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how much do you know about life in 1599 try answer the questions.

5-9 класс

1Were there any castles?
2Was there aueen or a king?
3Were there beds in the houses?
4Was there any furniture in the houses?

5Were there toilets in the houses?

6Did people have oranges?

7Did people have sugar?

8Did people have plates?

9Did people have spoons?

10Did people eat with their hands?

11Did people Use any medicine?

Irkagriv 23 июня 2014 г., 8:59:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 июня 2014 г., 11:40:36 (9 лет назад)

1.In 1599 were any castles.                                                                                        
2.In 1599 were king and queen.
3.In 1599 were beds in house.
4.In 1599  was furniture in the houses.
5.In 1599 was'nt  toilets in  the   houses.
6.In 1599 people did'nt have oranges.
7.In 1599 people did have sugar.
8.In 1599  people did have spoons.
9.In 1599  people did'nt have plates.

10.In 1599 people did'nt eat with their hands

11.In 1599 people didnt  Use any medicine.


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