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Do...... like .......football

5-9 класс

макдак 29 марта 2015 г., 19:50:54 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 марта 2015 г., 22:49:14 (9 лет назад)

Do you like to play football?

+ 0 -
30 марта 2015 г., 1:21:39 (9 лет назад)

Do you like a football?


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста:-)
Complete the text.

Use: from, friends, letter, longest, the country, summer, like.
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear_________ you. You know, the summer holidays are the_________ holidays in Russia. __________ is the best time of the year!
In summer I will go to ________ amd spend a lot of time outdoors. I _______ to be in the country. There is a big field near our house in the country and I can play football with my _______ all day long.
How do you usually spend your summer holidays?
Write to me soon.
Best wishes,
Зарание " спасибо " !

пожалуйста проект на английском совсем заумными словами не надо, так проект на тему dog walking(выгуливание собак) ну тема вообще нашего урока летняя

работа вот я выбрала. написать проект срочно много не надо главное рассказать про эту работу зачем она мне ну и т.д вот у меня пример есть ток также не надо

I'd have a dog , if i weren't so busy/ You sometimes hear people say that, but not everybody is so responsible. A lot of people who have pets don't have enough time to walk them properly and often feel quality about it. You can get quiet a lot of clients if you just stick an advert up on the bus stop near your house. Summer is the time when people want to go on holiday так и т.д срочно до завтра

Употребить глаголы , данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе.

1.he usually( to work) home after work.
2. Where ( to work) petrov?
He ( not to work) hard at his German
You often ( to speak) in class?
Who( to answer) question now?
Your sister often ( to stay) at the office after work for her English?
I often( not to get) telegrams from me friends . I often( to get) letters from them.
Who often ( to discuss) plans with these engineers?
What ( to discuss) they now?
( to be) going to discuss this question tomorrow morning?

Читайте также

My most favourite sport - football. When I was small very much liked to watch on TV football matches. Has then grown up, itself began to drive a

ball. At first this game involved me with a beautiful ball, the bright form. A bit later I have seriously reflected, the I like football. Probably, the that it is very mobile game, one person, and small collective participates in it not. The victory of the team depends on game of everyone. This game tempers health, brings up will, feeling of solidarity, helps to become hardy, strong. I wish all to fall in love with this sport. ПЕРЕВИДЕТИ ПЛИЗЗ НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК=)

помогите пожалуста составить предложения/Plis 1.music\you\to'do'listening\like? 2.kind\ you\ what\ music\ of\

do\ like?

3.listen\ how\ do\ musik\ often\ you\ to?

4. TV\ on\ programmes\ do\ watch\ you\ music?

5 Have\ live\ been\ you\ a\ ever\ concert\ to?

6 like\ hear\ what\ or\ group\ singer\ you\ would\ like\ to?

7 will\ to\ group\ what\ singer\ or\ you\ listen' never\?

8 interview\ would / to\ like\ you\ group\ singer\ or\ what?

9 ask\ question\ would \ favourite\ what\ you\ your\ or\ group\ singer?

10 kind\ what\ show\ of\ it\ was?

11 place\ and\ when\ did\ it\ where\ take?

12\ buy\ difficult\ it\ to\ tickets\ was\ the?
13 they\ expensive\ were?

14 you \ did\ go\ who\ with?

15 the\ you\ like\ did\ seats\?

16 performance\ did\ you\ the\ enjoy?

17 your\ is\ about\ the\ and\ opinion\ show\ performers\ the \ what?

18 popular\ is \ teenager\ cinema\ with?

19 you \ go\ cinema\ often\ to\ do\ the?

20 you\ do' like\ comedies\ watching?

21 favourite\ you\ got\ a\ actor\ have?

22 you\ at\ watcing\ do\ films\ home\ or\ the\ at\ prefer\ cinema?

23 go\ the\ you\ to\ cinema\ last\ did\ week?

24 weekend\ to\ you\ the\ going\ cinema\ at\ are\ the?

Помогите вставить пропущенные слова. What season do you do like? I like (1)... . And what is your favourite season? I like (2) ... . What is the

weather like in (3) ...? It is usually (4) ... in Russia in (5) ... . Is it (6) ... in (7) ...? (8).... What do you do when it is (9) ...? When it is (10)... I usually (11)... . And you? (12).... .

Order the wordc to form questions. Then choose the correct answer and write the letter in the box. do / live / Where /

you ?

Where do you live? [b]

1. a / got / bike / you / Have ?

............................................... [ ]

2. collect / you / What / do ?

............................................... [ ]

3. games / computer / Do / like / you ?

............................................... [ ]

4. do / guiter / When / lesson / have / you / your ?

............................................... [ ]

5. your / class / Who / judo / takes / to / you ?

............................................... [ ]

6. after / Tuesdays / you / What / do / do / school / on ?

.............................................. [ ]

a) I go to football practice.

b) In London.

c) My father.

d) No, i don't.

e) On Monday afternoons.

f ) Pens.

g) No, i haven't.

Fill in do does have has can is are and answer the questions 1 your parents work in the morning? 2 you friends English? 3 your teacher got long hair? 4

your best friend like football? 5 your English teacher give you a lot of homework? 6 there a zoo in your town? 7

your friends live near you?

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