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answer the questions: 1.When was J.Turner born? 2.What was his father's job? 3.J.Turner was very fond of nature,wasn't he?

5-9 класс

4.What did he like to draw during his trips?

5.What was J.Turner famouse for?

6.What kind of pictures did he paint?

7.J.Turner wasn't a master of water-colours,was he?

Pavel2108 22 авг. 2014 г., 16:43:25 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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22 авг. 2014 г., 17:13:59 (9 лет назад)

1.When was J.Turner born?

Joseph Turner was born in 1775.


2.What was his father's job?

His father was a barber.


3.J.Turner was very fond of nature,wasn't he?

Yes, he was.


4.What did he like to draw during his trips?

He liked to draw ruined abbeys and castles during his trips.


5.What was J.Turner famouse for?

Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures.


6.What kind of pictures did he paint?

He painted landscapes and sea pictures.


7.J.Turner wasn't a master of water-colours,was he?

No, he was.








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12. We ... play together.
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