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Сочинение на тему какая должна быть совершенная школа минимум 7 предложений плз помогите!!!!

5-9 класс

198231 12 марта 2014 г., 3:56:21 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 марта 2014 г., 5:20:26 (10 лет назад)

It is interesting to think about what will be the school in the future. I can't say that modern I don't like it. And yet it seems to me one day, after many decades or even centuries, studying in the school will change drastically. It is difficult to imagine our future. So I want to dream about what will be the school, when people discover unknown today the secrets of science.

In the future students will have little time to spend in classes for the study of information from books. And will be, they will study the biology of the nature in the forests, fields. Every type of plant or animal can be seen live, and in parallel, we will explain the theoretical material about them.

Foreign languages will be taught in the countries where they are spoken. Students with a teacher will be removed, for example, in England for six months, and they are in the process of communication with the British quickly master the language. It would be great if similarly studied and geography! If we imagine that the ultra-fast transport is already invented, even one lesson would be to visit a few continents.

And yet, in a school of the future will be the fifth grade to choose a direction of training. If you are given languages, literature, you go on humanitarian area, know your mathematics and physics - mathematical and so on. This will help students learn their tendencies and choose the right profession.

I think grades in school of the future will not be. Because students will not only learn the material and to solve the same tasks, and perform scientific and creative tasks, and then by a special conference to share results with the rest. The teachers will help them in this, there will be many individual lessons.

I think this school will appeal to all. It will be interesting to learn, nobody should be forced to come. None of the students will not want to miss classes. I hope that the real school of the future will be even better than I imagine.


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