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к предложению ''The passengers were having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg.'' составить 15 вопросов все типы вопросов СРОЧНО у кого

10-11 класс

добрая душа тот поможет заранее спасибо

Nit72 21 нояб. 2013 г., 17:52:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 нояб. 2013 г., 19:09:26 (10 лет назад)

1) The passengers were having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg, weren't they?
2) Were the passengers having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?

+ 0 -
21 нояб. 2013 г., 20:23:45 (10 лет назад)

Пожалуйста помогите заранее благодарен


Другие вопросы из категории

Daniel Defoe was born
Пожалуйста, проверте, правильно я написал сочинение. Если есть ошибке, то исправте их пожалуйста и напишите чистый, правильный вариант. Зарание

огромное спасибо!

Вот текст:

I want to tell you about my future. My current dream is good to finish school. After school, I will do it at the Technical University. After that, i'm going to become a programmer, i think I will create programs for all computers. These programs will help people in work. I hope my dream will come true.:)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present

1. Не (to read) a book now.
2. She (to do) her home work.
3. My mother (to sit) at the table now.
4. I still (to write) a letter.
5. They (to play) football.
6. It (to snow) now.
7. We (to have) dinner now.
8. It still (to rain).
9. Why you (to talk)?
10. The girl (to draw) a picture at the moment.

Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.
1. Mary is sleeping.
2. You are listening to the radio.
3. I am studying.
4. You are eating now.
5. We are drinking coffee at the moment.

Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. Don't put your coat on. The sun (to shine).
2. In summer the sun (to shine) brightly.
3. I usually (to wait for) Tom. He is always late.

4. I always (to make) my bed before breakfast
5. We (to have) coffee every morning.
6. I like tea, but now I (to have) coffee.
7. Mary (to play) the piano every evening.

8. What (you / to look at)? – I (to look at) that tree in the garden. I (to like) to look at it early in the morning.
9. Our boys usually (to play) football in the yard.
10. Call them. They (to play) football in the yard.
11. My aunt (not to make) cakes on Mondays, but she (to make) one now.
12. Ann usually (to make) doll dresses herself.
13. She is in the kitchen. She (to make) tea for us.

Читайте также

1. Would you like to … a chat with me? A) have got B) has C) having D) have E) were having 2. The phone rang w

hile we …. supper.

A) have had

B) was having

C) had got

D) have got

E) were having

3. What time … Ann … breakfast?

A) has got

B) does have

C) has had

D) have had

E) did have

4. He … a bicycle ten years ago.

A) didn’t have

B) hadn’t got

C) hadn’t had

D) has had

E) didn’t has

5. I couldn’t read the notice. I … my glasses.

A) hadn’t got

B) don’t have

C) didn’t had

D) didn’t have

E) haven’t got

6. Will you … a look at this paper?

A) have

B) have got

C) has

D) had got

E) got

7. Last night I … a dream. Somebody kissed me.

A) have got

B) had

C) had got

D) got

E) have gotten

8.Sue … curly hair when she was a child, … she?

A) had got, hadn’t

B) has, doesn’t

C) had, didn’t

D) have got, haven’t

E) has got, hasn’t

9. We … a party last weekend, We invited a lot of friends.

A) had

B) had had

C) had got

D) have

E) has

10. We … in a small village but now we … in London.

A) had lived, used to live

B) have lived, use to live

C) has lived, used to live

D) used to live, lived

E) used to live, live

Переделайте предложения, как показано в примере: 1. He doesn’t know her. That’s why he didn’t speak to her. If he knew her, he would have spoken to

her. 2. He lost his job. He’s unemployed now. 3. His pet died. That’s why he’s unhappy now. 4. She doesn’t have a mobile phone. That’s why she couldn’t be contacted yesterday. 5. Tom didn’t see the boss earlier. He’s waiting for him now. 6. He is allergic to seafood. That’s why he didn’t eat paella last night. 7. I lost my map. That’s why I’m asking for directions now. 8. She doesn’t speak French. She didn’t have a good time in Paris. 9. He lost the case. He is unhappy now. 10. She didn’t go to the bank yesterday. That’s why she hasn’t got any money now. 11. They went to a party last night. That’s why they are tired now. 12. I crashed my car. That’s why I’m taking the bus today.

Раскройте скобки,поставьте глагол в Past Continous 1)When the phone rang , she (write) a letter . 2)While we (have ) a picnic ,it started

to rain.

3)Sally (work) when Joe had the car assident .

4)While John (sleep) last night ,someone stole his car.

5)Last night at 6 p.m.,I (eat) dinner .

6)I (study) while he (make) dinner.

7)While Ellen (read),Tim (watch ) television .

8)They (eat) dinner ,(discuss) their plans and (have) a good time.

ПОМОГИТЕ! Надо закончить предложение в Past simple и в Past Continuous.

1)when I heard the good news
2)while I was waiting for the bus,
3)when I first came to this school
4)When I woke up this morning,
5)While everyone was having a good time at the party/
Надо каждое предложение закончить в паст симпл и в паст континиус)

Составить вопросы разных типов по тексту. (максимум 20=)) From the earliest times, men have observed most striking changes that take

place in nature and have made accidental discoveries of great value. Many of the
substances used today, which are prepared by chemical methods, were known to the
ancients, but there are no historical records of their discovery. Glass, for example, has
been known for over 3,000 years. Soap was also made in the earliest times.

Directed experimentation appeared with the rise of alchemy. The
alchemists sought things which were supposed to lead to happiness – health and
riches. They wanted to change the common metals into gold hoping to do this
with the help of a mysterious substance, called the philosopher’s stone. But gold
without health is of little value, so a search was made for the elixir of life which
could bring back glorious youth to the aged. The alchemists studied everything
available, mixed things together, heated and distilled them when possible. Many
important discoveries were made as a result of eager search by the alchemists
for what was unattainable, and some of the processes used today in chemistry
were invented. They referred repeatedly to distillation, extraction, calcinations,
coagulation, etc. They prepared and studied many of the compounds which are
commonly used in chemical work. Among these are sulphuric, nitric, and
hydrochloric acids, alum, soda, ammonium chloride, niter, and compounds of
mercury, arsenic and antimony. But selfish and utilitarian motive which guided
the alchemists could not lead to the development of a science.

Chemistry was born as a science only at that time when a desire on the
part of man to learn the truth about the wonders of nature appeared.

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