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помогите найти 9 ошибок в тексте мозг уже кипит!

1-4 класс

Hi! thanks for the email. It's raining outside so I am siting in the living room and I are watching the Waterland Olympic Games in TV. At the moment the sea cows are get ready to race. Theyre so funny! Im hungry, so i'm eating a burger. Are you watching the Games, two? Do you want to meat later?

Bespalova2001 22 мая 2014 г., 21:42:44 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 мая 2014 г., 23:42:01 (10 лет назад)

Hi! Thanks for the email. It's raining outside so I am sitTing in the living room and I AM watching the Waterland Olympic Games ON TV. At the moment the sea cows are getTING ready to race. They're so funny! I'm hungry, so I'm eating a burger. Are you watching the Games, tOo? Do you want to meEt later?


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How are yoy? It's so nice here in countryside. At the moment, I at the river. I go swim every day. The weather is fantastic. It's sunny and there

aren't some clouds in the sky. When it rain I stay at home and read books. I miss you a lot. Try to find time to come here next week!

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This is my best friend Vera. She's ten years old. Vera has got blonde hair and green eyes. She's tall and slim. Her mom is from Italy ! Every tuesday we go sailing! It's great fun! Vera lives two blocks from my house at 45 perich street. Our dream is to travel to Afrika and see wild animals!

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