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Duyu andrstand

5-9 класс

Nikolaj 28 дек. 2014 г., 8:33:52 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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28 дек. 2014 г., 9:54:43 (9 лет назад)

Do you understand? Так правильней.


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Put the verbs in brackets into the Present and Past Indefinite Tense (Active and Passive)

1) Our country (to have) an extremely varied climate. 2) Russia (to wash) by three oceans: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific. 3) The seas of the European part of Russia (to link) by vast canals. 4) The southern regions of Russia (to situate) in subtropics. 5) Climate (to differ) greatly from place to place. 6) Many rivers (to flow) through the territory of Russia. 7) Climate (to be) varied because of its vast territory. 8) Russia (to lie) within the arctic, subarctic and temperate zones.

Перевести на русский язык....... Rosy:Tell me everything,Robin. Were is my brother? Robin:Well, it"s a long story. In 1559,I lived in

Edinburgh and my father was one of the Scottish patriots. At what time, Scotland was independent from England, but there was no peace in our country. The English attecked us all the time. Our organization believed that the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. But it wasn"t easy. The Stone was in London and the way to London was long and dangerous. The English knew about our organization, and there ready to cath and kill any of our members. Then we thought aboud time tunnels.Only the greatest wizard knew aboud them.These tunnels took peopel to the past or the future.

We had a plan. Somebody had to use the tunnel and get to the London of the future. They had to take the Stone From Westminster Abbey. Then the Stone could bring this person back. There was only one problem with our plan: we needed relatives in the London of the future, but we couldn"t find anybody.

Rosy:That"s interesting. Whats for?

Robin:When you travel in time you take samebode"s place there.This means that somebody takes your place in your own time.This person must be your age and must also be your reliteve. That was difficuld. We read all our magic books and finally we found your family in the future.

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