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Discuss the following questions. 1) Do people often get injuries in sports? In what kinds of sports do people get injuries more often? 2) What can people

5-9 класс

do not to get injuries while doing sports?

Xwyang 22 марта 2015 г., 6:43:15 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 марта 2015 г., 8:16:46 (9 лет назад)

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Дискутировать я тут не буду. Но вот натолкну тебя. 
1. It depends on the type of sport.Extreme or not...


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4)They ... the problem. (not / discuss / yet)
5) Charles ... his translation. (to finish / just)

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словообразование. Young people overseas are generally positive about the UK, especially its (1)(ECONOMY)development and a high standard of (2)(LIVE).

66 percent of them believe that Britain`s (3)(REPUTE) in the arts is based more on the past than the present.The area of British culture where people had the most (4) (KNOW) was pop music and film.81 per ceny of the people consider that Britain exports good (5) SERVE.Britain is recognized as a big (6) (INDUSTRY) country.76 per cent of the prople consider that there is a high (7)(EDUCATION) standard which the English are associated with .58 per cent of the people believe that qualifications from the UK are respected by most (8)(EMPLOY).28 per cent of the young people consider the British media to be more(9)(TRUTH) than the media in other countries surveyed.Though 62 per cent of those asked agree that Britain has a big reputation for (10)(SCIENCE) and technological (11)(ACHIEVE),the UK was ranked well behind the United States,Japan and Germany.65 per cent of people questioned agree that the UK is a good model of (12)(DEMOCRACY) government. The survey showed that the young people's opinions had been (13)(ENORMOUS) influenced by the mass media. раскрыть скобки и вставить слова в правильной форме

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(левая доска, 3 предложения.)

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it or borrow it from someone? 3. How reliable is the information in it? 4. What does the newspaper write about? 5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it? 6. What kind of people read it? 7. Why is it interesting for you?

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