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Cultural awareness. Which

5-9 класс

of the statements do you agree with?
Культурная осведомленность. Какие
из утверждений Вы согласны?

настя009 03 окт. 2013 г., 8:45:47 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 окт. 2013 г., 11:09:36 (10 лет назад)

Я думаю, что вот это:
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богата углем, нефтью, золотом. В России много хороших ученых, инженеров, врачей, учителей, актеров.

Помогите решить пжл 2,3
помогите !

напишите ответ на вопросы на английском :)
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write back and tell me all about the shops in your town?

сделайте задание по английскому надо составить предложение из данных слов вот например: We have to go to school every day. вот слова word

box 1

answer the teacher`s guestions

go to school every day

do homework

tidy the classroom

wear a uniform

come to school at ...

make reports

word box 2

every day/two times a week/three times a week/two times a month/three times a month

never/very often/seldom

1)Do you like to imagine that you are travelling to some places?

2)What imaginary places do you travel to?
3)Who do you travel?
4) How do you travel?Do you take a map and a compass or do you Just imagine things?
5)Is it more intresting to travel when you have a map and a compass?

Читайте также

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!IV. CULTURAL AWARENESS What do you know about the geographical position and the life

of the people in the USA, the UK, Australia and Russia?

Larisa Kosach (pen-name Lesia Ukrainka) was born in Novhorod-Volynsky on February 25, 1871 which is now in Zhytomir Region. Her father was a lawyer and

her mother was a Ukrainian writer (pen-name Olena Pchilka).Her sister was married to Mykhailo Drahomanov, a scholar, public figure and political emigre, who was to play a great role in Lesia's life.When Lesia was nine, her parents moved to the town of Lutsk and settled at an estate near Kovel. Because of weak health and the absence of school with instruction in the Ukrainian language, Lesia received education at home. She had a remarkable aptitude for the humanities.Lesia's close ties with distinguished public and cultural figures of her time played a positive role in her formation as a poet. Apart from Drahomanov and Franko, the Kosaches friends included the composer M. Lysenko, the poet, playwright and one of the founders of the Ukrainian professional theater N. Starytsky, the bibliographer M.Komarov, and the poet V.Samiilenko. Such a milieu made Lesia try her hand at writing poetry early. At the age of nine she wrote her first verses, and at 13 her first poem was published in the Lviv magazine “Zoria”. From then on her poetry appeared regularly in the Ukrainian publications.Unfortunately, the outset of her literary career coincided with the first symptoms of what was then an incurable disease — tuberculosis of the bones. Her poor health made her travel from one warm country to another — Vienna, Crimea, Italy, Georgia, Egypt.In 1893 her book of verse, "On Wings of Songs", was published. It was favorably received both by the readers and critics. Then followed her book of verse “Thoughts and Dreams", "Responses", which earned her, alongside L. Franko, a leading place in Ukrainian literature at the turn of this century. Just then she turned to playwrighting. Her first works of drama were based on subjects from the Bible. Among her best plays are "The Forest Song" and "The Stone Host".Beginning with 1894 Lesia lived in Kyiv. Here she started learning foreign languages. Later on she read and spoke English as well as Ukrainian. With a full command of German, French, Italian and English she could write not only prose, but also poetry in all these languages.L. Ukrainka died on August 1, 1913 in Georgia, and was buried in Kyiv. Her works reveal the dominant feature of her talent — exceptional public sensitivity and the ability to grasp and express in vivid images the idea and tendencies of her time.

Сочините к этому тексту 12 вопросов на английском языке!

ПРВЕРЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Dear Mr Cartwright, I am writing to apply for the job of volunteer worker which I saw advertised in The Guardian

last week. I would be interested in teaching maths to primary children in your camp in Chittagong in Bangladesh. I enclose a copy of my CV.

I am a fifteen years old and I have just finished secondary school inlarge Bikshihi. I would like to work for you because I am very interested in teaching. I would also like to learn about a different culture as I feel that intercultural understanding is extremely important.

I am a hard-working and committed person. I have participated for the last three years in a voluntary programme, Community Links, visiting elderly people in my local area. I also feel that I can get on well with people from other cultural backgrounds, since I have also taught immigrant children English at our church school.

I think I would be a good primary teacher of maths due to my teaching experience. Also, I have recently passed my Maths 'A' level (grade B), so I have a good understanding of the subject. In addition, I hold a certificate in first aid, which might be useful.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, Alexandrov, David

STUDENT CARD Give a talk about the ways in which people use electronic devices nowadays. Remember to say: • what electronic devices you

find the most useful? Why?

• which of them you use every day?

• whether you think people rely too much on technology.

Перевод не нужен!

помогите кто нибудь с задание пожалуйста Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1

— True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).
One of the most significant dates during the reign of the Spanish Catholic Monarchs was 12th October 1492: the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.
The fact that Christopher Columbus (who was not originally Spanish) appealed to a foreign court to offer his services proved that the discovery of America was not unexpected.
Portugal and Spain were well-advanced in the exploration of overseas mercantile routes and Sevilla, a wealthy Spanish city, was by then an important commercial centre. We know that the African routes were closed to Spain in favour of Portugal. In 1479, Alfonso V of Portugal recognized the rights of Spain over the Canary Islands, while Spain ^recognized the rights of Portugal over the Azores, Cape Verde and Madeira.
The Canary Islands were an excellent bridgehead for alternate routes. Unified Spain possessed in 1492 a powerful war machine, a solid economy, naval experience including the exploration of trade routes and notable scientific-technical potential mathematicians, geographers, astronomers and shipbuilders who had been formed in a melting-pot of three cultures: Jews, Muslims and Christians. Its only rival was its neighbour, Portugal, which, as we know, had put a stop to Spanish expansion in Africa.
Columbus’ offer was rapidly accepted, but during his journey to Asia his caravels unexpectedly came across the American continent.
The Spanish were especially well prepared by history to conquer, occupy, populate and exploit new lands and assimilate new people. America thus became the new frontier-land for those people used to its ways and with the military, diplomats and administrative arms at their disposal to face the challenge. By the middle of the 16th century, they had settled in the two most important viceroyalties, Mexico on the Atlantic, and Peru on the Pacific.
A5 Sevilla was the largest sea port and trade center of the world.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A6 In the 15-th century it was the privilege of Portugal to use African routes.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A7 By 1492 Spain had serious resourses to expand its world influence
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A8 The Spanish were not ready to settle on the newly open lands.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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