could say he got attached to his job! Escalators have provided inspiration for other rewarding careers. When the first moving staircase was installed at Harrods Department Store in London in 1898, it made many people scared. Shop assistants were put at the top of the escalator with instructions to give brandy and smelling salts to customers! And in 1911, whe Earls Court underground sattion installed its first escalators, many people were worried about their safety. London Transport had a great idea; they employed a man with a wooden leg. His job was to walk up and down the escalators all day to show passengers how safe they were. In 1982, dozens of neighbours in a village in Berkshire made complaints about the smell from nearby sewage works. So twelve people were employed to sniff the air outside their homes to estimate the smell. The Amsterdam police have similarly specialised task force called the ‘grachtenvissers’. Their sole dutyis to help motorists whose cars have got stuck in canals! This trend toward specialisation has grown dramatically in the last few years but it is not an entirely recent phenomenon. In medieval Japanese armies, special soldiers did the gruesome jobs of counting up the numberof decapitated heads after each battles! In America, Miss Edith King was given an unusual job in the army. She was employed by the US War Department in 1905 with the task of finding soldiers who had run away from the army. She collected $50 for each deserter. Her only weapon was flirtation. If the runaway soldiers thought they were going to have a good time, they were making a big mistake – she led over five hundred into court. She must have a real charm!Being unemployed often makes people think of unique ways to make money. Take Jim Parker from Sacramento. Last year he got the sack from his job in a high-tech company and has found it impossible to get full-time work. In desperation, he became self-employed and is now trying hard to sell advertising space. If the price is right, he intends to tattoo an advert – on his forehead! He has already turned down an offer of $75,000.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "как перевести ? Amelia Bedeli walked toward town. "Now what wil I do?" she said. She passed by the beauty shop. Asign said: LADY WANTED . "Now let's see", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "5-9" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.