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помогите написать рассказ о себе по немецкий 6 класс

5-9 класс

Nastyababich1 27 апр. 2014 г., 5:26:20 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 апр. 2014 г., 7:16:06 (10 лет назад)

увы! я немецкий незнаю:(


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте артикль (a/an/the)

1)... A. Christie is ... famous English writer.
2) My brother is ... lawyer. His friends are ... lawyers too.
3) When I was in ... country last summer, I lived on ... farm. ... farm wasnt large but it was nice.
4)Would you like ... glass of juice?-Yes, please.
5)Will you go to ... art gallery she told us about?
6) She has got ... son and ... daughter. ... son is learning ... English. ... daughter is studying Maths.

Умоляю просто.... По тексту^.^ Плизз;3333 I'm in London with my classmates. We are having a grat time. Lots to see and to visit in

London! Let me tell you about our stay here.

On Manday, we visited the Tower of London and spent the whole day there. I took lots of photos. Next to the Tower there's the famous Tower Bridge.

I was lucky to get photos of Tower Bridge when it was open, wasn't i? I'll show you sometime. Next day we want to Buckingham Palace and saw the Changing of the Guard. There were a lot of tourists there. Imagine, there ate more than 600 rooms in the palace and the royal family has got a cinema and a swimmming pool there.

We spent Wednesday in Greenwich. We went there on a boat. We visited the home of the "Prime Meridian", the imaginary line that divides the world into east and west. Fantastic place!

Yasterday it was rainy and windy, so we went to the British Museum. You collect coins, don't you? I bought a special souvenir for you there. Hope you'll like it. Today it's sunny and warm, and we are going to the London Eye.

Well. I must go now. It's time to leave.


Read the letter and complete the sentences.

1. On Monday Dima visited... He took lots of photos there.

2. On Tuesday Dima... He...

3. On Wednesday...

4. On Thursday...

5. On Friday he is going to...

Помогите с английским пожалуйста.

Посмотрите на картинки. Ответьте на вопросы. ( ex 2 p 72)

Читайте также

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и что бы там были ответы на эти вопросы
Вот само задание:
Think of traditional dish in your country and answer the guestions
1)What is it called?
2)What is it made from?(meat,potatoesetc)
3)How do you cook it?(bake,boil etc)
4)What does it taste like?(delicious,spicy etc)
Пожалуйста помогите написать рассказ,буду очень благодарна

Помогите написать рассказ о себе используя эти слова:

pass an exam
find out
take part

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